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Messages - Charles_Ellis

Sarah: Willie thought I'd like this new doll better.  It's called "Growing-Up Skipper"!

Nicholas: As you can see, Adam is now completely under my control and won't harm anyone.

Julia:  Yes, but what's with dressing him in that Lord Fauntleroy outfit?  He looks like an overgrown Eddie Munster!

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0677
« on: April 07, 2005, 02:46:12 PM »
Hmmmmm......sorry, Barnabas- I can't go out with you tonight.... having a threesome with Steve McQueen and Paul Newman.....

Barnabas: I see London, I see France......

Caption This! - Night of Dark Shadows / Re: Night of Dark Shadows
« on: April 06, 2005, 06:26:29 PM »
Claire: Not now, Alex- I'm still comin' down off my last acid trip!

Jonathan Frid:  What do you mean, 'the Telepromter broke'? ???

KLS showing off her Playboy Bunny skills to her excited (?) costars....

Barnabas: I may be from the 18th Century, but even I know of the Surgeon General's Report!

Julia (thinking): Hmmm- that hypnosis really worked on Maggie.  Maybe I should try it on Barnabas, and then I'll be the new Josette!

Liz: When I sign the deed of Seaview to you and Vicki, you'll have to accept all that comes with it, including the ghosts and curses!

Vicki: Thanks for explaining 'the facts of life' to me and Maggie, Miss Hoffman.  For once I understand something, and I don't want to!!

Maggie: I had the strangest dream last night- I dreamt I was a prisoner in the Old House in my Maidenform bra!

Barnabas: So people actually pay you to listen as they talk about anything while lying on a couch?  I have been in that coffin too long!

Julia:  What in Sam Hall is going on here??

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS/Gilmore Girls Heads Up
« on: April 06, 2005, 05:31:04 PM »
The King of Queens episode is called Cowardly Lyin', and it's hilarious.  One of the supporting characters wants to go to a DSF, and lies to his girlfriend about it with Doug's encourgament.