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Messages - Lydia

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Oh, how frustrating.  I'd love to have a look at Hidden Faces - and all the tapes were probably destroyed over forty years ago.

But I daresay it would have disappointed me.  In all probability John Karlen's Sharkey Primrose did not wear primrose-colored pants the way Nathan Forbes did - and I do mean exactly the way Nathan Forbes did.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0151
« on: February 25, 2012, 05:21:24 PM »
Carolyn seems to have grown up overnight and she definitely makes some astute points in regards to Laura’s allegiance with Burke.
I don't think she's grown up overnight.  She's being sneaky about detaching Burke from Laura, that's all.

Now that the picture of Laura is gone, and David has had a good night's sleep, he loves his mother again.  Apparently Josette is responsible for the picture.  We know that Josette is a good ghost, and therefore the picture, being something that she caused to exist, must be a good thing, however horrific it may be - like bad-tasting medicine that cures you of an illness.  And since the effect of the picture is to keep David away from Laura, then it follows that it must be a bad thing for David to be with Laura.  But how do we know that all this is the case?  We've seen Josette telling Vicky not to be afraid when Vicky was being held captive by Matthew - but that still may not mean that Josette is a good ghost.  Laura is capable of getting David to love her, but we think she's bad.  Why shouldn't Josette also be capable of getting people to care for her, but still bad?  How do we know that Josette doesn't want David for purely selfish purposes that she has yet to reveal?  It bothers me that Josette has been the source of disquiet for so many people.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Grayson tattoo on forearm??? Episode 981 PT
« on: February 24, 2012, 05:25:39 PM »
Ronny G, I revisit the Watching Project topics regularly, partly because they're an easy way to find the Robservations topics.  One of the wonderful things about these forums (thank you, thank you, mods!) is that nothing ever gets deleted due to age.  Therefore you could, if you wanted, see if there's anybody around here who would like to go through the 1970 parallel time storyline with you, and add to the topics.  I know there are lots of people who love that storyline.  Try the link to the following topic:
Who else loves Parallel Time?
A lot of the people who posted there are no longer regular posters, but I'm sure they're not the only people who like PT1970.

I have suggested to MB that he put the Watching Project topics into an area by themselves, and he said he was planning to do it...someday.  And with all the wonderful things that he does, it would be sort of rude for me to say, "Why not now?"

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0150
« on: February 24, 2012, 04:58:29 PM »
Roger was all ready to rationalize away the whole portrait business.  The scream was just the wind in the chimney.  They would eventually find out that somebody had snuck in and finished the portrait, and never mind the fact that in yesterday's episode Sam Evans noticed that the new paint in the picture was drier than was possible given how recently the blank space had been filled in.  Suddenly I'm wondering about Elizabeth's and Roger's father.  He apparently did not live to a ripe old age.  What supernatural memories of the events surrounding his death might Roger be burying?  For that matter, the events wouldn't need to be supernatural.  If Roger saw his mother splitting his father's head open with a broadsword and then heaving his father's body off of Widows Hill, I think Roger would manage to turn it into natural causes somehow.

Whether Vicki realizes it or not, she tells David the story of the Phoenix in almost the same words that Laura had used when she told the story.
Yes, if I had been Vicky, I'd have embroidered it a little, and thought of ways to soft-pedal the part of the story involving death, but Vicky, who has decided David should not be with Laura, supported Laura by telling the story as Laura told it.

End:   I think David was supposed to drop the handkerchief, and then the swooping creepy Theramin-ish sound effect was supposed to happen... but that Henesy just wouldn't drop it.   So they do the sound once, then twice, gap... then he drops it on the floor, then third time for the sound effect!  I don't know why the dropping of a handkerchief rates any of this, though.
I think the dropping of the handkerchief - the physical separation of it from David's hand - emphasizes the fact that this is a real, physical thing, brought in by Laura, who, we are given to understand, was not a physical presence in David's room.  It seems that now that the picture is gone, she can access David - probably just by staring into the fire the way she was doing when Elizabeth knocked on her door.  But Laura's handkerchief didn't leave David's presence when Laura did.  Maybe, if I think about this long enough, I'll get an idea as to how it could be that Laura's locket was in the fire in Phoenix and was also there at the cottage for her to show to Vicky.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0149
« on: February 23, 2012, 06:09:49 PM »
I love the orange in the color original of the painting of Laura.  It makes a big difference, and it must have been frustrating to be able to show it only in black and white.

Carolyn and Vickie have their first talk in a long time.
Yes, and Vicky wasn't very nice to Carolyn, I thought.  Carolyn says she made a fool of herself by throwing herself at Burke, and Vicky says, "I wish you wouldn't do that," as she were Carolyn's mother - except Carolyn's mother is smarter than that, I think.  When somebody admits she made a fool of herself, it's mean to rub it in.  And next thing we know, we get Maggie being callous to her father.  "You can't allow yourself to talk or think that way," she says.  Surely Maggie could come up with a more constructive suggestion than, "Don't do that!"
Vickie reveals she smelled Jasmine in David's room as she did at the Old House.
I said the other day that we didn't start hearing about the scent of jasmine until the next storyline, but I see I was wrong.  It's very strange watching this storyline, because I don't remember Josette being anywhere near as big a part of it as she is.  Was I watching from another planet, or what?

Is that KLS as Josette?
That's who it looked like to me.
If she could complete it, why have Sam do it in the first place?
Maybe originally she couldn't paint the picture.  It might have something to do with her power becoming stronger as she uses it.
So who screamed when the painting burned?
I'm hoping to find out tomorrow, but I doubt we will.  I don't see how it could be either Laura or Josette.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Grayson tattoo on forearm??? Episode 981 PT
« on: February 23, 2012, 05:35:36 PM »
I shall now shamelessly drag us away from the subject of Grayson Hall's bandaged and befreckled forearms, and ask Ronny G:

What made you choose parallel time 1970?

Are you enjoying it?

Would you be interested in talking about it in the Watching Project?  Here's a link the topic for episode 981:
Discuss - Ep #0981

Back to the topic...if Hall had a red spot on her arm in 981 and a bandage on it in 982, maybe there was mishap just before the scene was filmed, and she bravely went on with the show.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0148
« on: February 22, 2012, 05:13:00 PM »
I think Laura put some sort of spell on Burke or at least enchanted him in some way.
I thought about that possibility, but concluded it was unlikely.  I think we would have gotten a whiff of it yesterday if that had been the case.  I think this was all about the bargain Burke thinks he has with Laura: if Burke gets David to like his mother, then Laura will testify for him in a re-trial.  Burke was terrifically awkward with Vicky because his change in attitude wasn't real; it was all about calculation.  [He reminded me strongly of a certain politician, but we don't discuss politics here.]  Any infatuation he has for Laura is prompted by the thought of the wonderful thing she'll be doing - well, that, and maybe the fact that she was probably his first love, and one never forgets one first love.

Frank is using Rogers long unseen office.
My impression was that it was definitely Frank's new Collinsport office; Lieutenant Riley dropped by to see Frank there, and then Frank answered the phone as though the office were his rather than a borrowed one.  I think this is the first re-use of a set that we've seen, and it shocked me that they didn't even bother take down the picture of Colonel Mustache.  With all the miscellaneous pictures they have, it wouldn't have been very difficult.  I know where they can find a nice old picture of a mother holding her child.  Hint: it was still on the floor of David's room yesterday.

I liked Carolyn today.  She was completely delusional about whatever relationship she thought she had with Burke - but I liked her better than I've ever liked her before.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0147
« on: February 22, 2012, 04:38:09 PM »
Yes, so I understood, and I can see why you did...but I didn't.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0147
« on: February 21, 2012, 05:55:02 PM »
Yes, Vicki, everything started when Laura came to Collinwood, just as Matthew thought everything started when you came to Collinwood....
Interesting thought.  Never having had a high estimate of Vicky's intelligence to start with, I did think to myself, "Does this really add up?" when she said that, but I didn't consider it in that light.

The plot thickens.  I don't think Laura will be around to follow through on her bargain with Burke, but if by some happenstance she is, and it advances her cause with David, I have no doubt that she'll do it, just as I have no doubt that she'll throw Burke to the wolves - or to the fishes - if it suits her purpose.

Burke's lost interest in Vicky now that Laura's around.  When she came to his hotel suite, she wasn't the special someone for him that she's been for the past few weeks.  I don't like Mitchell Ryan much, but I like the way he made that clear.

When Roger tries to take the portrait of Laura in flames away from David, David shouts that Roger hates him and wants to send him away from Collinwood. Roger actually sits on the bed next to David. With unaccustomed gentleness, he says, "I don't hate you, David, and I don't want to send you away. If you went away, I would be very sorry." I know I probably shouldn't believe him, but I can't help it--I just do.
I don't.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0146
« on: February 20, 2012, 06:38:32 PM »
I'm starting to think that we're not seeing the most interesting part of what's going on: supernatural forces whizzing through the air and colliding.  Is it coincidence that Elizabeth came just in just at the right moment to have a talk with Laura, or was she compelled by some supernatural force to do so?

During the burning, Maggie appears from the left side of the screen to put out the flames.  Where was she?   The kitchen is over to the right.   Her bedroom's behind and to the right, at least later it is.  David seemed to return from the Cider 'n' Cookies Depository from that direction vaguely, so maybe Maggie was stuffing her face...
Maggie said in yesterday's episode that she was going to go make Sam some coffee, and at this point the kitchen is on the left as we're facing Sam on the sofa - i.e. to the right as you come in the front door.  So it seems as though Sam shouldn't have been in any real danger from the fire, because Maggie was so nearby - but maybe Laura's spell made Maggie sort of oblivious.

Sam to Maggie re Laura's being to blame:  "What can I say that will convince you?"   Why do people say this on TV?  That's Sam's job, coming up with persuasive words, not Maggie's.
No, I disagree with you.  If Sam understands Maggie's point of view better, he's more likely to able to pinpoint what is needed to make her see his point of view.  I admit, though, it's very unlikely that he'll be able to persuade Maggie.

First we get Maggie telling Sam that the fire and the Laura pictures are all his fault for drinking so much, and then we get Elizabeth telling Laura that she's getting nowhere with David.  It was an episode for stern talks.

Laura sadly states she hasn't much time.
I think this is the first time we've been told that.  But it makes sense that it would be the case.  If the phoenix burns up every one hundred years, then time must be an issue.  I've been wondering if the reason Laura needs David is that without offspring of some sort, a nest, such as Laura described in the phoenix story she told David, isn't really a nest.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0145
« on: February 20, 2012, 01:00:09 PM »
Maggie says, "Maybe I'll go to New York."  And in fact Kathryn Leigh Scott, unlike Maggie, did go to New York.  KLS is so much more enterprising than Maggie.  I was wondering today: What does she think of Maggie?  I remember somebody asking KLS at the 2007 fest if she wished Josette had been less clueless (note: this was my fellow fan's question, not mine; I have no complaints about Josette) and the answer was, "She was the only Josette I knew," so I guess maybe KLS just accepted Maggie as she was, too.

Joe's basic response to Maggie was, "Stay here," and I wondered how good that advice was.

As Maggie's leaving for work-- she wants to "get there early to see the surprised look on his face."   Mentioning that jerk in the hotel's name is vorboten at this point, I guess...
But didn't Burke mention it just the other day?

Collinsport is supposed to have an artists colony, right?  Of which Sam Evans is the representative for us viewers.  Are there any other artists who feel compelled to paint Laura Collins in flames, over and over again?  Artists who don't even know who Laura is?  Sort of like the potato blight in Ireland, only in Collinsport it's pictures that are withering on the vine.  Yeah, I know, that's not how potatoes grow.  Or pictures, for that matter.

Diana Millay is much better than I remembered her in this storyline.  Watching it the second time around, I see so many more details in Laura, and I wonder (the perennial question) what Millay knew when about what was happening.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0144
« on: February 19, 2012, 10:53:05 PM »
I think maybe Laura doesn't eat or sleep, and instead gets all sustenance from sitting in front of the fire.
I hadn't thought about that, but I'm sure you're right.

Laura hardly seems very choked up about Scandinavian "Margaret" dying, and/or not very angry that "Margaret" apparently carelessly burned Laura's apartment building down, including all of Laura's belongings... except for the two broaches of course.
Laura did say that she had let Margaret go a couple of months ago, and I was hoping she would tell us why she let Margaret go, but Laura knows better than to make her lies over-elaborate.

Of course, we don't know for sure that she did lie about Margaret.  But we do know that Laura lied to Vicky about the locket after the others had left, because we saw that locket a few days ago.  Vicky didn't believe Laura, but she has no proof.  What interests me is that Laura wasn't wearing the locket today, even though she was wearing the chain on which she wore it the other day.  What would strike me as much more typical of Laura would be for her to wear the locket and say she knew nothing about the locket from the fire in Phoenix except that it must be a fake, because her own locket was always with her.  Why wasn't Laura wearing the locket today?  Because David has decided she's his mother after all?

Frank Garner was over-full of smiles today, and so was Elizabeth - or anyway, she was after Frank got to Collinwood.  Something's going on there.  Vicky's just a cover story for Frank; the one he really comes to see at Collinwood is Liz.

I myself liked Riley the statie, but I fear we shan't be seeing him again.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0143
« on: February 19, 2012, 04:42:03 PM »
So what is Laura anyway? Is she a ghost, a phantom? She seems to be solid. How can there be two lockets?
I can't figure it out.  The duplicate locket is a stumper.   But whatever Laura is, I don't think she initiated it.  Initially she didn't seem to know why she was in Collinsport, and then things became clear to her.  She voluntarily told Vicky about the locket, and it seems plain to me that she had no idea that the locket story would come back to haunt her.

I'm even less convinced today than I was yesterday that Josette has anything to do with any of the pictures Sam has painted of Laura.  Josette would not want to scare anybody, even if it was for their own good.  She's a comfort ghost, not a warrior ghost.

When I was a kid, I hated that kind of patronizing on Sam's part-- the cider and cookies diversion.
Maybe it was patronizing, but it was kind of Sam not to go into his "I hate that painting" rant with David, so I was all for the cider and cookies diversion.

Elizabeth is worried how Laura effects David.
Good for Elizabeth, pointing out to Vicky that what matters is not how much Laura needs David, but rather how much David needs Laura.

The picture in David's room of the mother holding her child keeps catching my eye.  Previously it hung on the wall over his bureau, but yesterday when he was putting string on the picture of Laura so he could hang it, he had apparently taken the mother-and-child picture down, and it was on floor, leaning against the wall, and the picture of Laura was hung in its place.  Today, to my surprise, the mother and child picture was still on the floor rather than having mysteriously disappeared, and I expected Elizabeth to suggest putting it back over David's bureau, or at least to comment on it.  But it just was there on the floor, with nobody paying attention to its message: "This is what true maternal love is."

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0141
« on: February 19, 2012, 12:22:16 PM »
portraits play such an important part in all the story lines.
I was thinking about this as Sam, Vicky, and Maggie talked about the picture of Laura, and I thought about the number of senses of which the series avails itself as part of the story.  Sight - portraits galore.  Hearing - starting with the storyline after this one, many storylines introduced a new theme.  Smell - that also starts in the storyline after this, though is used less than sight and sound.  Taste and touch - nothing there.  I was thinking, "It's so hard to portray the taste or feel of something on TV," but you could say the same about scent.  Someday everybody may know when Mrs. Johnson's ghost is around by the taste of burnt Brussels sprouts that they get in their mouths.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0142
« on: February 19, 2012, 12:00:48 PM »
Thanks, Midnite!

What a profoundly weird episode.

But he's horrified when this one is a variation on the same theme--except that this time, the woman looks almost birdlike, her expression downright feral. And she has wings that seem to be beating--fanning the flames of her pyre, perhaps.
I was noticing today that the first picture had wings, too, and I started thinking about Laura flying about in the night.

Then it must be Josette who's making Laura's big giant head come out of the painting, just as it's Josette who's compelling Vicki to give David the painting in the first place.
In that case, it would be Josette who compelled Sam to paint the painting, and Josette who is now compelling Sam to paint Laura again.  That's a substantial amount of power that Josette is wielding all of a sudden - if it is indeed Josette that's doing it.  Why would Josette be suddenly turning into a very active supernatural force, instead of one who stays around the Old House dancing and saying "Don't be afraid" to damsels in distress?  I like the idea that after David brought Laura to the Old House and put her in the same room with Josette's portrait, Josette started taking action.  But Sam felt compelled to paint before that.  So, is there another power inimical to Laura at work here?  Or is Sam just super-sensitive to the supernatural because he's an artist?  And again, why is Josette throwing her ectoplasmic weight around - assuming that she is?  If so, it must be wearing her out considerably.

And if it's not Josette, who or what is it?

Definately the most confusing storyline.
I'm not so sure about that.  There's so much that doesn't make sense all the way through Dark Shadows.  But at this point the writers were still trying to make sense, so I have more of a feeling here that the puzzle can be figured out, if only we try hard enough.

Sam: There's an old, battered hulk on the beach, half in the water, half out.
The town authorities should do something about it.  There's no way you can keep children from playing on that sort of thing, and I'm sure it has rusty nails and splinters in abundance.  But maybe there are ghosts that scare the children away.  Note: a month ago, I wouldn't have suggested there might be ghosts on the battered hulk.  Dark Shadows had very little to do with the supernatural back then.  But now things have changed.

When Laura's head came out of the picture, I sort of expected it to say, "I am the great and powerful Oz!"

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