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Discuss - Ep #0929
« on: May 02, 2015, 05:36:00 PM »
Robservations #929

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0929

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0929
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2015, 06:53:28 PM »
Michael decides he doesn't want to grow up. Philip sends him up to his room, and we can hear Michael's angry breathing from outside.

Paul has wised up to Elizabeth and realized that his food has been drugged. Much more alert, he finds a pistol and makes sure it's loaded. Carolyn agrees to help him. When Paul returns to his room, he first sees a large cardboard box on the bed. When he turns on the light, Barnabas Collins is standing by the window.

Not knowing that he can't harm Barnabas but knowing that Barnabas is the source of all his troubles, Paul trains the gun on him. Barn says that the box contains some clothes (he's still in his jammies). Barn says he  wants to help Paul escape before anything else happens to him, but Paul is more worried about Carolyn. Paul agrees to Barn's plans, but after Barnabas leaves, Paul reflects, He believed me. That's good--because I don't believe him. I'll leave all right, but not before I am sure that Carolyn is out of danger. Not before I find out more about Barnabas and his friends at the antique shop.

Philip is still wearing his black safari suit as he installs a bolt on the outside of Michael's door. He and Megan head for Collinwood.

Elizabeth (wearing a dark dress and her serpent brooch--always a bad sign) opens a small bottle of liquid medicine and smells it. Apparently it smells right to her, because she covers it, takes a paper label out of her purse, and pastes it on the bottle. When Carolyn enters the room, Elizabeth tells her that the doctor has brought Paul’s new medicine. Let me take it to my father, Carolyn offers. I know I can get him to take it. I never thought of that, Elizabeth says with a devious smile. You can get him to do just about anything. Thank you. A moment later, the Todds arrive. Carolyn brings them to the drawing room, then goes upstairs.

Philip tells Elizabeth about Michael’s getting out of the room. Megan assures her that he’s back in the room and will stay there. Barnabas will be very pleased, Elizabeth says. Why don’t we have a drink to celebrate our little deception.

Paul is dressed in the clothes Barnabas brought--black trousers and a gray jacket with wingspread-wide lapels. Barnabas tells him to hurry, but then Carolyn knocks at the door. Barn tells him to get rid of her, then hides. Carolyn is glad her father is better, but dismayed when he says he has to go out. She agrees to meet him at the BW. You’re planning to leave Collinwood, Carolyn says in great distress. Paul hesitates, then asks, Do you think I’m going to run out on you again? You haven’t exactly been happy here since you came back, Carolyn points out sadly. Paul holds her close. I will never desert you again, he says fervently. I’ll take you with me, if it will make you feel better. I want to take care of you, Carolyn says, but asks him for half an hour so she can put in an appearance with the Todds. Paul is upset to learn that the owners of the antique shop are at Collinwood, but agrees to meet her on the terrace in half an hour.

After Carolyn leaves, Barnabas tells Paul, Give me ten minutes to keep everyone in the drawing room with the doors closed. The foyer will be clear for you to slip out of the house.

You are fortunate that you are are to be chosen to guide the child, Elizabeth tells the Todds. We’re proud of our responsibilities, Megan replies. Eventually the Leviathan people will come into their own. When the time is right, our people will converge in Collinsport from all parts of the world. Elizabeth says, Barnabas told me the Collins family money and prestige will help the cause, but that’s all I know. Barnabas enters the room and closes the doors as he engages in the conversation. We must be prepared to accept whatever is in store for us after he arrives, Megan declares. I feel I will be starting a new life, Elizabeth says, but part of the old life is very dear to me--Carolyn. Don’t worry about Carolyn, Barnabas tells her. Elizabeth says, I want most for Carolyn to share my experience, become one of us. Barnabas looks disturbed at this, and Megan notices with suspicion. She asks if he is feeling well. He says he’s fine as he walks toward the doors, but Megan is still concerned. Megan takes Carolyn’s entrance a moment later as her cue to start crying again over Michael. While Carolyn consoles her, Barnabas opens the doors slightly as Paul comes downstairs. Elizabeth calls to him, but he ignores her until Paul nods an okay. He closes the door and tells Elizabeth he was just checking the time.

Out in the foyer, Paul takes the keys from Megan’s purse and quickly leaves the house.

Carolyn invites the Todds to stay overnight at Collinwood, but Megan says they have to get back to the shop right after dinner.

Paul unlocks the door of the antique shop and lets himself in. He carefully looks around and searches the shop desk but finds nothing helpful, so he heads for the stairs.

Megan and Philip say their goodbyes and leave Collinwood.

Paul is in the upstairs corridor when he hears the sound of heavy breathing coming from one of the rooms. He notices the new deadbolt on one of the doors and pulls it free but is still unable to open the door. He finds the proper key and unlocks the door. As he opens it, we can hear the breathing become louder and louder. Paul enters the room and is horrified at what he sees. No! No! he screams as we seem to see him from “Michael”’s point of view. His face suffused with terror, Paul starts to back away.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0929
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2015, 08:30:12 PM »
The Leviathan dinner party raises some interesting questions. Apparently, there is a definite pecking order in this cult, as information seems to be on a need to know basis. Elizabeth seems like such a devoted follower but I wonder if she (as well as Amy and David) would have been less enthusiastic if she knew what the Leviathans had planned for Carolyn. She couldn't carry out the orders to kill Julia. So would she have turned her daughter over to He Who Slimes? [snow_huh] [snow_huh]
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0929
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2015, 02:13:50 PM »
Very interesting, Uncle Roger. Elizabeth (being the mother of the bride-to-be) would be right at the top of the pecking order. Who knows what rewards the Leviathans promised her for becoming the mother-in-law of Him Who Slimes. Maybe the cannery wasn't doing so well, or the Great House needed a new furnace.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0929
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2015, 03:23:17 PM »
I wonder what, if anything, they did promise Elizabeth. Maybe she would have had a similar status as the Queen Mother of England, waving to the crowds during the Leviathan Day Parade.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0929
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2015, 07:03:18 PM »
Of course, that mental image immediately jumped into my head!  [snow_laugh]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0929
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2015, 11:40:48 AM »
Nancy B VO.  Is Barnabas outside the Room while yesterday's cliffhanger is redone?  He's at Collinwood right after.  Welcome back Michael!  Goodbye again Michael.... The whole disappearance of Maggie went on without any interaction with Paul Stoddard... who reappears.  Barnabas's coming to his senses happened faster than I remembered, in that antique shop scene last episode.  He tries to get Paul Stoddard safely out of town, but unfortunately, it all looks too much like Barnabas's trying to get rid of him to end his interference.  Stoddard doesn't buy it.

In the little celebration in the drawing room, with Liz and the Todds, Barnabas arouses Megan's suspicion by hesitating to have Carolyn become one of them.  Was that the plan originally?  That would have made it all so easy, if everyone involved was a Leviathan... no tricks, no courting of Carolyn, they could just have gotten on with the wedding, but that would have been a bit of an anti-climax.

Paul Stoddard cleverly gets the Todds' keys out of Meg's purse, and gets into the Room, and sees It.  End.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0929
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2015, 01:14:05 PM »
Your comments made me picture Liz saying something like, "Now I understand why Carolyn made such poor choices in men. Why all her relationships failed. Even the one I chose for her. It's because this was to be her true destiny." Of course much better written, lol.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0929
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2015, 01:25:33 PM »
It is interesting how Leviathan minions manage to fit together their Leviathan priorities and their natural ones...
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor