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Messages - Connie

Caption This! - 1897 / Episode #0799
« on: January 10, 2005, 09:00:46 AM »

[attachment deleted by admin]

Barnabas:  "Julia, who IS this?"

Julia:  "More like, WHAT is this."

PS  Heather, the filename of your capture stands for peanut butter and jelly.

Caption This! - 1897 / Episode #0799
« on: January 09, 2005, 11:39:16 AM »

[attachment deleted by admin]

Oooo.  That's a good guess.  [thumb]

Some of us even did what we did on multiple occasions - though it isn't necessarily true that we all did the same thing - though each of us individually did do the same thing (meaning that I performed an action that would have turned on the icon and that FireRose performed another action that would have also turned on the icon, and though we may have performed different actions, I didn't also do what FireFox did and she didn't also do what I did

This is driving me absolutely crazy.  Are we allowed more than one guess?
After reading and re-reading this puzzling clue, the only action I can think of people doing would be cursing or curing.  That would fulfill the part of the clue that says that two different actions have the same result - turning on the icon.

Is this close to the answer?   ???

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: The obsession continueth...
« on: January 08, 2005, 11:01:30 AM »
What a kook!  What's this thing you have for mixing Grayson's characters and having them interact??
Your fantasies are even weirder than mine!  [thumb]


Polls Archive / Re: Three Most Favorite Louis Edmonds Characterizations
« on: January 08, 2005, 05:12:41 AM »
Oh dear.  My favorite character (next to 1840 Daniel) isn't listed.

Edward the gentleman's gentleman.   :'(

That's because he was simply a hidden aspect of Edward, not a different character. For example, aspects of Pansy may have been hidden in Charity, but [spoiler]Charity became possessed by the actual Pansy, with her knowledge and experience - Charity didn't simply let loose with those aspects that were already within herself.[/spoiler]  ;)

I'm confused about this but don't know how to ask about it 'cause I can't tell what's a spoiler and what isn't.  So can a mod spoilage whatever needs to be spoilaged??   ;D

[spoiler]It's insinuated that the Pansy personality is also a hidden aspect of Charity - just like the servant is an aspect of Edward.  When Jamison (Petofi possessed) is checking off his list of victims he says, "Charity Trask - slattern."
So it's like, the opposite character of how these people present themselves is coming out.  But I was thinking....
Edward refers to himself as "Edward, the Earl of Hampshire's gentleman's gentleman."  So doesn't this mean he was possessed by this person?  Isn't he also possessed?  It's confusing.  But these episodes are JUST wonderful.  I've been watching them a lot ever since Midnite posted the episode # where Edward asks Quentin if he's been under the influence of opium.  Superb writing and acting - particularly Edmonds and Selby.  And HENESY!  These episodes are so enjoyable.  I love where Jamison (Petofi) refers to Quentin as that rare man who faces the truth about himself.  And Barnabas - "another realist".  LOL  Whoever wrote this stuff did a great job - I love the dark humor.[/spoiler]

It's been making me wonder what the writers would have done if they had decided to reveal the "hidden aspects" of Quentin and Barnabas -- what type of personalities would have emerged.   :o

I remember these from somewhere long ago -- maybe from a teen magazine?

Thanks for posting them!  I like the second one the best -- Mmmm - nice.

(how come KLS got all the breaks?)   ???

Current Talk '05 I / Blooper Consequences
« on: January 07, 2005, 09:01:24 AM »
As many of us know, much has been written and discussed (ad nauseum) about DS bloopers.  It's been brought up on talk shows, at fests, in the KLS books, etc.  There's even a bloopers tape.  Well, luckily most bloopers were contained, in that scenes continued and actors recovered or weren't terribly distracted by flubbed or forgotten lines, prop failures, camera mishaps, mistakes on the part of a crew member, etc.  There WERE rare instances however, when a blooper had far-reaching effects.

I give you......


 ;D   [wave]  ;D


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Seizure, etc...
« on: January 06, 2005, 11:02:32 AM »
...And bless you Connie for posting a pic...

Thank you.  I need all the blessings I can get.   ::)

Jeez - I just figured out who "Mom" is.  DUH!!  (Bang head against the wall).
It's the magazine's initials.  Yes?

Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.....CLC

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Seizure, etc...
« on: January 06, 2005, 06:37:01 AM »
Wow.  Interesting interview.  But then I love reading anything JF has to say.  He's not BORING.
Couldn't get through all "Mom"'s analyses of Seizure -- totally lost.  (who's Mom?)
In fact, have a hard time getting through the film - one of the worst things I've ever seen.  When I have occasion to look at it, I block everything else out and just watch Jonathan.

Interesting stuff about what he's able to with his dreams.

Seizure visual aid.   ;D 
--------->>   (Yummy)

I'm gonna guess it shows up on the home page when you have a new IM.

 ;D  ???   ;D

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Is Joe a Collins?
« on: January 05, 2005, 08:51:27 AM »
Whew...hope I figured that out right. LOL   [emblgh]

Well, you did - according to both the 30th Anniversary Almanac and the more recent Millenium Edition.
The family tree shows clearly that...

[spoiler]Quentin is great grandfather to both the Jennings AND Joe Haskell because Lenore is their grandmother.  Interestingly, the 30th Anniversary book shows Joe's name in the family tree and the other book does not - just that the other daughter of Lenore married a Haskell.[/spoiler]

Just one question....don't know if this has ever been discussed:

[spoiler]Why wasn't Joe also a victim of the werewolf curse??[/spoiler]

Polls Archive / Re: Three Most Favorite Louis Edmonds Characterizations
« on: January 04, 2005, 10:13:24 PM »
Oh dear.  My favorite character (next to 1840 Daniel) isn't listed.

Edward the gentleman's gentleman.   :'(

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Happy Birthday jennifer!
« on: January 02, 2005, 10:56:22 AM »
  Happy Birthday, Jennifer 
