Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0796  (Read 1436 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0796
« on: June 08, 2009, 09:21:18 PM »

Offline alwaysdavid

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0796
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2009, 03:04:26 AM »
Quentin has 30 minute's left to live. Doe's this mean that by the end of the episode he will live or die?  I still can't get over the phoney looking blade.   The blade seems to have moved to an area where an involuntary response on Quentin's part could end this in less than 30 minutes. 
I had a hard time following Barnabas and Angeliques conversation. It seemed they both went up on their lines at times.
Why is there so much make up on Aristede?    The table get's pushed away in the nick of time.   
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0796
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2009, 11:17:34 AM »
Major Milestones: [milestone]
1. Aristede wore a medallion that protected him from Angelique's powers. She was unable to use her powers against him.
2. Julianka told Barnabas about what herbs she needed, but she refused to tell him how she would remove Quentin's curse.
3. Barnabas was able to get Quentin's location from Aristede and save Quentin right in the nick of time!
4. Barnabas found Julianka when she didn't return - she was dead!

David Selby did the opening voiceover. He did an excellent job! [clap2]

I think Quentin might have had better success if he had pretended to still be tied up instead of trying to fight with Aristede with one hand free. But then again, Aristede probably would have checked to make sure Quentin was tied securely when he left, unless he was careless. So maybe it wouldn't have mattered.  [ghost_undecided]

Part of me just had to chuckle when I saw that blade swinging above a particular area of Quentin's body which contributed to the conception of his children. [ghost_grin]

When Barnabas spoke to Aristede to find out where Quentin was, it was really neat! I love that sexy low voice! It was exciting when Barnabas saved Quentin! So dramatic! [shkdg]

Barnabas was able to get Quentin to the Old House before Julianka returned with the last ingredient. Unfortunately, she was murdered before she could return. That was another exciting part, in a different way, when they were all waiting around for Julianka. I was worried she wouldn't return, and she didn't! [cryg]

Excellent episode! Great acting by all! Even though the blade was obviously fake, it was still thrilling to watch! Barnabas saved the day, just like a super hero! [bigok] Unfortunately, he was not able to save Julianka, though.  [ghost_sad]

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----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0796
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2009, 08:04:52 AM »
The embarrassingly small blade would still have done considerable damage, wouldn't it?
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0796
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2009, 07:08:51 AM »
In another groovy glitch, Aristede is wearing a protective medallion that he didn't have at the end of the previous ep.

Sorry, but Barnabas is an IDIOT.  When it became apparent that Julianka was the only person who could cure Quentin, he should have been thinking about the details of Jamison's dream, specifically the 2nd revelation (the 1st already came true) that the one person who could help Quentin was murdered.  And he should have been doing everything he could to keep the young woman safe, such as not letting her venture out alone.  But when she was late returning that last time, it still did not compute!!!

Julianka:  "I must begin at the moment when the moon begins to descend to the earth,..."
Not too swift at astronomy, is she?

"...the moment before the moon disappears, for when it does, it must take the curse with it, to the underside of time."
Now that is cool.

Angelique:  "Barnabas, wouldn't it be safer just to give him what he wants, for once not to have some elaborate plot that might not work out?"
Who are you?  Really, who are you?  And what have you done with our Angelique?

alwaysdavid mentioned that he had a hard time following Barnabas' conversation with Angelique.  Well, I thought this exchange between Barnabas and Aristede was quite the mess--
A:  Who are you?
Voice of B:  Where is he, Aristede? Where is Quentin Collins?
A:  I don't now.
B:  Yes, you do.
A:  Show yourself to me. Show yourself! (Barnabas appears) Who... who are you?
B:  Who are you is more the question.
A:  Stay away from me.
B:  You'll stay here. (quick glance forward) I will willingly go and you will not let me. If you told me where Quentin is, you would be much better off.
A:  No.
B:  Yes, you would.
 [lghy]  If they'd followed the script, and I'm only guessing they didn't (though it's pretty obvious that JF delivered one of Stroka's lines and then went right into his own character's response to it), it might have actually sounded like an intelligible conversation between grown men.

Hmm, I don't understand how a buffoon like Aristede could defy Barnabas' command while under hypnosis.  I've never heard of an amulet on DS that protected against both vampires and witches!

We now know that Petofi had to give up his hand as payment for removing his curse.

Since Julianka would have left town had Barnabas not taken away her free will with his powers, her blood is now on his cold hands, and I think she should be counted as one of his 1897 victims.

Ouch, that was harsh.   [ghost_wink]

Offline Lydia

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0796
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2009, 12:03:06 AM »
The blade seems to have moved to an area where an involuntary response on Quentin's part could end this in less than 30 minutes.
If Quentin can manage an involuntary response under those circumstances, he deserves some sort of a medal.

The table get's pushed away in the nick of time.
I'm not so sure about that.  Judging from where the pendulum struck the table, I'm not sure that it would have struck a mortal blow.

I liked Julianka's graceful movements as she did the ceremony in preparation for the de-wolfing.

Once upon a time - back when Laura was still around - Quentin showed an active interest in Angelique, even though he knew she wasn't exactly human, but today he was less enthralled with her.

As Barnabas talked with Aristede, I thought to myself, "Aristede is getting a bellyful of supernatural creatures in Collinsport."  Then I decided that, being in the service of Victor Fenn-Gibbon and hunting for the Hand, he is probably used to seeing supernatural creatures here, there, and everywhere - but gosh, if that's the case, he hasn't learned much from his experience, has he?  He does know, however, how to find a medallion in a hurry.

We got some French today - "au revoir" with a comment on the exact meaning of the phrase - so I wasn't too surprised to notice that Sam Hall had written the episode.


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0796
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2009, 05:11:05 PM »
While I agree that Barnabas should have been on his guard in regards to Julianka, don't forget it's been a few weeks since Jamison had the dream, and much has happened since then. He's been outed as a vampire, and forced to hide here and there in order to avoid a stake or a silver bullet through his heart. I'm not surprised that Jamison's dream  and ghostly Quentin's predicitions about what led to his doom slipped through his mind.

I'm glad that Barnabas was able to save Quentin in the neck of time. It was pretty exciting. I always thought Quentin was silly not to wait until Aristede left before attempting to wriggle his way out of the ropes, but ER brought up an excellent point...Aristede probably would have checked to make sure Quentin was tied good and tight before leaving.

At this point, does Angelique expect Quentin to keep his promise that he'll marry her? It sounded that way to me when she said she'll have to make him forget about what kind of woman she really is.