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Messages - Charles_Ellis

Congrats on your big day- have one on me!! [crowdhappy]

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Joan Bennett
« on: April 09, 2006, 03:34:47 AM »
About Scarlet Street- Joan's Oscar chances were severly compromised because her then-husband Walter Wanger (who produced the film) also happened to be the president of the Academy at the same time!  If she had been nominated, it would've been something of a scandal, like when Mary Pickford (an Academy cofounder, and then-wife of Academy president Douglas Fairbanks) won her Oscar in 1929.

Joan's voice was what was called a "Mid-Atlantic" accent.  Definitely a throwback to the days of Lynn Fontanne and Katherine Cornell.  Olivia deHavilland has used that voice to similar effect on and offscreen as well.  Here's a great story: during the filiming of The Sound of Music, it was decided that the children playing the vonTrapp kids needed to speak the same way because they came from different locales.  So, they came up with the young actors using the "Mid-Atlantic" accent.  Check it out next time you see the film.

It's a shame that daytime nowadays doesn't have actors who were brought up in the theatrical tradition as Joan was.  She set the standard for acting on DS, and where can you find actors like Jonathan, Grayson, Louis and Thayer now? 

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0707
« on: April 06, 2006, 11:19:01 PM »
Quentin muses on the state of the world:

Hmmmm.....I've slept with almost every female on the estate except Judith, Magda and Charity.  That Lady Hampshire looks interesting, and I wonder if Barnabas' friend Julia would like a roll in the hay...

Maggie does her "Colonel Bogey March" routine that got her 1st Prize at the Collinsport Rotary Talent Show!

Caption This! - 1841 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1244
« on: April 06, 2006, 07:57:25 PM »
Julia Collins: By the way, Kendrick, have you met my cousin Morgan?  That's big "M", little organ.......

Dennis Patrick (thinking): Is this guy a goner or what?

James Hall: Katie, this such a great gig!  I've just put a down payment on a condo in the Hamptons!

Kathryn Leigh Scott:  How's their refund policy? (Looking afar) Oh hi, John!

Mrs. Johnson was disturbed by Mr. McGuire's attempt to teach her the obscene hand gestures popular in the port of Singapore.

Nathan: "Say hello to my little friend!"

Caption This! - 1795/1796 / Re: Episode #0446
« on: April 04, 2006, 02:50:10 PM »
Nathan: "A drink to the Collins fortune- my new source of income."

Joshua: "Over my dead body!"

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0787
« on: April 04, 2006, 01:34:12 PM »
Edward: "Would you like to see me shoot off those candles?"

Magda: "I'd rather see you shoot off your head!"

Maggie: "..and the next thing I know, I wake up in a village full of little people and I'm wearing a pair of red sequinned shoes- and it was all in color!!"

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0706
« on: April 04, 2006, 01:28:40 PM »
Carl Collins was quite perplexed by Magda's Al Jolson impersonation!

Fellow cast members consoled Miss Bennett upon her hearing of Dan Curtis' hiring of Don Rickles as Elizabeth's new suitor.

Buzz and Carolyn rehearse their steps for their upcoming "American Bandstand" appearance.