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Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Gaye Edmond Passes Away
« Last post by Uncle Roger on June 01, 2024, 04:02:45 PM »
Several sources have reported that Dark Shadows actress Gaye Edmond has passed away at the age of 86. She played the ghost of Harriet Collins in 1840 and had a somewhat larger role as Stella Young in the 1841 Parallel Time sequence. Other than DS, her only credited appearance on imdb is a small part of the 1960's NYPD.
Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Sharon Smyth Appearance
« Last post by Uncle Roger on June 01, 2024, 03:54:28 PM »
Sharon Smyth Lentz, the original Sarah Collins, will be making an appearance at the 10th anniversary Jersey Shore Comic Book Show. It is being held at The Tom's River Elks Lodge in Tom's River, New Jersey, on June 9th. This appears to be a one day event.
For more information:
If you don't want to know the circumstances surrounding today's entry in this slideshow, then don't read any further...

[spoiler]Today's quote:
DS 1991 Ep #5 (-1966: Ep #5) - Julia - 'Then you MUST tell me something and it MUST be the truth. Barnabas' life depends upon it.'

From SHADOWS IN THE '90s: The Dark Shadows Concordance 1991 - PLOT SUMMARIES - EPISODE FIVE:
OUTSIDE THE OLD HOUSE: Julia learns from Willie that
Barnabas is out for a walk. She worries too much sun could be
dangerous for him. Willie comments he keeps telling him that,
but Barnabas can't get enough of the sun. He feels the same
way about his Auntie's blueberry hotcakes. Julia slowly, "You
know how much I care about Barnabas, don't you?" Willie,
"Sure. You're the only one who's really helped him out." She
questions him on Barnabas seeing Victoria - "his life may
depend" on Willie's answers. "I want to know about their
relationship." Willie is confused - "Does Barnabas like her and
stuff like that?" He admits he's worried - he knows he
shouldn't say this, then takes her inside the house.

And the summary only references the end of Julia's quote, and doesn't even reference the "MUST" at all - shameful!

And similar to what I did back in April, I used a screen capture that's the same dimensions as the ones from the original series. In this case one from the from the TGG Direct DVD release -

- because even though that release also doesn't have the correct color timing like the VHS release does -

- also like the VHS release, it has the correct aspect ratio, plus it even tends to show a bit more of the frame (though interestingly not when it comes to the right side, where the VHS actually shows more) and it's clearer than the VHS.

And even though the MGM DVD release, like the TGG Direct release, is clearer than the VHS, frustratingly, the aspect ratio is cropped from 4X3 to 16X9 -

And Ep #5 now joins Eps #1, #124, #198, #478, #659 and #904 as ones without any "must" lines - and that's just the first one for this month.
Revisiting even more of how Scene 190 is scripted:

Continuing Scene 190, beginning with today's first quote -

Page 89/Scene 190 - Alex: 'For God's sake, Quentin! Will you listen to me! She's at my place with Claire right now. Now you've got to get out of this house!'

- coming up, followed in the script by:

           Quentin looks from Alex to Carlotta and then turns
       away as if trying to clear his mind.  TRUCK IN ON HIS
       CLOSE-UP as we see his total confusion.  HOLD FOR A

190    CONTD                                       CONTD  190

       MOMENT as Alex ENTERS THE SHOT, putting his hand on
       Quentin's shoulder.

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 90/Scene 190 - Alex (softly): 'All you have to do is come with me -- Tracy understands.'

- comes up.

And as far as any differences in the dialogue go, Alex actually says "For Christ sakes, would you listen to me! Now she's at my place right now. Now you've got to get out of this house!" - and then he adds a "Quentin" before delivering the second quote as scripted.

And as far as any differences in the descriptions and directions go, nothing happens as it's scripted - Quentin doesn't look from Alex to Carlotta nor turn away as if trying to clear his mind, mostly because he's already turned away and he doesn't turn back - and as is obvious in today's first capture, the camera doesn't truck in on a close-up of Quentin -

- because things remain in a 2 shot of Quentin and Alex, though we do see Quentin's total confusion - and the camera doesn't hold for a moment as Alex enters the shot because he never leaves it - and as we can see in today's second capture, Ales doesn't -

- put his hand on Quentin's shoulder, though he does move in closer to Quentin before he delivers his version of today's second quote.

Also, it's interesting that in a GP rated film they got away with John Karlen changing "For God's sake" to "For Christ sakes" - though not as interesting as an unscripted ad lib that he'll make in an upcoming scene...

 [pointing-up]  And so far as "today's" quotes go, they are indeed today's, June 1st's, this time around.

Actually spend more time with him
roasting  . . . er  . . . having you for dinner
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