Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #1011  (Read 723 times)

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Discuss - Ep #1011
« on: November 12, 2015, 10:38:12 PM »
Robservations #1011

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #1011

(It's probably worth noting that this is the first ep that was taped after hoDS wrapped production. And from this point on nearly all the 1970PT eps were taped in sequence.)

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1011
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2015, 12:00:07 AM »
Nancy B VO!  So, welcome back world-weary, cynical PT Carolyn!  Remember when she was (in RT) a defiant teen?  Now she's like a 40 year old divorcee or something.  I like it.  Welcome as well as the whole Old House team...  Downstairs, Yaeger is like a kid in a candy store, with his delightful new find, a chained coffin.  He seems to believe a dead body might come in handy.  Maybe he should have hung onto Gladstone!

Will wallops John.  Will waves his arms at Yaeger sprawled out on the basement floor, and asks "What is he doing here?!"  He's there 'cause you walloped the stuffing out of him, Will.  Well, I struck me funny, anyway.

Will blames vamp victims, and thinks the world does, as well.  Does he think werewolf victims were just askin' for it, too?
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1011
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2015, 06:44:01 PM »
Welcome back to Barn and the rest of the crew!

I love NB as PT Carolyn and I love her wardrobe too--very sophisticated for Collinsport. I wonder where she would be and what she'd be doing if she wasn't manacled to Will.

Will and Carolyn have no idea who the strange man is. Will searches his pockets for any ID but comes up empty. What if he’s discovered our secret? Carolyn asks, terrified. When he comes to, he will ask questions. Will is unconcerned: If the stranger had opened the coffin, he points out, Barnabas Collins would have taken care of him. Maybe I should have let that happen. Will drags him upstairs. (The writers decided not to depict this feat owing to the size and weight differential between the two actors: John Karlen [Will] is quite a bit shorter than Christopher Pennock [Yaeger/Cyrus], so all we get to see is Will tugging Yaeger's feet around a little bit.)

While Will is downstairs "protecting his investment," Yaeger and Carolyn fence for a while, Yaeger trying to make her think he knows who or what is in the coffin, Carolyn trying to disavow any knowledge that there's a coffin at all, let alone who or what might be in it. The clock on the mantel starts to chime. You’re making me late for a very important appointment, Yaeger says. Eventually he tires of the game, guessing, Your husband left you on guard duty because he’s moving the coffin and there’s someone in it. I won’t forget about tonight, he promises. We will resume this conversation later. Then he knocks the gun out of her hand (but doesn't take it) and escapes through the front door while Carolyn screams for Will.

Will comes back up, and Carolyn pleads for Barnabas, terrified that the stranger will return and insisting that Will move the coffin. Why don’t we hide the coffin in the secret room behind the bookcase right here in the drawing room, Will suggests nastily. You can go to him there any time you want, he taunts Carolyn. Carolyn turns from him to wipe away her tears, but tells him, William, forget about me and think about that man who was here! He is evil, Will, evil--and he will come back. I know it. I know it. Will nods, finally acknowledging that she is right.

Down on the beach, Buffie hears approaching footsteps and calls out again. A familiar voice answers, At your service, and Yaeger strolls nonchalantly into view. He is not at all put out by what’s happened and in fact is even pleased with himself. When she asks where he's been, he says, On a new adventure. She gives him the antidote and answers all his questions, saying that she had no trouble getting into the lab or opening the safe, but he refuses to tell her what’s in the bottle. It never occurs to him to thank her. I have a right to know what’s going on, Buffie insists, but he shouts angrily, No, you haven’t! I stole this and I don’t even know why, she persists. But you enjoyed it, didn’t you? he says with conspiratorial glee. Although she’s confused, Buffie nods yes. I know you better than you even know yourself, Yaeger gloats. If you and Cyrus Longworth are such good friends, why didn’t you get the bottle yourself? Buffie scoffs. Why are you hiding here? Go back to town and get out, Yaeger orders her. I was scared coming out here, Buffie argues. Don’t you do what you’re told? Yaeger snaps. I thought you would at least come back with me, she answers. If anyone asks, you haven’t seen me tonight, Yaeger orders her. Who would ask? What have you done? she asks. Nothing, he says at first, then huffs, A man has a right to defend himself, Buffie. Now leave me. I will, she replies. But from here on in, you stay away from me too. Don't come around anymore. I don't want to see you.  With a smile he answers, But you will--you will. Never! Buffie insists. Yes, you will, Yaeger answers. I will see to that. After Buffie leaves, Yaeger stares at the bottle for a long moment.

Weak from starvation, Barn is forced to obey Will, who brings him upstairs. Meanwhile, Yaeger hates the idea of becoming Cyrus again, then realizes that it might be better to lie low--since he's a prime murder suspect. He drinks the antidote with the inevitable results.

In the end, Will has bundled Barn into the cupboard under the stairs. Barn begs him to set him (B.) free, pleading that Will must have enough of his story by now. But Will says no dice.

Larry Chase returns to the lab just a moment before Cyrus breezes in via the side door (though how he ends up back in his own clothes is left unexplained). Larry is surprised to see Cyrus there, explaining that the upstairs door was open. Cyrus says he decided not to stay overnight in Rockport (or wherever) after all. Larry starts to tell him about how Horace Gladstone was murdered. I almost saw who did it, he says. Cyrus doesn't want to hear about it, though, and when Larry describes how Horace was run through with a sword, Cyrus gets even more upset and refuses to talk about it. Gladstone was a fine chemist, he says, and more than that, a friend. Larry apologizes and tells him, I think the murderer was John Yaeger. It can’t be! Cyrus exclaims. The man had the same build, Larry says. Then he admits he couldn’t identify Yaeger in a court of law, and Cyrus rather testily says, You shouldn’t be so certain about accusing people. I don’t think Yaeger is capable of killing Gladstone. And besides, I sent Yaeger away from Collinsport yesterday. But he refuses to divulge any details. Larry says, If Yaeger isn’t blackmailing you, you should get rid of him. For the first time, Cyrus agrees with Larry. I was wrong to encourage him, he says. You have my word that John Yaeger will never walk the streets of Collinsport again. Never!

Will is still greedy for more information about Barnabas's life and presses him for details about Josette--the part of his life Barnabas least wants to expose to a stranger. The book is nothing without her, Will insists. But you could never understand how I felt toward her, Barnabas says. Will answers sarcastically, I will try, Mr. Collins. In my limited way, I will try. Barnabas thinks back over the years with obvious pain: We were to marry, just as we did in this time band of yours. If I could have that life, the few precious years that we had here, if I could only have the memory of life with her without the stain... Did you not make her as you are? Will asks. Barnabas looks away guiltily but says nothing, and Will insists on an answer. I hate myself for admitting that I tried, Barnabas says sadly. I needed her so. Will writes everything down, chortling because he was right. But fate has always been cruel to me, Barnabas maunders on. Fate was against me then, as it was that first night in your time when you found me! But even as he says this, he realizes that Will is distracted with his notes. Silently he walks behind Will and in one swift motion pulls the ribbon that holds Will’s cross and starts to choke him with it. With a gasp of surprise, Will drops his notepad. Barnabas bares his fangs as he rips the ribbon from around Will’s neck and hurls the cross aside. Will backs up against the wall, but Barnabas smiles his fanged smile. No! he shouts, I will no longer bow to fate! As Will watches in horror, Barnabas closes in to strike.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1011
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2015, 11:31:47 PM »
More key players return!
RT Willie Loomis opened the coffin because he thought that the Collins family jewels would be inside. I'm not sure what Yaeger's motivation is. Intense curiosity? Things could have gotten really nasty if Amy or Daniel had opened the coffin.
Will and Carolyn don't handle the home invasion especially well. Carolyn has a very difficult time convincing her husband that Yaeger is a bigger evil. But, even armed with a gun, Carolyn is no match for their intruder.
Will's ego has caused him to make several bad decisions. He pushes the Josette issue with Barnabas and is foolish enough to turn his back on Barnabas. Vampire Lesson 101: the cross won't protect you from your own stupidity.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1011
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2015, 01:18:02 AM »
I think that if Amy or Daniel opened the coffin, Barnabas would have made them forget they saw him. He did it with Nora in 1897.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1011
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2015, 08:14:13 PM »
Will stops the opening of the coffin, but all the chains are off.  I remember a cross inside, but if it's dark and Barnabas can't see it, why can't he open the coffin and then keep his eyes closed until he was away from it? Why was it chained in the first place if the cross was enough to keep him in.
Yaeger has a ton of dark eye make up on.
Now Barnabas wants to go back to his own time. He was all about leaving it just weeks ago. He chocks Will and his fangs appear ready to take Will's neck.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1011
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2015, 03:51:47 PM »
I think Barnabas is hurt by the proximity of the cross, not the sight of it. 
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor