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Messages - Julia99

Rainey is right... small town biddies would never have the sense to realize that regardless of his past history, Willie Loomis had a hot, HOT ass!

Yea.  .like GOthick said!!  [clap]

okay . .i don't *think* willie and julia well would ever but you know i've known some implausible/improbable gossips in my life and believe me the sh*t they come up with . .. but it's been fun --- 8)

Willie and Julia realize with horror how they spent last night after downing too many kamakazies at the Blue Whale . .

oh no McT!!!  [banana]

There was a brief interview with Peter Ostrum (the original Charlie Buckett in 1971's Willie Wonka) --he now lives in New York and is a large animal veteriniarian.  ..

you're no fun . .

i'm not saying they **were or would be** a couple --I'm just saying small towns breed the most obsurd gossip ..the people would've been like . .'uh whaat? no don't think. ..?"  And some biddy would nod knowingly and then the gossip would rip no matter how OFF It was . .Willie would be seens as being 'close to Julia' and they have their secrets . so they'd be seen whispering privately. .etc. which would just add fuel to the fire ..there would be really NOTHING to it but come on! small town gossips don't need R.E.A.L.I.TY now do they?? 

Now .  .just imagine if they'd gone through with that and the "gossip" that would've arisen around Collinsport had the handyman and lady doctor left for Wyndcliffe together.. .and Barnabas was gone gone gone. . .oh the party lines would've been steaming hot!

Julia:  Calgone take me away!!

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0674
« on: July 15, 2005, 03:07:26 PM »
Did you see the buns on that boy?! Wow!

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0674
« on: July 15, 2005, 03:03:50 PM »
Julia pretends to listen as she carefully exercises an important muscle ..squeez, count to 7, relax. . .

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0912
« on: July 15, 2005, 02:29:48 PM »
Barnabas thinks to self . ..Ahh  such a  lovely scent  .wherever does she get the stuff

Julia thinks to self:  He's intoxicated by any scent if it's not lye . ..

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0674
« on: July 15, 2005, 02:21:35 PM »
Chris he still hasn't chilled the wine nor selected the right TomJones song for the night as his secret lady love arrives--

well what happens in reality and on this show  . . .it was made pretty clear Julia has an MD. .. now if there is a Ph.D. or whatelse along with that. . its vague. .i've seen her referred to be "others" as a hemotologist and serotologist or something like that. .though Maggie went to Wyndcliffe for mental disturbences (and young Amy) have to suspect Maggie physically was not well too .'s never clear if Wyndcliffe is merely a psychiatric hospital or a private hospital with a reknowned psychiatric wing. . ??  But ole Jules dispenses drugs only like an MD could.  ..

also. . i am curious about the smoking too .. you could smoke in hospitals at this time . . but i dont think around oxygen tents.. ?

Julia:  Barnabas--stop torturing me . . turn on the heat. . i'm freezing . .can't you tell!