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Messages - Charles_Ellis

Julia: "You don't have to do a thing if you need me, Barnabas- not a thing.  Oh, maybe just whistle- you  know how to whistle, don't you Barnabas?  You just put your lips together-  and blow!"

Julia: "I don't know how else to explain it- I've suddenly gained a big interest in the restoration of old houses.  In fact, there's one on the estate that's being done by the most fascinating man...."

Roger Davis: Lela, please!  I promise not to ham it up any more and steal scenes from Jonathan- now, let go!!

Barnabas: "Move that thing any lower and I'll be in trouble!"

Julia: "Actually, it's the female who winds up 'in trouble'!"

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0816
« on: April 27, 2006, 07:15:48 PM »
Don Briscoe (thinking): I don't get it: I'm better looking, but he gets all the girls!  Either I change my agent or start using Hai Karate......

Announcer:  Welcome to the annual Collinsport Dance Marathon, sponsored by Brewster's!   Okay couples, we're gonna start with a foxtrot to "These Boots Are Made For Walking" - yowsah, yowsah, YOWSAH!!

Grayson (and the audience) recoiled in horror as Thayer David steaked naked across the set!!

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Is it just me....
« on: April 24, 2006, 11:14:01 PM »
I'm certain that Jim Pierson, Ann Wilson et al are planning something really fabulous for the Anniversary, and are keeping certain things under wraps.  I'm still hoping that at least one of the legendary DSF holdouts (Moltke/Henesy/Jackson/Cody and even Jonathan) will show up.  Give them time.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Thoughts on 1840
« on: April 24, 2006, 12:58:56 AM »
There's something about 1840 that hasn't been discussed in any forum or fan publication.  It's this:  I've always felt that each of the three major trips to the past spotlighted a particular character.  1795 told of Barnabas' past, and 1897 was Quentin's story.  But 1840 could've been easily subtitled All About Angelique, for it is in this story that her past (or more accurately her past life as Miranda duVal) is explored as is her destiny in regard to her relationship with Barnabas.  There were many juicy scenes for Lara  climaxing in that unforgettable final moment with Barnabas.  We saw the character at her best and worst in this time period, and it just seems to me that she dominated the events of 1840.

Julia: "Why are you setting the clock three hours behind?"

Carolyn: "Well, there's Eastern Time, and here it's Collins Time- and time is always changing at Collinwood.  One day you're in 1967, another day you're in 1692!"

Julia: "You beast- you beast!!  That's it- take me, abuse me, make me write bad prescriptions!"

Roger Davis:  I know Dan's mad at me for blowing the line, but did he have to bean me with his golf club?

Carolyn:"Well, I've done my binging- now it's time to purge!"

Joe: "Oh, Carolyn- I meant I wanted to see The Late Show!"    (Those of you with imaginations will get it!)

Prof. Stokes: "Now Adam, this is the perfect time to use a handkerchief."