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Messages - kuanyin

All, I can say is WOWWEEEEEE!!!!

Feeling very generous I am going to buy Barnabas some casual clothes.  Wouldn't it be nice to see him in something other than a suit and tie.  

On reading this, I flashed to the scene in Pulp Fiction when Travolta and Jackson, having soiled their black suits, had on t-shirts and shorts! Somehow, I just can't picture Barney in that get up! Maybe, a nice cashmere sweater and Dockers though....

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Reminder - it's back for a week!
« on: December 14, 2002, 09:37:24 AM »
Thank you, I need to put the tape back in the VCR.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Where DS and Buffy fandom intersect
« on: December 14, 2002, 09:34:18 AM »
Well, it would certainly make for a great episode of Buffy, if Dan Curtis would let them do a DS show! I can't say as I agree with all your choices, but definately like Angel for Barney. Interesting, that you didn't use the same actor for multiple roles as DS did. I would think whoever played Professor Stokes, would play Ben, for instance.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: OT-Luciaphil, M.L.S.
« on: December 14, 2002, 09:18:44 AM »
Why, that is wonderful news! Sounds like a dream-come-true type of job too.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Slownessn
« on: December 13, 2002, 08:10:47 AM »

I didn't even know that DirectTV was in the DSL business.  They're the satellite TV service people, aren't they??

Yes, they are, but you don't have to have one to get the other. Unfortunately, it turns out I am 4,400 feet past what they deem acceptable. It looks like Covad, who I have never even heard of.

Right now, my phone lines are so bad that with a 56k modem I only connect at 26,400. I'm assuming that won't affect the DSL. Even if I'm not the fastest DSL connection in town, it would have to be a lot better than what I have now. I think.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Slownessn
« on: December 13, 2002, 07:41:24 AM »

Verizon DSL is supposedly really bad. They ranked next to last in PC Magazine's reader's poll. (Beaten by AOL, who came in worst. No surprise there. [wink2])

I'm so glad I came into this discussion as I am going to be signing up for DSL quite soon. Right now, DirectTV sounds like the likely one, how did they rate?

If I have a new address, will I be able to keep my wondrous posting glory? I wouldn't be locked at as a newbie (GASP!), would I?

I actually want to sign up with another DSL service, but I still have to connect to them through Verizon's local hub because Verizon is my phone company.

Eww, do you think that will be a problem for me?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Relatives that make fun of you
« on: December 13, 2002, 06:42:19 AM »
I remember quite well when I found DS again. It was just a couple of weeks before its run on SciFi ended last time. I was SO excited, I was just happily gushing on and on to my husband. He managed to act bored enough long enough to shut me up. This from the man who I once waited for the commercial to come on so I could actually tell him something (other than about DS). He yelled at me, because he was trying to listen to it!

Did I mention that I'm divorced?

My kids like it, though they don't usually watch with me anymore. I love the soap opera discussions that arise when they do and I am explaining, "OK, Quentin is EVIL now, it isn't until later that he is nice." Or with the DVDS, "Remember, Barnabus was really a bad guy then!" They nod and take it all in, they are too young to think I'm weird for it and it all makes sense to them....

Well, in keeping with other coincidences, I drew little Missy Stoddard. I think Dr. Laura's "Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives" would be JUST the thing! I'm feeling extra generous, so I think I will throw in a copy of "The Rules" also!

Polls Archive / Re: Favorite 1897 Moment - Poll #6  (Final poll)
« on: December 09, 2002, 08:43:03 PM »
Well, I'm with Connie. WHAT a difficult choice to have to make! And just the pure fun and Karlen's glee with the role made me make the same choice.

Fortunately, when the DVDs get to that point, we won't be forced to make such a decision as to what we watch over and over....

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: WE'RE BACK!
« on: December 07, 2002, 04:33:39 AM »
Well, like some of the others, I am the QUEEN of the guilty conscience! On an intellectual level I knew that I had not posted anything THAT terrible and that if I HAD, Midnite would have at least emailed me. But there is something about that FORBIDDEN floating in front of your eyes that is much like the discomfort I get driving with a police car in the next lane!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Help Me!
« on: December 04, 2002, 04:24:57 AM »
Hey, anyone laughing at you needs a slap upside the head! The first time for trying something new is usually daunting and sometimes downright scary.

The good news is that I think Amazon makes ordering pretty easy, and it isn't finalized until you say it is. For next time, you go to the button that says "Add to Shopping Cart", then you will be led through the free registering process. I don't remember it exactly, but I think they make it pretty explanatory. When done with that and done shopping you click on the shopping cart icon at the top of the page that says "view shopping cart", and have your credit card handy. They may have an 800 number for those who don't like to do their credit card online, I'm not sure if they do or not. I think it is pretty dang safe to use credit cards though. I had a co-worker at store that recorded people's credit card numbers and used them himself. So, I feel safer using it online than I do at a store or restaurant.

Polls Archive / Re: Favorite 1897 Moment - Poll #3
« on: December 03, 2002, 01:57:07 AM »
Judith ROCKS!

Polls Archive / Re: Favorite 1897 Moment - Poll #2
« on: December 03, 2002, 01:33:59 AM »
Interesting, I see I'm in the minority on this one. Quentin visiting Beth's room is so erotically charged that I had to pick it! (Living vicariously and all that...)

Polls Archive / Re: Favorite 1897 Moment - Poll #1
« on: December 03, 2002, 01:26:51 AM »
I had to go with Carl meeting Barney, BUT, you certainly made the decision difficult! Great moments all....