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Messages - kuanyin

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: "What If..."
« on: April 22, 2002, 05:59:05 AM »
I'm going to assume that both Alexandra Moltke and TLTKLS were both good enough that if they had been given the other's part we wouldn't have thought a thing of it.

I sincerely wish that Mitch Ryan and Robert Gerringer had been able to remain in their roles. And I wish Moltke could have returned in a different role. Don Briscoe and Joel Crothers both left too soon also. AND, I wish Quentin could have been in it from the get go. I can't imagine how they would have written him into the beginning, with the far different type of show they were doing, but just getting to look at him longer would make it wonderful. Oh, speaking of the beginning, I wish the character of Sam Malloy could have stuck around and been a love interest for Liz.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: MIX & MATCH
« on: April 22, 2002, 05:45:43 AM »
Well, I would be surprised to see Willie and Mrs. Johnson smooching in the kitchen! Speaking of, does Mrs. Johnson have a first name?

I would consider Barney and Liz an unlikely pair, just because he never recognizes a beautiful woman instead of a cute girl. I don't think being cousins would be such a hindrance, with him being "from England" and all.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: HOUSE CALL
« on: April 22, 2002, 05:36:57 AM »
As much as I adore Julia, it certainly isn't as a doctor. I wouldn't have wanted to be under her care at Wyndcliffe at all, though I might have been holding out my hand for a pill later on.

My vote has to be for Dr. Woodard. I love him, love his looks, his caring, his voice. I only wish they had kept him on much longer.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Unwanted Charactor Question
« on: April 22, 2002, 05:32:15 AM »
Well, they should have written out Burke Devlin when Mitch Ryan left. I literally cheered when Anthony George was no longer ruining the role.

Peter Bradford does come to mind also. And as much as I love Alexandra Moltke earlier in the show, when Vicky finally leaves it is a relief. The scripting for her part became so lame and the pairing with Peter Bradford was not helpful.

I like Chris Pennock fine, but his leviathon part was rather painful to watch and I couldn't miss it at all.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Most Attractive Pairings/Couples?
« on: April 22, 2002, 05:23:11 AM »
I'd have to go with:
Quentin and Daphne
Anquelique and Sky Rumson
Vicky and Frank Garner were cute too

Current Talk '02 I / Re: the darkest and most HIDEOUS secret
« on: April 21, 2002, 03:18:34 AM »
And yet, as sick to death as I am of hearing it-it seems that those who it is put in there for always miss it! I know I was one of those, I missed DS for a week or two in the original run and was completely lost when I tuned into a different time period. Didn't I listen? Or did I get home 5 minutes into the show? Dunno. [hdscrt]

I have heard that you only need watch most soaps on Friday, as nothing ever happens the rest of the time. Whereas, with DS, if you only watched one day of the week, you would have no idea what was happening by then!

« on: April 15, 2002, 05:14:14 AM »
Pansy Faye would have a pekapoo and I could see Roger walking a full size schnauzer. Elizabeth would be more of a cat person.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Don Juan
« on: April 13, 2002, 05:04:55 AM »
Maybe it's just me, but I recall Briscoe as being not quite that good when he entered as Tom Jennings. He has always been my nominee for most improved, in a very short time he was putting in excellent performances. I would have have to say that it would be Chris Jennings with Tim Shaw being a close second. [spin]

Current Talk '02 I / I forgot to mention...
« on: April 12, 2002, 04:44:27 AM »
Medical care! I'm very thankful to have been able to have surgeries that life may not have ended without, but I might wish it had!

And ibuprofen. I am a wimp, do not like to suffer.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: 1795 Hobbies, etc.
« on: April 12, 2002, 04:38:56 AM »
Naomi said that she had little to do, because Abigail insisted on running the house. Which would definately have been Naomi's territory as the lady of the house. But with her tippling, she may have resented it more than she tried to actually do it herself.

Ladies of the day were big on needlework. A necessary task even for the upper classes. And music would have been a part of their lives. The men seem to have been more work oriented and not ones to putter about building things at home! After all, they had Ben for that.

I would love to salute our stay at home moms! I think it wonderful, except that I'm jealous. I stayed at home from the adoption of my oldest son to the point of my divorce. Wish I would win Freelotto so I could do it again.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Move Over, Arnold Schwarzenegger!
« on: April 12, 2002, 04:25:05 AM »
Nathan Forbes too.  :o When he was beating on the door while Barney bit Suki, the very walls of the Old House threatened to fall down! Now that's what I call real MEN!

Current Talk '02 I / ::)Re: Pardon the question but............
« on: April 11, 2002, 04:23:40 AM »
No, I don't think they did, but I don't think it as highly unlikely as some of the others. I agree she was an innocent without any real idea about what could happen between a man and woman.

What occurred to me more than once during their dalliances, was that Joshua was completely failing this poor girl. His role should have been to protect her from young men who would want to get her alone. Especially from penniless young men who could seduce her and then have to accepted as her bridegroom, when they wouldn't have been otherwise.

While it was not accepted by society, even upper class girls could lose their virginity in ANY time period. It certainly would have been covered up if at all possible. But I think most in the chaperone position were wise enough to realize that prevention was the best route.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Things not in 1795 i would miss most!
« on: April 06, 2002, 04:28:52 AM »
Let's see when the power was out, I missed most the:

Heat, food selection, electric lights, tv, internet, video games, hair dryer, music, oh you name it. When I got it back I think I used most all of it at one time! Actually, when it went OFF I had two tvs on, two computers and the video game going! So it is pretty much just how the kids and I live. Only we appreciated it more for losing it....

At least I was able to maintain hygiene, I can't even imagine my hair after a whole winter of not washing it. I think what would be the worst of all would be the poor standards of food, water and hygiene in general. And to not have makeup would be excruciating, though I don't notice Naomi suffering for it!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Barnabas' On again Off again powers
« on: April 05, 2002, 04:42:30 AM »
Oh dear, am I being WAY too cynical if I suggest that it is the WRITERS who have trouble remembering Barney's powers? ;D ::)

After all Barney became a bat when he didn't even know that he could do so.  :-*

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