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Messages - Raholt

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Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: August 31, 2002, 10:57:26 PM »
Checking Barnes and Noble's website, they now have set 2 listed as in stock and shipping in 24 hours.  Okay now Amazon is getting me upset.  I have ordered from them many times without incident, having even gotten things earlier than I could elsewhere on occasion but this time it appears while they know the new status of Set 3, they don't have set 2.  Something is up here and I guess I will have to write them again to find out.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: August 31, 2002, 10:47:14 PM »
Well, having worked in a retail video store, I know that if the DVD set had been shipped out on Tuesday or even as late as Thursday, most likely it would have reached the warehouse by Friday.  If it was indeed Tuesday, then it would have reached the warehouse by Wednesday or Thursday and been on shelves by Friday.  My concern is that Amazon, unlike a store, fills their orders from a warehouse, thus cutting out the time it would take to ship from warehouse to store and apparently nobody who ordered from them have gotten any notice of shipment despite their website saying it would usually ship in 2 - 3 days.  That was up on Tuesday so by Friday would have been 3 days and still no word.  

I did notice something odd when the product is listed under my order.  It has something about being directed by Newberry something that made no sense.  I'm wondering if there is now a technical glitch.

One more item of interest, I was just on Amazon's website and like I figured, the other day, the date for Set 3 has indeed been pushed back to an October 29th release.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: August 31, 2002, 08:30:45 AM »
Given the message above, it sounds to me like I and the other person who posted to my original message saying they to had ordered theirs from, need to be finding out why it has already showed up on the shelf of Media Play, but not there, Barnes and Noble or  Usually if you order (pre-order) from Amazon, you get it sent to you as soon as it comes out and since I pre-ordered back in May, I should have been near the top of the list of pre-orders.  

I wrote Amazon this week asking for an explanation and they could give me none, but my thinking is that something is not right here and either Amazon fouled up their pre-orders in this case or fouled up in theiir order to MPI, not getting nearly enough to cover the demand.

However, I do ask anyone who has already recieved their Set 2 or  does get DVD Set 2 sent to them in the next week or so  to please post and let us know you have it and where you got it from,  so that then those of us still waiting with have the ammo needed to really put the questions to Amazon and other online retailers that should also being sending them out.  Frankly, I am disappointed as I had hoped to have it to enjoy during my time off for Labor Day.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: August 29, 2002, 06:24:00 AM »
Okay, I just visited MPI's website and the ad has now changed to say DS DVD Set 2 Available Now so that means that most likely they are beginning to ship to their customers and to stores and online dealers so maybe by Friday people will begin to have them in stock both in stores and online and they will be sending them out.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: August 29, 2002, 01:46:04 AM »
Having worked in retail video, if the shipping dates have been pushed back like that, it is not from Amazon or MPI shipping to pre-orders first, it is that MPI has delayed the release date of the set.  Amazon's shipping estimate change all the time, but this now tells me, along with no reply from Amazon customer service about the status of my order, that they don't know now when the set is coming out.  Add to that the before mentioned comment  by MPI that it was a little late getting out and what I see now is that it is not out anywhere.  For the person who had a friend that saw it somewhere, they must have seen set 1 and thought it was the new set because the evidence is overwhelming that it has not been released yet.  

Now lets see how far the release date of Set 3 is pushed back after this.  I'm thinking October or even November.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: August 28, 2002, 10:01:07 AM »
While Amazon and Barnes and Noble list Vol 2 of the DVD's as being in stock and shipped in 2 -3 days, I went to which usually gives a more truthful listing of what status a product has and they have it listed as being released on Aug 27, but status is backordered.  That tells me it was not release today as MPI has been promising for over a month now it would be.  

BTW, I checked MPI's website and they are still advertising it coming on Aug 27.  When the first set was released, the day of the release that type of ad was changed to say Available Now!  It has not changed this time so that tells me it is not available as promised and that is why nobody has gotten any notification about their order or recieved the product.  So much for MPI claiming some pre-orders might ship by Aug 14.  If that did happen and I doubt it, then they must have diverted all their available stock to those orders leaving others who ordered elsewhere online or in store hanging.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / DS DVD Set 2
« on: August 28, 2002, 03:47:38 AM »
Has anyone who pre-ordered the DS DVD set, especially from Amazon, gotten any notice that their order has been shipped.  I ordered mine back in May, just as the first set was coming out and I realized today was the release date but I had no word from Amazon.  I checked their website and it says it usually ships in 2 to 3 days, which either means they didn't get their order as promised by MPI or they have shipped all they had and are having to reorder.  I'm just wondering if anyone has gotten it period, from anywhere yet, including MPI?


Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT - DS DVD: your opinions appreciated
« on: August 18, 2002, 08:53:00 AM »
As for the extras, yes, it might be nice if what they offered were new interviews with the surviving cast, but aside from that, there is not alot of additonal video material to add to them.  The blooper video you mentioned was taken straight from episodes that aired and there just isn't a lot of unaired footage available, but little ever existed.  Since they didn't edit the episodes and stop tape for mistakes the bloopers and all became part of the series itself.  I know with modern films there are all kinds of material released on the DVD, including bloopers, alternate endings, portions of the film that were cut before it was released, but that stuff doesn't exist for DS so I'm just grateful for what does exist, the interviews as well as the episodes themselves.  Given the fact that in the days when DS was made, most networks did not save soap opera or other types of series for that matter, but instead recycled the video tape, we are lucky to have copies of all but one to see nearly 40 years later.  I have no complaints about the DVD's because I'm glad they are here at all because the odds are so much against that being the case.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT - DS DVD: your opinions appreciated
« on: August 18, 2002, 08:45:33 AM »
The DVD's, with set one being the only one I have seen thus far, are excellent.  The quality of the video and audio is superb compared to the VHS versions.  I have the whole series on MPI VHS, but some during the course of 5 years of purchasing and collecting the videos, I can't count the number of defective videos I came across and some were kept because I didn't realize they were defective, as in black spots that would pop up from time to time, which I thought were defects in the master copies, but apparently some were defects in the videotapes.  The quality of the picture on the DVD's is great even in freeze frame mode, which on some video versions don't look good at all.  I had bought the Dark Shadows DVD that MPI had put out a couple of years ago, contain three segments and found both the picture and sound quality superior to Video and that is why I decided to replace my video collection with DVD.  Also DVD's take up a lot less space for storage.  

As for my videos, they will not go to waste.  Once I have enough of the DVD's collected, I will let a friend of mine, who is a big DS fan, but can't afford the tapes and doesn't have cable, have them so she can enjoy the episodes again.  I know that she would really appreciate that.


Everytime I hear this come up, I cringe.  I have yet to see a film remake of a classic series that even came close to being as good as the original and in most cases even came close to resembling the original.  

Fan always get excited when this kind of thing comes up, but in the end are usually disappointed by the results.  What they want to see is a remake of what they remember, but what Hollywood wants to give is a remake with a twist and it is those twist that usually end up hurting the film remakes.  

I still remember the 1991 mini series and I am one of those who enjoyed it, but I remember people complaining that it was not like the original.  It was not as good as the original.  It was DIFFERENT than the original.  It was and you really had to judge it on its own merits and as a show onto itself, it was enjoyable.  When compared to the original, it didn't outdue the original and didn't have the charm of the original series.  Most fans end up comparing remake films, especially, to the original product and 99% of the time they are disappointed by what they see in the remake.  

So I know I'm in the minority when I say that I have seen a remake of DS once and don't really care to see another because I think with each one, it is likely to change more and more and degrade and deminish from the original and there is just no way to capture what made the original work and it did.  It was a kind of magic that happens for some shows and films and even with the best writers, actors and story, most times it can not be recaptured again.  


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Collection Two
« on: July 22, 2002, 09:36:12 AM »
And now DS DVD  Vol 3 is listed on Amazon and can be pre-ordered.  Date of release Sept 24th.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Question about Notification of Reply
« on: June 18, 2002, 05:28:30 AM »
Question about the board.  I have always checked the notify me of replies to my messages, but I have yet to get any kind of notifcation of any reply to a message I have posted.  Does this function not work or is something wrong with my account?

When I check notificatons on the main menu, it states that I am setup to be notified of replies to several topics, but like I said before I have never gotten any notiification so that is why I am asking about this.

Richard Holt

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS DVD Set 2 Delayed
« on: June 18, 2002, 05:23:23 AM »
Well, considering it took them 5 years to get the entire series out on video tape, releasing a new set of 4 videos every month (with a fews gaps here and there).  I suppose they plan to draw it out like that again, and with the 3 month schedule it will take longer than that to get them all out.  However marketing wise it is a good stradegy to keep interest running high and not glut the market with too much product all at once.  MPI saw what happened once they had released all the episodes on video.  Not long afterward, demand and interest dropped as there was no longer anything new to look forward to on a consistent bases.  I'm sure that sells declined and so they want to keep interest and demand high for as long as possible.  However had they stuck with the every other month schedule it would have made the release schedule consistent with the video release schedule, which was 48 new videos a year.  Since the DVD's contain the equalivant of 8 videos or two video 4 pak sets, it would have worked out to be the same amount of episodes release per year as was released with the videos per year.  

Now I had heard mention made of this quarterly release schedule but that was at the same time that the release date for set 2 was going up on the Amazon and other sites so I figured it would go to that cycle after set 2 not starting from the beginning.

Richard Holt  

Current Talk '02 I / DS DVD Set 2 Delayed
« on: June 17, 2002, 02:11:57 AM »
According to, the DS DVD set #2 is now not coming out July 30th as originally stated, but instead it will be out on August 27, 2002.  I had noticed on MPI's website that under coming attractions for July the DS DVD set was not listed so I visited Amazon and saw that it had been delayed.

Richard Holt

Well Darren, my sister said she knew of several times that film rights had been licensed out by Warner for projects.  However, she also said that she had heard the same policy that you mentioned repeated, but it always seems to come from the Home Video Division.  It apparently is their standard answer when approached on the issue, but she said  there is apparently no such policy and that she knew, first hand, of people getting licensing agreement made with Warner on material they owned.   She said they want all the money they can get, but apparently certain people in the Home Video Division didn't get that memo.  Since it can be done, despite what some people say in Home Video, there is obviously a channel that has to be used to get such a thing done,  but it is not one widely known, or is one that for reason's known only to the Home Video Division, they try to keep people from.    To me, it sounds like your original stradegy of trying different avenues through Warner is the way to go and eventually it might lead to getting the okay.

Richard Holt

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