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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0916
« on: May 24, 2015, 05:28:16 PM »
Uncle Roger, I remember that Star Trek episode!

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0934
« on: May 21, 2015, 09:04:12 PM »
Farewell, Amanda. To my mind, this marks the final end of the 1897 story.

There's no evidence of an evidence bag as the sheriff picks up Paul's coat with his bare hands to send to the lab.

Megan is in full Leviathan zombie mode as she gloats that the creature won't get caught. But Philip can't hide his loathing.

Julia tells the sheriff about Paul's last words, which the sheriff notes carefully: monster, room upstairs, dark boards, basement room--and breathing, always breathing.

Elizabeth phones the antique shop to tell Megan that Paul Stoddard is dead. I’m going to walk over to Collinwood, Megan tells Philip. Grinning, she says, I will look very sad and help console my good friend Carolyn Stoddard. She assures Philip, You have nothing to worry about. He is very quiet now. Besides, she finishes mockingly, I told him not to hurt you.

Professor Stokes apparently shares the same phone number as Collinwood and a few other places too: 4099! The sheriff hangs up and tells Julia and Stokes that a search warrant will be ready in an hour. Naturally Julia wants to come along, despite the sheriff’s warnings that it might be dangerous.

Philip is still alone at the shop when Julia and the sheriff arrive. He could hardly look guiltier or more terrified when the sheriff brandishes the warrant. It’s no mistake, the sheriff assures him: Paul Stoddard mentioned the shop in his dying words. Now poor Philip has to go through the charade of just learning that Paul is dead. Paul was very disturbed, Philip says, and you shouldn’t take seriously anything he said. Philip definitely doesn’t want the sheriff to look around and fiddles with the hammer as he says they’ve had a death in the family. The sheriff promises to make the search as short as possible. Unhappily Philip takes the other two upstairs and tries to lead them past “Michael”’s room, but the sheriff asks whose room it is. It belonged to the child who died, Philip reples truthfully, then adds, There’s nothing in it. Please don’t defile it, he says desperately. The sheriff asks Julia, who confirms that this is the room at the top of the stairs that Paul spoke of. Sheriff Davenport is apologetic to Philip but insists he must open the door. Philip watches fearfully as the sheriff draws his pistol and turns the doorknob. Who--or what--awaits them inside?.....

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0930
« on: May 21, 2015, 08:57:00 PM »
It probably would have, but apparently he returned to Collinsport to save Carolyn. I suspect the Leviathans would not have won out over a father's love for his daughter, even if that love dawned almost too late.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: NODS script Grayson!
« on: May 20, 2015, 05:18:42 PM »
I believe Grayson got an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress for her work in Night of the Iguana. She didn't win, but still.

I had heard that the directors--and presumably DC as well--really wanted overly dramatic performances. It's fun to watch now, and I think saved the show from being campy.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0919_0920_0921
« on: May 20, 2015, 05:13:21 PM »
I think because Charles didn't actually complete it before the werewolf got him. Apparently Petofi's gift requires a finished product to be operational.

Creepy, creepy Michael in this ep. Bleargh.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0933
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:26:31 PM »
You are completely right, Roland. And the contrast between the hilariously fake spider and the power-of-suggestion Leviathan creature couldn't be greater. The only hint we get of the Leviathan's appearance and powers is in its effect on Paul. All the rest is in our imaginations!

Farewell, Dennis Patrick. I believe the actor left the show to film the iconic Vietnam-era movie Joe.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0916
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:21:14 PM »
MT, your posts are always a pleasure to read!

Current Talk '15 I / Re: NODS script Grayson!
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:19:12 PM »
I'm so sorry about your cousin, Taeylor--I'm sure you did everything you could. It's lovely to have you back with us.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0916
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:42:12 PM »
Jenny Lind. aka the "Swedish Nightingale," was one of the greatest singers of the 19th century. She was discovered as a young girl while singing to her cat (<3) and went on to become an international sensation with multiple tours sponsored by (of all people) P. T. Barnum. You can find out more about her here.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0932
« on: May 16, 2015, 07:59:05 PM »
Emory Bass (Mr. Best) reads the opening voiceover, which concludes, "To save Amanda Harris from her meeting with death, Grant Douglas must regain his memory. And so two women take him an odd professor's workshop, in a last, desperate effort to break through his amnesia."

No wonder everyone reacts to the portrait with horror. Quentin's hard and selfish living have not marred his handsome face, but the portrait looks like at least 10,000 miles of bad road. He can't bring himself to do more than glance at the painting.

Outside the studio, Mr. Best comes for Amanda. She pleads for more time, but he checks his gold pocket watch.

Julia pushes the right button when she wonders if "Grant" is afraid. He finally takes a long, unflinching look--and remembers everything. But he's horrified when he realizes that Amanda saw the portrait too. He tells Julia he will always love Amanda, but when he goes outside the only trace of Amanda is the handkerchief she dropped while pleading with Mr. Best.

Mr. Best has brought Amanda back to the stopping-off place, which more than ever resembles an overfurnished hotel lobby, bathed in pink light. He tries to get her to see how pleasant it is. Like every hotel, it has a reception desk, complete with a ledger and a bell, which he rings before excusing himself. Amanda pleads with him not to leave her, but he has others to meet. Are you so afraid that you think even death a good companion? he asks. I am flattered. It has been so long since anyone asked me to stay. I must not give into human emotions. With a polite nod and a “Miss Harris,” he leaves by the door through which they came in. She runs to the door and pounds on it, screaming.

Amanda is still screaming when she hears someone laughing behind her. Every earthly hotel also has at least one bellboy, and Mr. Best’s stopping-off place is no different. A bellboy stands before Amanda now. He is dressed in a spotless white uniform with plenty of gleaming gold-braid trim and a white bellboy’s cap tilted to one side. (Played by Brian Sturdivant, he affects a Cockney accent, perhaps to complement Mr. Best’s “received” pronunciation.) He pranks her with a key, then suddenly remembers her from 70 or 80 years ago because she's one of the lucky ones whom Mr. Best let go. When she bursts into tears, he's actually a bit sympathetic, maybe because crying is one of those things he can't do anymore.

Quentin and Julia return to the hotel, but of course Amanda isn't there. Julia leaves after making Quentin angry. He picks up a letter opener, ready to slit his throat to join Amanda, when Mr. Best suddenly materializes behind him. Quentin demands to be with Amanda, and being Quentin, offers to make a bet on it. Mr. Best seems to know all about Count Petofi and everything else, so he's intrigued at the idea.

Mr. Best brings Quentin to his stopping-off place and once more fishes for compliments on the decor, but Quentin doesn't oblige him. You said you would bring Amanda to me so I can take her away, Quentin reminds him. Paying Quentin Collins the ultimate compliment, Mr. Best remarks, You don't think of yourself, do you? I like that. Look over there. Quentin looks, and at the other end of the lobby he sees a metal door remarkably like the I Ching door. He opens it, and we hear a sound as of rushing wind. A storm is brewing as Quentin looks beyond the door--into seeming emptiness. That is the way out, Mr. Best explains. It is seldom used, but my life is generally quite dull, and every now and then I like to amuse myself by giving someone who impresses me a chance to escape. It takes courage, but you have that. It also takes cunning--and that remains to be seen. Quentin wants to try. Mr. Best rings the bell, then lays out the rules: May I give you one ... one word of advice. If you touch her, or if she touches you, she is lost to you forever. If you, both of you, reach the outside world--and you can, though you may think not--but if you do, you will be together for eternity--whatever that means, he adds, then resumes his instructions: But if you touch her, she is lost, and if you lose your way, you will be too. I understand, Quentin says solemnly. Mr. Best gives him two lighted candles from the desk: Here are two candles. They are your only weapons. Sometimes I think I am too compassionate, he sighs. That is the way I am. Good luck, Mr. Collins. He leaves. (Unfortunately, this is Mr. Best’s last appearance.)

Quentin picks up the candles and returns to the metal door. As he gazes beyond it, he reminds  himself, We must not touch. He doesn’t realizes that Amanda has come up behind him. As she realizes who he is, she says his name, but he can’t hear her because of the thunder beyond the door. She moves nearer, her hand outstretched to touch him.......

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0931
« on: May 16, 2015, 06:23:12 PM »
LOL, Roland! Julia's to-do list for this episode:

1. Take care of Paul Stoddard by getting him to Stokes's house.
2. Comfort the panicky Amanda, who has been visited again by Mr. Best, and tell her to go back to the hotel and stay with "Grant"
3. Round up Amanda/Olivia and Quentin/Grant and take them to the invisible Professor Osmund's studio to view Tate's now-cleaned painting

Barnabas is able to command the Leviathan, but only just barely. Yikes.

The peripatetic brown afghan has migrated to Professor Stokes's house.

"Grant" is looking particularly spiffing in a blue jacket, but that won't help him when he finally sees the painting.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0918
« on: May 15, 2015, 02:23:42 PM »
 [snow_huh] [snow_cheesy]

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0930
« on: May 12, 2015, 09:40:46 PM »
Very effective (and inexpensive) use of the power of suggestion as we see Paul from the Leviathan's point of view and hear its rapid breathing. Finally Paul makes a break for the still-open door. But when Philip and Megan investigate, they find him crouched on the floor, silently pleading with them for help. But they decide that Barnabas will know what to do, and lock Paul in with the creature.

Barnabas and Julia are arguing in the drawing room at Collinwood. Julia implores him to tell her what's wrong, but he refuses, not even meeting her eyes. Please leave me alone and stay out of this, Barnabas implores her. Out of what? Julia promptly asks. Remember everything we’ve been through together [starting with the murder of Dr. Woodard, but they’ve really done their best ever since to make up for that]. I know that you need a friend now more than ever before. Please let me help you. Still staring at the floor, Barnabas thinks to himself, If I tell her everything, she will become too involved. Her own life will be in even greater danger. I have already caused enough harm. I must work this out alone. Aloud, he tells Julia as he turns to face her, I value your friendship, and that’s why I don’t want to involve you. Whatever has been done, I will do my best to undo it--but I must do it alone. I don’t understand! Julia exclaims. Don’t try, Barnabas tells her. He asks her to keep an eye on Carolyn but doesn't tell her why.

Barnabas is spared any more anguish when Megan phones and tells him about Paul. He does his best to pretend it's just an ordinary conversation but Julia isn't fooled. She knows it was Megan and asks how Barnabas is involved with the Todds. He asks her to trust him and hurries out. Carolyn arrives and tells Julia that her father is gone. They both leave.

At the shop, Philip unlocks the door. Paul is practically incoherent by now. Barnabas warns the other two to stay out and tells Megan to prepare a cot in the basement room. Then he steps into the room and confronts the beast. In his most commanding tones, he tells the creature, I'm going to take this man out of here, and you are not going to stop me! This is the way it must be! You cannot keep him here! You cannot harm him any more than you already have. You will stay where you are! I command you! Do not come any closer! You have no choice but to obey! Do you understand? He adds, There will come a time when that is not so, but that time is not now. I am the master now, and you must do as I say. He shouts, I am taking him out! Never taking his eyes from the creature, he backs toward Paul and quietly tells him to take his arm. Paul reaches out, and Barnabas pulls him out of the room. Philip quickly shuts and locks the door on the creature, and they take Paul downstairs.

In the basement room below the shop (which looks remarkably like the cellar of the Old House), Megan, Philip and Barnabas get Paul to lie down on the cot and cover him up with a blanket. Evidently the creature in the room upstairs did not touch Paul, but he is in deep in shock, unable to speak.

Megan goes upstairs to find Carolyn and Julia waiting to ask about Paul. Megan and Philip lie that they haven’t seen him. Downstairs, Barnabas hears everything. So does Paul, who gets restless at the sound of his daughter’s voice and tries to get out of bed. Barnabas pushes him back down, but Paul knocks a lamp over. Everyone upstairs hears the sound, and Philip goes downstairs to “investigate.”

I’m trying to help you and get you out of the shop, Barnabas explains to Paul. I can’t do it now, so rest quietly. Philip comes down, and Barnabas explains what happened. Philip tells him that Carolyn and Julia are upstairs, and Barnabas tells him to get rid of them right away. Philip takes a piece of the broken lamp to use as “evidence.” Carolyn, Paul murmurs brokenly as Barnabas warns him to be quiet.

Philip tells the others a lamp fell off a crate. Carolyn decides she and Julia should return to Collinwood on the chance that Paul has already gone back there. Outside the shop, Julia tells Carolyn to go ahead while she searches some more.

After he is sure that Carolyn and Julia are gone, Barnabas comes upstairs. Megan is suspicious of Julia. Julia knows nothing, Barnabas assures them quickly. The police will come after Paul soon, Megan frets. There is no reason for them to, Barnabas replies. I think that we will have to drug Paul to keep him quiet. Hw must either become one of us or be disposed of, Megan opines harshly. Barnabas angrily replies, How many times have I told you that there is to be no killing, Megan? Are you so indoctrinated by his thinking that-- He stops when he sees how Megan and Philip are staring at him, and apologizes for shouting. Megan looks at him with cold suspicion and asks if he’s all right. Barnabas says he is naturally upset, but Megan is unmoved. Your real problem is upstairs, Barnabas reminds them and warns, Make sure the door is absolutely secured. Neither of you is to enter the room until I come back tomorrow night. He tells Megan to turn out the lights so that he can leave the shop without being seen. Nonetheless, Julia watches him from behind some shrubbery.

Once Philip and Megan are alone, Megan voices her suspicions of Barnabas. She tells Philip, Tonight I found myself questioning his judgment. Don’t do that! Philip explodes. I still think Barnabas is wrong about Julia, Megan insists. Philip is too tired to discuss it and goes to bed. Megan follows him to their room.

Downstairs, Paul lies on the cot, fully awake and working his mouth in an attempt to speak.

Sometime later, Megan checks that Philip is sound asleep. When he doesn’t stir, she takes a set of keys and goes out into the hall. She unbolts the door to the Leviathan room, then unlocks the door. She steps away and returns to the bedroom. Slowly the doorknob turns and the breathing sounds gets louder as the door swings open. Just inside her bedroom door, Megan listens to the creature’s progress down the hall.

Once more, we see things from the Leviathan’s point of view as it makes its way downstairs and toward the door leading to the basement. Paul doesn’t hear any breathing, but he becomes aware of a familiar, heavy smell--the smell in the room upstairs. He hears the breathing, now fast and panting. At first he thinks it’s his imagination, but then he realizes that it’s coming after him. Paul looks for another way out and realizes there is none. He seizes a chair and steels himself for action........

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0917
« on: May 12, 2015, 09:00:45 PM »
Yet another fabulous frame grab--thanks! As always the lighting is eerily beautiful.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0929
« on: May 11, 2015, 07:03:18 PM »
Of course, that mental image immediately jumped into my head!  [snow_laugh]