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Messages - Josette

Current Talk '03 I / Re:The First Time
« on: June 04, 2003, 05:46:46 PM »
Usually it's just one poor soul who somehow manages to carry a coffin to the middle of the woods at night and does all the lowering and burying by themselves!!

Well, Barnabas presumably got it back up by himself!!  ;D  Of course he's got vampire strength again now, but Maggie doesn't know that.  How conveniently he had a shovel lying right there!!

It was good to see Barnabas digging someone else up for a change, LOL, he's usually the one dug up!

And how convenient that the shovel was lying right there for him to do it!!!

As to the zombies, I find them rather funny!! ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Been Long Time Gone :(
« on: June 04, 2003, 07:27:47 AM »
Hi Donna,

I'm so sorry to learn of your losses.  I hope you're doing better now.  It's nice to have you back.

When I finally agreed to switch to digital, I made sure that it could be fixed so that one channel could be taped while watching another.  They assured me that it could, and they did do it.

In order to tape any digital channels, I have to switch the cables and then can't watch any other channels.  Fortunately, things like SciFi are "regular" and can be taped directly.

Again, Welcome Back!!

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Can't they make up their minds?
« on: June 03, 2003, 04:39:07 PM »
My idea is that they were working on the premise that evil characters are by nature distrustful of each other, and end up defeating each other instead of the forces of good.
This is always the results in the eternal struggle of Good vs. Evil.
Good works together, Evil works against itsef as well as against Good.

I quite agree, if this were just a collection of evil characters.  But they set it up as though Jeb is the evil character (and Nicholas) and the others are more or less slaves to him.  The idea that one could not only turn on him, but imagine that he could replace him seems to contradict the whole set up.

I happened to notice that on TNT late tonight (2 a.m. Wednesday - Eastern) there is a movie called "Leviathan"!  It's from 1989 and stars Peter Weller.  The description in our TV magazine is:

"Precious-metals miners become trapped on the ocean floor with an eellike genetic alteration."  And it's rated R!!

I suppose that might fit the description that some of us have of "our" Leviathan.  :)

Current Talk '03 I / Can't they make up their minds?
« on: June 03, 2003, 08:20:46 AM »
We all know the show is full of inconsistencies, but having invented a story, you'd think they could at least remain true to their own premise!!

Initially, there is the mysterious breathing in the box, and later the room.  That and all the comments about it make it sound horrendous.

We then see a sequence of Joseph, Alexander, Michael and finally Jeb.  Each is worse than the previous incarnation.  We know they have all sorts of evil plans for taking over humanity.

Roger is told about this, yet he thinks he can bluster at Jeb as though he's just an ordinary not-nice guy.

But, especially Bruno, thinking he can kill Jeb and then take over as the Leader!!  Even Nicholas has said that Jeb is the one indispensable.    He's the creature that grew from the box.  Bruno was so anxious to serve him when he arrived.  This isn't just some ordinary band of "bad guys" where someone might plot a mutiny and want to take over.  Jeb is their supernatural creature leader.  They all have blind obediance to him.  Not only is it unthinkable that Bruno could plan such an attack on  him, but clearly it would be impossible for him to take over.

And, as to Jeb - what a change.  Most of the time he seems fearful!!!  Aside from the fact that it's Jeb who turned into his true form to commit murder, even Alexander and certainly Michael were far more menacing than he is now.

Current Talk '03 I / Great-grands
« on: June 03, 2003, 08:10:03 AM »
Quentin and his great-grandson.  Those were some touching scenes.  First, Quentin seeing his great-grandson suffering as the wolf, knowing what it's like to be like that and knowing that he is responsible for it.

And, I had forgotten that Chris knew who Quentin was.  Although he took it all rather matter-of-factly.  This person also used to be a werewolf, he's responsible for me being one, and, by the way, he's my great-grandfather, even if he does seem to be close to me in age!

Anyway - his accusation that I'm like this because of you, so at least you could kill me - wow!!

I'm not sure what it is, but - - -


 [clap]  [clap]

I'm an avid WordPerfect user from way back.   When you have a formatting problem there is nothing better to find it.  It just performs better IMHO

Perhaps you'd be interested in the WP forum I've referred to.  It's a wonderful group that provides excellent and friendly help.  There's also the latest news about WP and related things going on with MS and other things that could affect it.  In case you want to check it out, the main page is: and then click on Forums.  You can use it as a guest (although I think you have to register to post other than in the Chit Chat category).  It works pretty much the same as this one, except we have some additional nice features that they can't do.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Post Count
« on: May 31, 2003, 07:24:44 AM »
Agreed - hope they get him!!

I almost posted about this the other night.  I recently hit 700.  I was sure I was at 705 a couple of days later, but when I did supposedly 706, it still said 705.  The next day, when I knew it was already at 706, the next post remained at 706.  However, it seems to be working correctly ever since that one.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Worst Hair on DS?
« on: May 30, 2003, 07:42:27 AM »
If you want a guy's POV (and I suspect you won't once you see my answer), I think Julia's present hair was the absolute worst on DS. If any woman I know ever had to leave the house with her hair looking as bad as Julia's did in episodes #957 & #958, I think it's pretty much a certainly she would have seriously contemplated suicide rather than leave the house! [lghy]

I'll have to agree with this one.  I didn't really consider it a hairdo the other day.  I thought perhaps she was sleeping in the chair all night and that's what she ended up with!

As far as I understand it, you can get older version of Word Perfect Suite from Corel.  I don't believe that Word or Microsoft Office comes with anything unless it's being bundled by someone.  But frankly, I would think this against the settlement agreement with the Feds.

Further, you can use your old version of Word Perfect with Win 2000 or XP.

It would come with Microsoft Works Suite 2003, which I assume would be most of the regular MS Works.  Since I don't intend to buy it, I figure this would be the best way to get the essential parts of the current program.

If I get the 2000, that wouldn't come with it and it would be necessary to buy one of the other versions, Professional or something.  They do offer the WordPerfect with some systems.  Right now I have WP 8, which I intend to continue using.  WP 11 has recently come out and I've been seeing good things about it, so I may upgrade in the near future after I have the new computer.

The version that would come with the comptuer, I think, would be WP10 and the OEM versions aren't complete.  So, I figure I'd rather get whatever Word I can get from them and do my own WordPerfect.

Thank you, victoriawinters, for your comments about the operating systems.

Hi Midnite,

Those faces are hard to make out.  I thought I had chosen a smile!!  I'll check into that.  Thank you for your concern! :)


I'll go into more detail when I have a chance later today, but two quick points:

Hi MB!

As you see, you originally intended to reply later the same day!  I told you not to worry, that it was likely to be a week or two before I did anything.  However, it's almost 2 weeks at this point, and I'm assuming you've forgotten about this by now.

Also, some more questions . . .

I thought I'd have to get Windows XP, but found out at Gateway, for the same price as the upgrade to Professional, I could get Win 2000. There are a number of people on the WP forum who have indicated that it's better than XP.

However, if I get 2000, I won't get whatever Word office programs they provide with XP, unless I pay for one of the more expensive versions than they provide with XP. As I have no intention of buying Word, I figure I should get what they give me so I'll have it available when getting things from others or converting files to send to them. I think they offer a WP version, but since that wouldn't be the full version and would still leave me "Word-less," I think I'm better off the other way.

P.S. - Do you also sometimes post under another name besides being MB?  A couple of things you've said recently have given me a hint as to who you might be.  (I promise I won't post even a guess here!!! - However, I might send you an IM or ask Midnite, assuming she's allowed to answer yes or no to a guess!)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Leviathan....the beginning of the end?
« on: May 29, 2003, 08:12:34 AM »
Oops - forgot to mention that I couldn't disagree with you more about these two storylines. I might be in the minority when it comes to 1970PT but I LOVE it, and one of the things that makes it so special for me is the very fact that there are just so many alternate characterizations of our favorite characters (not to mention the Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca-esque overtones). I champion 1970PT just as much as the Leviathans lovers do that period on the show (I actually can't wait until we get our first glimpse in episode #969 on June 5t

I hadn't realized you were a 1970 PT lover!  While I rank 1795, lots of 1897, and some of the present day parts higher, it's still a part that I particularly enjoy and I always look forward to it (especially coming right after Leviathan!!!).