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Messages - Charles_Ellis

Current Talk '06 I / Re: James Hall & John Karlen
« on: March 09, 2006, 01:36:47 AM »
One thing I have noticed from attending DS Festivals for over 20 years is how everyone (except perhaps Mr. Davis) reveres John Karlen as an actor- even Jonathan Frid.  It goes without saying that he is definitely an "actor's actor"- one who gives all to his costars and helps them achieve great performances.  Lara and Kathryn simply adore John, and the only reason that Alexandra Moltke showed up at the Museum of TV & Radio tribute a few years back is because she did it at his request.  I don't think there's any other actor in the DS family who is more beloved than our gregarious John, and let me tell you, when he joins Grayson, Joan, Thayer, Michael, Don  and the others "up there" (and may that day not happen for years to come!), many a DS fan and costar will shed a lot of tears.

Let's face the simple fact that John is a vastly talented actor and Mr. Hall could've never played such a range of characters (Willie/Carl/Will Loomis/Desmond/Kendrick/Alex) the way John did during those four years he was on DS.  Can't wait to see him again in August- he rocks!

Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Voluptuous Horror of Grayson Hall
« on: March 09, 2006, 01:18:04 AM »
I stand corrected.  Speaking of affectations, I'm sure we've all noticed Jonathan's tendency to drag out the last syllable of a sentence- heaven knows it's been spoofed in many a "Collinsport Player" skit!

Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Voluptuous Horror of Grayson Hall
« on: March 08, 2006, 03:02:59 PM »
Sam Hall has gone on record (in one of the DVD interviews) that he told Dan Curtis not to end a scene with a CU of Grayson's face because of her "fish-face" pout (my words).

And let's not forget her blinking or her smoker's hack!

Here's a link to an announcement on Gord Lacey's

Polls Archive / Re: Lovely DS ladies side by side
« on: February 22, 2006, 05:49:15 PM »
Grayson Hall was 5'7", which  is considered tall for a woman.  BTW, guess who wrote those scripts with that "tall woman" descriptions (e.g. Roxanne using her psychic powers to find the imprisoned Julia in 1970PT)?  That's right- Sam Hall!!

The tallest actress on DS was probably Terry Crawford- 5'9" in stocking feet!  I should know, having seen her at numerous fests and she is quite impressive.  And if I'm not mistaken, Marie Wallace is about up there too heightwise....

Please join the Warner Bros. Chat to get HODS and NODS on DVD ASAP, tonight from 8-11 PM EST!!!

And how about some Grayson video?  I've recorded her Girl From U.N.C.L.E. off cable, and with her Night Gallery appearance on DVD, it would be nice to show those appearances during the fest.  Also, we must acknowledge the past two decades without our girl.  BTW, will the book have photos?  Is there a website for the book?

So, Connie- did you get inside "that little yellow building"?

"Come on, let's go, go, go, what a groovy show- come on let's go, go, go

with Cousin Brucie!" (a tip of the hat to The Four Seaons)

Current Talk '06 I / Re: sale at brewster's!
« on: February 03, 2006, 02:14:00 AM »
Buzz, I knew you were a fellow after my own heart!  I had a Big Jim, too, and the camper set as a kid!!  Also GI Joes and Hot Wheels (I'd love to track down a Thundershift 500 racing set at a cheap price for my nephews- I can't tell you what joy it brought me), and Matchbox cars!  About McCrory's - at one point, our former Kresge's in Staten Island became a McCrory's for a few years, and then it closed down in the 80's.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: sale at brewster's!
« on: February 02, 2006, 03:39:49 PM »
When I was a kid (dating myself yet again- arrrgh!), my mother took my brother and me to Robert Hall for clothes and John's Bargain Store for school supplies.  And there was always Woolworth's, Korvettes, and Kresge's !  And we didn't have to buy bottled soda from the A&P- it was delivered to us by Hammer Beverages in big glass bottles in different flavors.  Can you imagine what it must have been like for the Collins family milkman/knife sharpener/beverage man to arrive at Collinwood?  

Actually, it was on the radio in Collinwood when Adam kidnapped Carolyn!  BTW, I grew up in NYC with WABC and later WCBS-FM, and a lot of those songs bring memories, though there's some I've never heard before!  There are some songs I'll always associate with DS, though.  Whenever I hear Huey Lewis & The News' "The Power of Love", I instantly go back to August '85 and the heartbreak of reading Grayson's obituary.  On the other hand, I always associate "Music To Watch Girls By" by The Bob Crewe Generation with the Laura Collins storyline, since it was on the charts then.  When I started kindergarten in September '70, the big hit song was "Make It With You" by Bread, and that's when 1840 began.  Whenever somone mentions the summer of '71, I automatically think of Carole King and one of the best 45s ever: "It's Too Late" / "I Feel The Earth Move".

Here's a link to the ultimate top 40 station of the 60s and 70s- WABC! :)

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Cheap Insufferable pig pic
« on: January 24, 2006, 03:48:59 PM »
Well, gosh- I could've sworn this was an adult  board.  It's one thing if you don't like a character or story, but it's another if you use a sledgehammer to drive your opinions through.  That "illustration" was overkill, and the sooner it's gone the better. :(

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Which actors will be attending the 06 fest
« on: January 24, 2006, 12:38:21 AM »
Since it is the 40th Anniversary, it would be nice if the big three holdouts (Alexandra Moltke, Kate Jackson, and David Henesy) finally showed up and if Jonathan came down from Canada for the shindig.  And what about Lela Swift, Sam Hall, and D.C. himself??? 

Grayson "frumpy"??  I think not!  David Nahmod seems to forget that Grayson hated the wardrobe she had to wear on the show as Julia (she once referred to those suits as 'goddamned tweed') and offscreen she prided herself in being stylish.  Plus, she deliberately played up the camp element, as she couldn't take the stories seriously. The Frid-Hall chemistry was a big factor in the rise in the show's popularity in 1967-68.  I don't know if the same would've happened between Cross and Steele had the '91 show continued, but who knows?  The mere fact that Grayson Hall still has a loyal fan base 20 years after her passing proves the power of this gifted actress

Great minds think alike- I had already placed my votes earlier today, along with some other films.  Every little bit helps!