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Messages - Julia99

Caption This! - 1795/1796 / Re: Episode #0388
« on: January 20, 2005, 11:37:11 PM »
Josette:  eenie, meanie, minie, mo. . . which one is really my beau?

My god the blue dresses?  I forgot the blue dresses (which got shorter and shorter. . .)  Gothick i think i'll need a slap (followed by a tickle please. . )

Well i was just about to say. . hasn't a redo of the Night Stalker been done. . i.e. The X-Files?  It seems supersilious to me and likely to fail.

Holy Hoffman!!! Fantastic poll!
My favorite remains the pink nightie she wore over to Chris Jennings' cottage. No doubt the animals in the underbrush got an eyeful that day.

Is it just me or isn't a "nightie" one of those short night gowns?  I need a definition check . .

Burke:  Now where'd we put the scotch, i'm tired of that sherry shit---

Vicki:  Carolyn, why did Burke as me to talk to you about a menage ƒ  trois

Julia:  And and  .I said .. no. . no i don't wanna play find the bananal--

Tony Peterson:  Well if you're not gonna play, you need to go--

oh Sandor that would've been a good one. . i forgot about it. . .

And the outfit she wore in 1995?

I do believe #15 is the same suit. . just very early in the show---

Vote on the top 5 garments that you think best highlighted Julia's character and her best features.

By NOT voting we can also tally up the bottom 5. . .

You'll note that some of this fine frocks were only worn once or twice  (maybe even the nicer ones . . .we shall see by the poll) and others were worn over and over again ..why? Who are we to ask . ..?  But let's vote!

We're sick . ..

Julia:  Give it to me, baby!

Disclaimer:  That was from another *distant* cousin who saw the photo. . .

Chris:  That Dr. Hoffman sure knows how to . .ohhhh ahhh yeah baby!

Julia:  Ahhhhhh  (interior thoughts. . are my tonsils swollen?)

You're right Countess that was too good--