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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1014
« on: November 25, 2015, 03:23:32 PM »
Thanks, Uncle Roger! :D

Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:46:10 PM »
Thanks, Gothick! That clip!!!! *thud*

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1015
« on: November 22, 2015, 06:04:05 PM »
I have to say that this whole lovesick-melancholy-hanging business was not very interesting, either the first time I watched it or now. The writers just seem to be marking time till everyone is back on the show full time.

Angelique finally rescues Quentin, persuades him that he didn't kill Maggie when he slashed the portrait, and tries one more time to get him to get Maggie back. But Quentin still isn't buying and runs out angrily. But we get the chance to hear Angelique's funny little monologue about him: Quentin loves Maggie so much that he was willing to die rather than live thinking he killed her. She realizes that the spell has had no effect on Quentin’s stiff-necked pride--or his love for Maggie. Angelique delivers a frustrated little soliloquy in the attic room: Why can't I control him? Why haven't I ever been able to? I have never understood him--never. Every other man was so simple, but Quentin.... Oh, Quentin, she exclaims, closing her eyes in pain, what must I do?

Angelique tries to get Hannah to help one more time, but Hannah (alas, off stage on the phone) refuses. But Hoffman enters with a knock (though properly she shouldn’t knock). She says bluntly, I’ve seen Maggie’s portrait. I have brought what you need, she adds and holds out a little clay doll and a hatpin. What is that? Angelique asks, feigning innocence one last time. When Hoffman doesn’t answer, Angelique says, I don’t like it. It’s necessary for getting Maggie to return to Collinwood, Hoffman replies. Suddenly Angelique laughs and agrees: How could I have hoped to keep it from you? I was afraid to ask for your help earlier for fear that Quentin would see us being friendly. Hoffman agrees to help her but admits she’s afraid, since Angelique is after all-- well, dead. But when she feels the warmth of Angelique's hand, her doubts vanish.

How did you come back? Hoffman wants to know. I knew you had been murdered. Angelique tells Hoffman, I vividly remembers feeling the pain in the back of my neck where someone pressed a pin, then falling onto the table, and then--nothing. I don't remember being in the grave, but I felt the cold and heard a voice saying that someone would come. I feel that some power has recalled me for some unknown purpose. Who opened the coffin? Hoffman asks, and Angelique tells her it was Quentin and Cyrus, obviously unlikely candidates. Hoffman points out that Angelique owes someone or something big time, and that power will come to collect sooner or later. We will outwit it, Angelique replies determinedly. Right now all I want is to get Quentin back. Maggie must return to Collinwood. Will she be difficult to handle? asks Angelique (who has never met Maggie). For you, no, Hoffman replies. The two share an anticipatory laugh.

Outside Angelique’s room, Barnabas is wondering if he can make yet another attempt to return to his own time. But when he opens the door, he finds the room unchanged, with  "Alexis" and Hoffman still in it. [Although he is a vampire, he is visible in a mirror!] “Alexis” hastily hides the doll behind her back, and they have a little polite chitchat about how it isn't really safe to stay here. After Hoffman leaves to finish supervising the move, Barnabas questions "Alexis" about her ancestor (who's mentioned in Will's bio of parallel Barnabas), a servant girl who came to Collinwood with her mistress, Josette. "Alexis" moves to keep her body between Barnabas and the doll and answers, As far as I know, Angelique (that was the servant's name) stayed on, married, and lived to a ripe old age. My father, Timothy Stokes, is also descended from a servant at Collinwood, Ben Stokes. Barn asks a few more questions, learning that Alexis and Angelique were twins. "Alexis" declares that Angelique was too young to die. She notes that for all he keeps warning everyone else to leave this room, he seems to want to stay. She manages to wrap the doll in a scarf and finally leaves. Barnabas is relieved, but his thoughts are very serious indeed: There is no Angelique in this time band, no supernatural creature. I have been spared that at least. (LOL!) All I can think is that it is possible that Julia is in that other time--in my time band--and they are all seeing me here. He gazes past the open doors and calls out, Julia? Are you here? Julia, I must get back--I must! But how? How?

Angelique and Hoffman meet up in the attic. Angelique has the doll and pin, and Hoffman has brought one of Quentin's handkerchiefs. Hoffman notes, You’re afraid to put a spell on Quentin to make him ill. I have felt the coldness of death, Angelique replies, adding, Quentin has never reacted as I’ve wanted. I’m afraid I’ll go too far and lose him this time. Hoffman picks up the pin from a chair and holds it out to Angelique. Angelique still wavers, explaining, If Quentin dies this way he won’t be able to join me. Hoffman holds out the pin again, and Angelique wonders, Is that why I’m afraid? It was a pin like that that killed me. I don't want to kill Quentin, just make him sick enough that they will send for Maggie, but for some reason I’m afraid. You were never afraid before, Hoffman points out, and you always got exactly what you wanted. Now you want Maggie to come, so you can get rid of her, because that’s the only way you can have Quentin. Angelique implores the hatpin, Just this one time, let Quentin be as I need him to be. Then she intones, I call on the black god in the depths of hell to guide my hand and let Quentin feel the pain.

Barnabas finds Quentin in the drawing room, looking depressed and lost. Nothing is right, Quentin says morosely. I think a curse is on the house. If I weren’t convinced that you aren’t the same Barnabas Collins that those people were talking about in that room, I would think you’d brought the curse with you. Barnabas looks up at him, then quickly looks down at the floor. I’m sorry for blaming you, Quentin says. The trouble started when I came back to Collinwood. Were these problems not here before? Barnabas asks. Never, Quentin answers. Barnabas says, Will Loomis told me that your first wife, Angelique, seems to have been interested in the occult. I assumed her interest had a reason, and I thought the reason was here. It’s not true, Quentin replies. Suspicious again, he asks, Why are you asking about it? Barnabas apologizes to Quentin-- but at this very moment Angelique pushes the pin into the clay doll, and Quentin clutches at his chest and cries out in pain.

Up in the attic, Angelique tells Quentin, You must bring Maggie back. She pushes the pin in again, more firmly this time.

Murmuring, "My heart," Quentin collapses to the floor in a picturesque attitude while Barnabas bends over him in alarm....

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1014
« on: November 20, 2015, 11:52:32 PM »
Why, thank you, MT! I have no idea how it happened, but it's nice just the same!  [angel1]

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1014
« on: November 20, 2015, 04:29:27 PM »
I wondered about that too. It seems that Hannah was her mentor and teacher, at least in much earlier times. But Hannah seems to practice white magic, whereas Angelique must have gone over to the dark side a long time ago. Maybe Hannah's powers may be equal and opposite to Angelique's. In any case, luckily for Hannah, Angelique has bigger fish to fry than magical duels with her aunt. Her top priority is getting Quentin back.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1014
« on: November 20, 2015, 03:50:37 PM »
FAREWELL, HANNAH STOKES! This episode unfortunately was Paula Laurence's last appearance on the show.

I always felt bad that Quentin shlashes up the portrait of Maggie--it was one of the nicest ones they had on the show, and I don't think we see it again.

While Cyrus is attempting to psychoanalyze Quentin, he slips up by saying, Will is strange; no one ever knows exactly what he’s up to. Quentin is exhausted but still asks, Why do you say that? Cyrus starts to explain but remembers that he was Yeager when he saw the coffin in Will’s basement. But when Cyrus is Cyrus, he really is a good friend. He tells Quentin that he plans to give up his research and urges Quentin to get Maggie back to Collinwood. Quentin blows a fuse yet again but finally realizes that he's overreacting.

Great scene with Cyrus and "Alexis": Cyrus brings Quentin back to Collinwood, where they discuss Quentin’s “yearning” feeling. It was a feeling deeper than I’ve ever felt before, Quentin says, but I still don’t know for what or whom. Angelique comes to the landing and greets them (tripping on the top step as she comes down). She is wearing a strange gray-blue dress with a pattern like python scales. Quentin goes upstairs, ostensibly to try to rest, while Cyrus and "Alexis" stay in the foyer to discuss the “yearning” feeling Quentin had at the lab. Probing for information, "Alexis" comments, Quentin has seemed to be under the influence of very strong emotions since the night Maggie left--could his feelings for Maggie really be so deep? With an increasingly pained expression, Cyrus answers, Who knows the depths of the truest of our feelings? Who knows what emotions lie at the core of our being--waiting, lurking, ready to spring without wa-- Then he notices "Alexis" watching him. All I mean, he continues, is that Quentin misses Maggie but isn't ready to admit it. What can we do? "Alexis" asks. Why, nothing! Cyrus answers. He has to make the decision himself. Don’t you agree? Oh, yes, of course, Angelique answers as she must, but... well, the last thing I want to do is interfere with Quentin's relationship with Maggie.

Up in Angelique’s parlor, a deck of tarot cards is lying on the circular table. Hannah Stokes is tying on her cape when Quentin walks in on her. I was worried about you, Hannah says. “Alexis” said you were unwell. I’m better now, he says, but he still looks like a lost little boy. Hannah excuses herself and starts to leave, then turns back and gives him the most explicit warning she dares: Quentin, please be careful. But he barely seems aware that she’s left. Quentin picks up one of the tarot cards, which turns out to be Le Pendu (the Hanged Man).

Fearful for Quentin's life, Hannah urges Angelique to remove the spell. Angelique insists that everything is fine and that the spell will dissolve once Maggie returns. Then I want nothing more to do with it! Hannah announces, and despite Angelique’s repeated commands, she refuses to have anything to do with Angelique as long as Quentin is under the spell. She marches out of the house (and sadly, out of the story), past the startled Angelique, who calls to her in vain and seems frightened for the first time.

In his laboratory, Cyrus takes out the antidote from the safe and stares into the green liquid for a long moment. He thinks to himself, John Yeager is gone. He must never come back. He must be forgotten. But how? I can't erase my memory of him. Then the answer comes to him: But maybe I can--by working hard and helping others. No more experiments. His face aglow with medical fervor, he resolves, I will be a doctor again. I will forget Yeager's thoughts and the things that he saw and the things that he did. I will never think of them again!

Quentin tries to drown his sorrows but that seems only to make the spell worse. He stares at the slashed portrait and thinks that he's killed Maggie herself. He picks up the letter opener and aims it at himself--then changes his mind. A moment later, he turns away with an unnatural calm. I understand it all now, he tells himself, I know what it is I must do. He sits at the writing desk and pens a brief note.

"Alexis" returns to her room and deals out the tarot cards herself. Quentin didn't leave his hand for her to find, but she lays the cards out in the same pattern. She tells herself that the cards will tell her whether Hannah is right and if there is any danger.

Quentin makes his way up the stairs. On the landing, he obligingly reads the note to us: "I had to do this to be with the one I love." Yes--in the attic room, he thinks to himself. That was the meaning of the first dream--and what the tarot cards meant. It is all so clear now. So clear! He crosses the landing to the door leading to the upstairs hallway.

As Angelique deals the fourth, fifth, and sixth cards into the “H” pattern, a hangman’s noose casts a shadow on the wall of the attic room. Then the noose itself comes into view, with a chair directly below it. Reluctantly, Quentin slowly steps up onto the chair. Taking the noose in both hands, he brings it closer and closer to his head.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1013
« on: November 20, 2015, 03:39:48 PM »
Maybe Angelique thinks that because she's been dead so recently, she hasn't got her mojo back yet and needs Hannah's help. Plus we get more chances to see the wonderful Paula Laurence! :D

Barnabas is at his worst when he thinks he's pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, or when he's walling up Trasks in basements. But I guess that that's the 180-degree opposite of his terror of being found out. With him it's either one extreme or the other.

The one guarantee we have that Quentin wasn't about to stab Angelique is that this was a Wednesday episode.  [easter_cheesy]

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1013
« on: November 19, 2015, 09:05:30 PM »
Quentin accuses Barnabas of being the cursed Barnabas, but Barn talks his way out of it. He does suggest moving "Alexis" to another room, and Quentin agrees. But Barn is full of questions about Angelique and Alexis. "Alexis" arrives with some flowers and tells Quentin he has a package from Paris.

Barn questions "Alexis," who replies rather huffily, Except for my looks, I am very different from my sister. And from what I have heard, Quentin was very much in love with his first wife, my twin sister. I’m sure he was, Barnabas replies, and they politely wish each other a good night. While Angelique wonders about this stranger who has suddenly dropped into their midst, Barnabas stands just outside the front door, wondering, Did this Angelique (remember, he thinks she's dead too and doesn't suspect "Alexis") have anything in common with the Angelique I knew? But then he decides, The most important thing is for me to get back to my own time. He uses his powers (i.e., he Disapparates) to go up to Angelique's room again.

Quentin opens the wooden crate (not a package) and reveals a really lovely portrait of Maggie that he had done in Paris. He reminisces about how much in love they were. This is not music to Angelique's ears, but she realizes that in order to defeat Maggie, Maggie has to be at Collinwood and hints that Quentin should get her back. Angrily he replies, I’ve made enough overtures, and Maggie must make the next move. Angelique says he is letting pride stand in his way, but this is the final straw for Quentin, who decides to go for a long walk to think. After he leaves, Angelique gives herself a congratulatory hug and promises Maggie’s portrait that “we” will get her back very soon. Angelique is just as hell bent as ever on destroying Quentin's second marriage, but she can't very well do it if the bride is still in New York. So she phones her aunt Hannah and orders her, I want you to bring all your herbs and amulets to Collinwood as soon as possible.

Angelique is desperate enough that she doesn't care what kind of spell she puts on Quentin as long as she gets him back somehow. Hannah whispers, It can’t be kept under control, and there’s no telling how Quentin will react. He could even become violent! I don’t care how he reacts, Angelique snaps, as long as he brings Maggie back here--that’s all I want. You may lose Quentin forever, Hannah warns. Smugly Angelique replies, I won’t lose him. He’ll be mine again in only a matter of time. Telling Hannah that they need to have everything ready before Quentin returns, she hurries from the room. Hannah lingers for a moment to look back at the portrait of Maggie.

Back upstairs, Barnabas is in Angelique's room--i.e., he didn't pop back into his own timeline, though he has tried to make it happen through sheer force of will. What's worse, Daniel comes in and recognizes him--and not as the descendant of the man in the portrait. You’re The Man in the Portrait! he exclaims. When Daniel tries to leave to get his father, Barnabas has to use his powers on the poor kid to make him forget that he ever saw Barnabas.

"Alexis" goes back down to the drawing room, pretending to be pleased that Quentin has just hung Maggie's portrait in the place of honor over the mantel. She makes him an offer he can't refuse--i.e., she fixes him a drink--and slips the potion into it. She leaves the room, saying, The two of you should be alone together. In a matter of moments, Quentin gets a distracted look, his eyes go out of focus, and he loosens his tie. Still holding the drink, he sits on the sofa to admire the portrait in comfort.

Hannah has lit the hearth in Angelique's room. Angelique compliments Hannah on her fire-building skills, then kneels in front of the fire to perform her incantation:Let the flames carry my thoughts to the one who is receptive to them. Quentin, hear me. Hear my thoughts. You are deeply in love with Maggie. You can think of no one but her.

Downstairs, Quentin takes another sip of the drink, but actually sets it down as though he can hear Angelique’s words: And without her, life itself is not worth living. You allowed Maggie to leave Collinwood....

Upstairs, Hannah warns Angelique again, but Angelique brushes her off and continues: Now you know what a mistake that was. You know how much you need her and want her. You will bring her back to Collinwood...

Quentin stands up and looks at Maggie’s portrait as Angelique goes on: .... because you can no longer bear the guilt you feel. At the word _guilt_, Quentin turns from the portrait and puts a hand to his head. Angelique winds up: The guilt is eating at your conscience and, Quentin, you must do something about it--very soon. Quentin staggers over to a chair and leans on it.

Now that she has finished her incantation, Angelique is satisfied. Quentin should be ready to do exactly what I want him to do, she says, so I will go downstairs and see him. Hannah wants to come with her, but Angelique orders her to stay put and runs from the room. Greatly troubled, Hannah turns to stare into the fire.

Quentin’s severe, lovesick melancholy makes him reach out to the portrait, but he leans on the mantel and bows his head. Suddenly angry, he turns away and stalks across the room. As if against his will, he turns to look at the portrait again, but then forces himself to look away and spots a marble-handled letter opener on the desk. Angelique enters. Are you all right? she asks. No! he snaps, as if crazed, I am not all right. Suddenly he picks up the letter opener and makes straight for her, implacable fury in his eyes. She screams and backs away.......

Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: November 17, 2015, 03:59:10 PM »
Nothing to report except that I am swooning over today's frame grab. Thank you, thank you to whoever is responsible for posting this!

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1010
« on: November 16, 2015, 08:12:21 PM »
Yes, it was 1970 after all. I suppose a female scientist--even an assistant scientist--couldn't be TOO attractive.  [easter_rolleyes]

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1012
« on: November 15, 2015, 06:32:18 PM »
Whether accidental or a deliberate idea of the writers, ghosts on Dark Shadows can either speak or do stuff, but not both at the same time--not on camera, at least. Joshua is a talking ghost, so I've always assumed that's why he doesn't throw things around or whatever to stop people. Maybe he's counting on sheer moral authority and his air of command.

I always thought it was funny that Barn claims his ancestor was from "Darkest Peru."

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1011
« on: November 15, 2015, 01:18:02 AM »
I think that if Amy or Daniel opened the coffin, Barnabas would have made them forget they saw him. He did it with Nora in 1897.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1012
« on: November 14, 2015, 07:02:43 PM »
As always, Barnabas is a very bad winner. He watches with satisfaction, and Will watches with tears in his eyes (very like our Willie) as Will's latest opus goes up in smoke. MT, even when I first saw this ep., I wondered why they didn't bring back PT Barnabas--that would have been one of the best encounters in the whole show. Instead Barn decides that his PT counterpart must sleep undisturbed. But this whole act is so awkwardly written and acted that maybe we're better off this way.

I think we already knew that Barn was 25 when he was cursed. But yes, 60 is hardly any age at all--even back in those days, some people lived quite long lives if they were fortunate enough to be well provided for.

At Loomis, Barn steps out of the (dark) shadows and introduces himself to Quentin. It’s fortunate that Barnabas has already read Will's previous opus because that gives him a provenance: He reminds Quentin, Will’s book told how one of the original Barnabas's sons went in search of Andean gold. He died in Peru, Quentin recalls. In full courtly mode, Barnabas says, Well, my disappointment in contradicting you is matched by my pleasure in telling you that he survived. Oh, it was in poverty and obscurity, I am afraid, but with sufficient vigor [interpret that as you will!] to sire four sons for himself. One of them was my grandfather. Quentin inevitably asks, Why did your branch of the family never contact us? Barnabas replies, It was because of the shame of poverty (!), but now that I have made my own fortune, I feel free to visit. I’ve also read Will’s biography of my “great-great-grandfather,” which determined me to renew long-neglected family ties. Quentin is too busy absorbing all these data to reply, so Barnabas remarks, You seem to have many of the family traits. I assume I’m speaking to one of my cousins. Quentin introduces himself at last, and they shake hands.

As always, Barnabas’s face is his passport into the family. He tells Quentin that Will's manuscript was merely a piece of fiction--Will practically whispers his agreement, as he must. But he is free enough at least for now to ask why Barnabas presented himself. Barn explains that he needs access to the PT portal room. Then he orders the unhappy Will--who is just as reluctant to communicate with the dead as our Willie--to take him to PT Barn's grave.

Back at Collinwood, Roger wonders if Angelique really was murdered. Perhaps it was wrong to ask for you help, "Alexis" replies ominously. Quentin returns, still trying to absorb what has just happened. All he will say to the others is that they will meet Barnabas Collins tonight.

At the cemetery, Barnabas reads aloud the inscription on his namesake’s gravestone: Barnabas Collins, 1770-1830. (Sadly, parallel Barnabas lived a mere sixty years.) Then he adds, May he rest in peace. Will is terrified and wonders if he has to be here. Barnabas ignores him and speaks his thoughts aloud: I should have had a grave like this--my Josette and I. Peace should have been mine and hers. He kneels to pick up a handful of earth, then reverently sprinkles it onto the grave as he makes his petition: If there is a spirit here who looks kindly upon me, I beg his help. I am lost among strangers and trapped in a time that is not my own. I do not wish this curse of mine to affect anyone here. Help me if you can. Suddenly Will spots a dark figure, muffled in a many-caped greatcoat, a little way off.

Astonished that his petition has been answered, Barnabas begs the spirit to speak. He addresses the spirit as his namesake, but when it answers, he knows that it is not. Who disturbs this family ground? Joshua Collins asks sternly. Father! Barnabas cries in spite of himself, moving eagerly toward the ghost. Father? Joshua answers coldly, stopping him in his tracks. You are no son of mine. Forgive me, Barnabas replies and asks if Joshua heard his speech. Joshua answers, You speak to a man dedicated to the protection of this family, both the living and the dead. I command you to leave this place and trouble my son's spirit no more. Barnabas says, Do you not know that I am trapped in a world not my own? I want help, wherever it is, wherever it can come from. I only know that evil is in this place, Joshua replies. Barnabas tells him desperately, My name is Barnabas Collins, and Joshua Collins is my father. This only makes things worse as Joshua replies angrily, Do not profane those names. Leave this place. Leave and come here no more. His voice trails off as he disappears from view. Wait! Barnabas pleads, don’t go! I am a Collins! I need your help! Scared almost to tears, Will begs him, Please don’t do this. Accepting defeat, Barnabas tells Will, There’s only one place left--that room.

Quentin, Hoffman, and "Alexis"--the three PT grownups who have seen our time--await Barnabas's arrival. The man is a fraud, Hoffman says flatly, the entire story completely ridiculous. There hasn’t been a Barnabas in the family for years and years. You haven’t met him, Quentin points out. Soon you’ll find out how extraordinary the resemblance is. Does he have anything to do with the Barnabas Collins who was mentioned in that empty room? Angelique wonders. Just then, Barnabas arrives, and Quentin performs the introductions. Presumably by now Barnabas has gotten used to the idea that everyone in his own time has a parallel here, so he doesn't turn a hair when he sees “Alexis Stokes” and Hoffman. (And he has probably made Will prep him.) In any event, Barnabas gets out of Quentin’s offer of a drink by professing (genuine) eagerness to see Angelique's room right away. Quentin leads him upstairs, warning him that the room is rather unpredictable. All the more reason for my curiosity, Barnabas replies.

After they leave, Hoffman admits, Quentin [she should have said Mr. Collins!] was right. This Barnabas Collins looks exactly like the portrait. The people in the room mentioned a curse, Angelique recalls. Does he look to you like a man under a curse? I don't know, Hoffman replies. How could one ever know?

As they walk down the hallway, Quentin tells Barnabas, The room was used by my late wife, Angelique. Oh? Barnabas says interestedly. Now her twin sister, Alexis, is using the room, Quentin continues, but we’ve all been very unsettled by recent events. Warning Barnabas that the room is not unusual, Quentin throws the doors open. Fate is obliging enough to show them our Julia in the empty room, still hoping desperately for some sign of Barnabas. Neither man can enter the room, but they can hear Julia, though she can neither see nor hear them. She calls out forlornly, Oh, it can't be hopeless. Sometime... somehow, you will hear me. Oh, Barnabas!...

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1011
« on: November 14, 2015, 06:44:01 PM »
Welcome back to Barn and the rest of the crew!

I love NB as PT Carolyn and I love her wardrobe too--very sophisticated for Collinsport. I wonder where she would be and what she'd be doing if she wasn't manacled to Will.

Will and Carolyn have no idea who the strange man is. Will searches his pockets for any ID but comes up empty. What if he’s discovered our secret? Carolyn asks, terrified. When he comes to, he will ask questions. Will is unconcerned: If the stranger had opened the coffin, he points out, Barnabas Collins would have taken care of him. Maybe I should have let that happen. Will drags him upstairs. (The writers decided not to depict this feat owing to the size and weight differential between the two actors: John Karlen [Will] is quite a bit shorter than Christopher Pennock [Yaeger/Cyrus], so all we get to see is Will tugging Yaeger's feet around a little bit.)

While Will is downstairs "protecting his investment," Yaeger and Carolyn fence for a while, Yaeger trying to make her think he knows who or what is in the coffin, Carolyn trying to disavow any knowledge that there's a coffin at all, let alone who or what might be in it. The clock on the mantel starts to chime. You’re making me late for a very important appointment, Yaeger says. Eventually he tires of the game, guessing, Your husband left you on guard duty because he’s moving the coffin and there’s someone in it. I won’t forget about tonight, he promises. We will resume this conversation later. Then he knocks the gun out of her hand (but doesn't take it) and escapes through the front door while Carolyn screams for Will.

Will comes back up, and Carolyn pleads for Barnabas, terrified that the stranger will return and insisting that Will move the coffin. Why don’t we hide the coffin in the secret room behind the bookcase right here in the drawing room, Will suggests nastily. You can go to him there any time you want, he taunts Carolyn. Carolyn turns from him to wipe away her tears, but tells him, William, forget about me and think about that man who was here! He is evil, Will, evil--and he will come back. I know it. I know it. Will nods, finally acknowledging that she is right.

Down on the beach, Buffie hears approaching footsteps and calls out again. A familiar voice answers, At your service, and Yaeger strolls nonchalantly into view. He is not at all put out by what’s happened and in fact is even pleased with himself. When she asks where he's been, he says, On a new adventure. She gives him the antidote and answers all his questions, saying that she had no trouble getting into the lab or opening the safe, but he refuses to tell her what’s in the bottle. It never occurs to him to thank her. I have a right to know what’s going on, Buffie insists, but he shouts angrily, No, you haven’t! I stole this and I don’t even know why, she persists. But you enjoyed it, didn’t you? he says with conspiratorial glee. Although she’s confused, Buffie nods yes. I know you better than you even know yourself, Yaeger gloats. If you and Cyrus Longworth are such good friends, why didn’t you get the bottle yourself? Buffie scoffs. Why are you hiding here? Go back to town and get out, Yaeger orders her. I was scared coming out here, Buffie argues. Don’t you do what you’re told? Yaeger snaps. I thought you would at least come back with me, she answers. If anyone asks, you haven’t seen me tonight, Yaeger orders her. Who would ask? What have you done? she asks. Nothing, he says at first, then huffs, A man has a right to defend himself, Buffie. Now leave me. I will, she replies. But from here on in, you stay away from me too. Don't come around anymore. I don't want to see you.  With a smile he answers, But you will--you will. Never! Buffie insists. Yes, you will, Yaeger answers. I will see to that. After Buffie leaves, Yaeger stares at the bottle for a long moment.

Weak from starvation, Barn is forced to obey Will, who brings him upstairs. Meanwhile, Yaeger hates the idea of becoming Cyrus again, then realizes that it might be better to lie low--since he's a prime murder suspect. He drinks the antidote with the inevitable results.

In the end, Will has bundled Barn into the cupboard under the stairs. Barn begs him to set him (B.) free, pleading that Will must have enough of his story by now. But Will says no dice.

Larry Chase returns to the lab just a moment before Cyrus breezes in via the side door (though how he ends up back in his own clothes is left unexplained). Larry is surprised to see Cyrus there, explaining that the upstairs door was open. Cyrus says he decided not to stay overnight in Rockport (or wherever) after all. Larry starts to tell him about how Horace Gladstone was murdered. I almost saw who did it, he says. Cyrus doesn't want to hear about it, though, and when Larry describes how Horace was run through with a sword, Cyrus gets even more upset and refuses to talk about it. Gladstone was a fine chemist, he says, and more than that, a friend. Larry apologizes and tells him, I think the murderer was John Yaeger. It can’t be! Cyrus exclaims. The man had the same build, Larry says. Then he admits he couldn’t identify Yaeger in a court of law, and Cyrus rather testily says, You shouldn’t be so certain about accusing people. I don’t think Yaeger is capable of killing Gladstone. And besides, I sent Yaeger away from Collinsport yesterday. But he refuses to divulge any details. Larry says, If Yaeger isn’t blackmailing you, you should get rid of him. For the first time, Cyrus agrees with Larry. I was wrong to encourage him, he says. You have my word that John Yaeger will never walk the streets of Collinsport again. Never!

Will is still greedy for more information about Barnabas's life and presses him for details about Josette--the part of his life Barnabas least wants to expose to a stranger. The book is nothing without her, Will insists. But you could never understand how I felt toward her, Barnabas says. Will answers sarcastically, I will try, Mr. Collins. In my limited way, I will try. Barnabas thinks back over the years with obvious pain: We were to marry, just as we did in this time band of yours. If I could have that life, the few precious years that we had here, if I could only have the memory of life with her without the stain... Did you not make her as you are? Will asks. Barnabas looks away guiltily but says nothing, and Will insists on an answer. I hate myself for admitting that I tried, Barnabas says sadly. I needed her so. Will writes everything down, chortling because he was right. But fate has always been cruel to me, Barnabas maunders on. Fate was against me then, as it was that first night in your time when you found me! But even as he says this, he realizes that Will is distracted with his notes. Silently he walks behind Will and in one swift motion pulls the ribbon that holds Will’s cross and starts to choke him with it. With a gasp of surprise, Will drops his notepad. Barnabas bares his fangs as he rips the ribbon from around Will’s neck and hurls the cross aside. Will backs up against the wall, but Barnabas smiles his fanged smile. No! he shouts, I will no longer bow to fate! As Will watches in horror, Barnabas closes in to strike.....

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1010
« on: November 12, 2015, 03:28:38 PM »
Thanks, MT. I think the chains only made the coffin more interesting to Yaeger. I'll bet that like our Willie, he thought it must be full of loot.

There's an even bigger Yaeger blooper coming soon. I suppose we should chalk this one up to anxiety, though.

Emma Peel rules!