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Messages - madscntst

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Sixty a month for PW??  Wow, no wonder I don't want to subscribe  [easter_grin]  Anyway, what I was trying to get at with regard to the publication is that it may just be meant as a listing for folks in the business- if say a cameraman sees a production starting up, they may try to contact them for work.  The nuts and bolts about the plot and even the cast or director may not be the only thing of importance from their perspective.  Just a thought.  

I may not have always followed every entry on IMDb, but I seem to recall that The Rum Diary *was* off the regular IMDb listing for awhile.  This film's been around for a long time- I remember seeing it when I first started getting die-hard about Johnny around late-ish '03 (have been a fan since Edward Scissorhands, but ya know, the internet sometimes does things to people  [easter_grin] )  And then it was in limbo for a long time.  It makes sense that it's listed now because the film is about to get made, and many of the cast members have been announced already.  What I *don't* get is that a film like Sin City 3, which has similarly been in the works for years, but doesn't seem like it's going to be made any time soon (or Sin City 2, for that matter), and that one *is* still on IMDb.  

Fortunately, there was news today about The Three Stooges- Benicio del Toro is in talks to play Moe Howard, according to Variety, so hopefully that one is going to be taken off Johnny's cast list any time now.  And I hope that Dark Shadows will return to the regular IMDb area once there start to be announcements about a start date and cast members.  I agree though that the whole IMDb vs. IMDbPro thing is silly- guess they just want to try to tempt people into paying...

I don't know much about Production Weekly and am not sure if anyone can just subscribe (and if so, how much is it?) but it strikes me as more of a publication meant for industry people.  Very dry and bare-bones status reports, and probably not meant to be a public announcement about anything.  So I agree that anything printed there should probably still be taken with a grain of salt, compared with an ironclad public announcement.  That said, if something is included in a PW issue, it probably means there's been some change or other in the film's status, which can only be great news for a project like DS that we want to see progressing!   [easter_cool]

Sorry folks, there is a site to find old Production Weekly's, but I don't know about new ones.  The last one I've seen is from Jan. 15, so I guess they're about 2 months behind.  It'll be interesting to see what it says!  I still hope Sam Sarkar is right in that something will be officially announced about it soon.

Meanwhile, Johnny is in Puerto Rico for The Rum Diary, which starts filming on Monday.  Hope all gets done on schedule!

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Darks Shadows The Revival on Hulu
« on: March 23, 2009, 11:37:29 PM »
I've really gotta watch the '91 series again.  I think I still have the VHS tapes around somewhere, that I taped when the show first aired.  I have no idea what kind of condition they're in, but I should look for them and check them out.  I've heard all the bad things about the DVDs, and it's too bad that the Hulu episodes aren't good either (though I guess I'm glad they're on there, because at least they're convenient).

I think that teen girls are inevitably going to be part of the target audience for DS.  I'm not as sure about 10-13 year olds- certainly Johnny himself has many fans that age from the Pirates films, but I think that for DS, that's a little young.  I would guess that the *minimum* rating they'll go for is a PG-13, and I wouldn't be too surprised if they decide to go for an R, as they did with Sweeney Todd.  (Not that I am in favor of a slasher-type film, but I don't want them to be afraid to make it dark).  Didn't I hear that a lot of *moms* like Twilight, though?  The moms will definitely be all over a Depp DS film, especially if they're old enough to remember the original.  But I agree with MB and Taeylor that I hope the target audience is going to be much broader than this. 

Regarding the male audience, while a lot of the die-hard Depp fans are female, I think that males respect him, as well, and I think it won't hurt that his upcoming films Public Enemies and The Rum Diary will help to keep the male fanbase interested in what else Depp will be up to, including DS.

I agree, Jimbo, that Vicki should look 25 at the *most*.  College educated, perhaps with a master's in education, but still young and just starting a career.  I think Joanna Going was perfect, at the time.  I just checked IMDb, and she was born in '63, so was 27 or 28 for DS- that was pretty good.  

Also sorry for the double post but the GOOD GOD: THAT MAN IS HOT line was referring to Johnny Depp!  SHEW! FAINT!

SHEW! FAINT!  Yes, indeed  [easter_grin]  As for Frid, the thing about him is that he may have looked a little older than his years during the DS run (though still very dapper and attractive), but he has made up for it now by still looking wonderful 40 years later!

As for Twilight, I confess that I haven't seen it, and I fear that from what I've heard of it, it may be a little too sappy for my taste.  I'm glad it's keeping folks interested in vampires, though!  I think that Let The Right One In, which I *have* seen, has also recently come out on DVD.  That one had a lot of critical praise, but I don't think it is nearly as much on people's radar.  I wonder how it's doing.  I recommend it highly, by the way!

I saw the Cinematical article, and I think the mention of June was just a lazy guess from the reporter.  I think that Richard Zanuck was the first to say something concrete, and as I recall, he said "late summer".  Which is consistent with August, but not June.  I don't think I recall June being tossed around at all, and if I had, I think I would've been worried about it overlapping with The Rum Diary filming.   If filming starts in fall, that won't concern me because it's not really much different than "late summer."  But I took Nicki Finke's article as potentially a more open-ended delay (which I hope it won't be!!   [easter_grin]  )

All to say, it will be all the better if there is an official announcement very soon, as Sam Sarkar tells us there might be- any concrete news would be great, at this point!

I agree with all that's been said about Heath Ledger- he was a phenomenal actor and was transcendent in The Dark Knight, and amazing in Brokeback and so many other films.  Such a great loss to lose him so soon.

I'm so excited that Sam Sarkar has spoken up about DS!  He is the head of development at Johnny's production company and seems to tell it straight.  I was a little surprised that he hedged a bit on whether Tim Burton would direct.  Maybe the deal's not set in stone yet and as an official spokesman, he can't say.  Nicki Finke of Deadline Hollywood Daily usually has good sources, and she says it's definitely Tim but that Tim's busy with Alice In Wonderland.  Hmm.   Alice will be released next March so I hope it won't be delayed that long.  The best part is that Sarkar hints that an announcement may come very soon.  Hopefully that will clear things up!

Having never seen a frame of the 2004 pilot, I'd absolutely love if they could include it as a DVD extra!

As for Oscar chances, I'd seriously doubt DS could be up for any of the major awards, but I could see it being nominated for things like set design, costume design, and makeup if it's worthy (and I sure hope it would be!!).  Maybe effects, too, though I am kind of hoping that it won't be an effects-heavy film. 


This blog in the Hollywood reporter is of the opinion that Depp has yet to pull off being "menacing -- true, bloodthirsty, win-at-all-costs menacing" and wonders if he'll achieve it as John Dillinger in Public Enemies:

I think the blogger may be disappointed in Johnny's Dillinger turn.  While I think he will be menacing, the real Dillinger was also known to be very charismatic and charming, and that he didn't wish to kill anyone, so I think we'll see a fair bit of Dillinger's sympathetic side in this film.  But I disagree with the blogger that his characters in Sweeney Todd and Blow weren't menacing enough (and I would add The Astronaut's Wife and Once Upon A Time In Mexico).  Why do people often think of him only being in sweet and cuddly roles?  I think he'll be able to do "bloodthirsty" (literally and figuratively) just fine!!   [snow_cool]

I hadn't really been thinking of Jolie for DS, but I wonder who she could play?  I suppose she'd do justice to Angelique, but I actually see her as a better Dr. Hoffman.  Hmm.

And thanks for that blog, MB- cute!


I was just pointed to this post by John August on his website, that he was in Paris last weekend for a meeting.

Now, this may or may not be DS-related, but it just so happens that Johnny was in Paris last weekend and during the week (there are some photos floating around), and it has been claimed that Johnny and Tim Burton got together for dinner one night.  Sooooo, it's all at least consistent with the possibility of them all meeting to discuss DS.  And if DS is indeed "a project everyone wants to see done right", that's the best possible thing to hope for!   [snow_smiley]  Let's hope!

By the way I don't think it's at all unusual if August is still hard at work on the script.  Yes, it may be mostly done but probably being tweaked and shaped to get it right.  Sometimes screenwriters are even available during the filming to make small changes.  It's all good!

As for EW, they're mostly a good publication, but I think they sometimes make offhand comments without good research.  The DS remark was probably foolish, but I don't think there is any chance they will call attention to what they said before- I think they'll just report the new news as it happens.

That's interesting, MB, I didn't know that about DC's plans.  I will try to keep an open mind no matter what they do, but I tend to agree that the best story will probably introduce Barnabas as a vampire so that we know him as what he becomes, first.  I love the idea of a trilogy or even a sequel, but don't want to bank on that too much, as I haven't heard any indication that they intend to do more than one movie (has there been any real hint of this?)

I just got the online Shadowgram, which says that if all goes well, it should start filming "before year's end."  Actually, I hope that they are still aiming for late summer!  I have heard that Johnny's animated film, Rango, has wrapped, and The Rum Diary is on schedule, so it seems late summer is still possible.  Let's hope!

I had no idea that Depp had auditioned for Caleb (the part Adrian Pasdar ultimately played) in Near Dark. Who knew Depp might have played a vampire 22 years ago? (Well, except for maybe madscntst.  [snow_cheesy])

Actually, I've never heard this before!  Wow, and cool!  I only just rented this film recently, and enjoyed seeing Adrian Pasdar in something else besides Heroes.

As for the Doors thing, it was reported by entertainment blogger Nicki Finke a few days ago.  The film is done and has already shown at the Sundance Film Festival, with the director narrating, but word is that they're going to replace the narration with an improved one.  The director was to have announced Johnny's involvement at the Berlin Film Festival, which is going on now, but I haven't seen anything official yet.  Don't fret about this, as I think that all that'll be required for it is a day or two in a recording studio.  Shouldn't interfere with any actual movie filming.  (Johnny voiced a Spongebob Squarepants episode, too, and that'll be out on DVD next month  [snow_laugh]  )

I do agree that Barnabas will make him THE coolest!!

That was a cute blog, except for the fact that they seem to be blaming the fans ("goo-goo for Depp") when I think it's really In Touch and all the other gossip magazines and sites who are just trying to sell magazines and get hits to their sites.  But geez, give it a rest sometimes!   [snow_grin]

(I'm presuming for now the Three Stooges rumor is just wishful thinking on the Farrelly Brothers' part, though I actually think Johnny would probably have a ball doing those pratfalls [snow_laugh] )


Yes, as far as we know, Johnny's recent film schedule has all been going according to plan so far.  Alice In Wonderland has now supposedly wrapped and is in post-production.  There is word from a reliable source or two that the animated film Rango is going on right now- it involves both voice work and some motion capture and was only planned to take about 4 weeks (for the actors, not the animation).  Quite a few cast members have been announced recently, though there is very little information yet about the actual story.  Since it's not coming out until 2011 (animated films take a lot of time!) I think they want to keep as much info as they can under wraps for now.  The Rum Diary is supposed to begin filming in Puerto Rico on March 29 or 30, and Amber Heard, the actress the above article is about, is the only other cast member besides Johnny who's been announced so far (though there are some rumors about Jack Nicholson).  I *think* there was an article that was estimating how long the filming would take, and it's not too long- 45 or 50 days, maybe?

I take all of the above as a great sign that nothing going on before DS is being delayed or extended, so I hope that the late summer DS start date will be firmed up and officially confirmed before we all go nuts with anticipation   [snow_blush]


Yes, The Rum Diary is still supposed to be next, after the project he's working on right now, the animated film Rango.  (Unconfirmed reports say that Rango has already started- Johnny is doing voice work and some motion capture, and that it will only take 4 weeks).  I'm a little concerned that other than the casting call for Chenault, there's been no real hard info for The Rum Diary, such as the rest of the cast or an actual start date, but I'm crossing my fingers that it all goes well.

I am holding on to my trust in Richard Zanuck that Dark Shadows will be next up after The Rum Diary, and that it will start filming at the end of summer, as he says.  Please let it be so!!

Johnny was present at the Golden Globe Awards this past Sunday.  He was last year's winner for Best Actor in a Comedy or Musical (for Sweeney Todd), and as is customary, he presented this year's Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical (to Sally Hawkins).  We fans were waiting with bated breath during the Red Carpet preshow, hoping that he'd be interviewed and maybe he'd be able to give a few tidbits about DS or other upcoming projects.  However, it just seemed like he showed up to present the award and was otherwise not really spotted there (he's a shy fellow  [snow_smiley]  )  But unfortunately, that was a missed interview opportunity. 

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