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Messages - Charles_Ellis

I only found out about the delay through this board, and I'm angry that as a Big Finish subscriber I and others weren't alerted via e-mail.  VERY careless indeed- you'd think that when it became obvious that the Christmas CD wouldn't be ready for the holidays, they should've moved heaven and earth to placate the subscribers with some kind of apology and copmpensation (a discount on a future purchase, a free CD).  They have to answer for their actions.

BTW Nancy, with all of your aforementioned experience, why don't YOU take over??

Oh I don't know about that- I mean, the next story is a Christmas story and they can't get it ready in time for Xmas 2006??  Maybe there should be a change in management.........

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Happy Birthday, Jonathan Frid!
« on: December 02, 2006, 02:51:07 PM »
Wishing you nothing but the best on your big day, and thanks for the years of great performances! [occasion13] [occasion15] [thewave] [cheer] [cheerleader]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Characters' Favorite Music Artists
« on: December 01, 2006, 12:46:32 AM »
I see Vicki as a folkie- having grown up in Manhattan, she probably went to some of the clubs in "the Village" to hear Bob Dylan or Peter, Paul, & Mary......

Wow!  Why hasn't this been included on an MPI DS DVD release?   Maybe someone can get Jim Pierson to track down a copy of the ad for one of the upcoming pre-Barnabas DVDs.  BTW Mark, what was Roger's rank in WWII?  Or maybe you had the wandering Quentin in the French Resistance.......

Polls Archive / Re: Films that have plots that influenced Dark Shadows
« on: November 06, 2006, 04:22:35 PM »
Well, what can I say?  Great minds think alike, LOL! [hall2_grin]

Polls Archive / Re: Films that have plots that influenced Dark Shadows
« on: November 04, 2006, 12:28:25 AM »
There is one film that had a major lasting influence on later DS strorylines, and I'm surprised no one has thought of this idea before!  The film is one the DS writers probably saw during its original release in 1958: Vertigo!  The whole bit about Barnabas trying to recreate Josette by molding Maggie Evans in the image of his lost love is a definite homage to the Hitchcock classic.  Substitute Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak with Jonathan Frid and KLS and you'll get the point.  Barnabas was always trying to find a new Josette for most of the show's run: Maggie, Vicki, Rachel, Lady Kitty- it's amazing he stopped when Roxanne entered the picture. 

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Dark Shadows/I love Lucy
« on: November 04, 2006, 12:19:12 AM »
I can answer this.  When ILL began production, Lucille Ball wanted Oscar-winning designer Elois Jenssen (who worked with Lucy before on a film) to do the show's wardobe.  However, she was still under contract to another studio, so in the interim Ohrbach's was used for the show's clothing until Elois was able to join the show in 1953, and she stayed there until the final season in '56/57, when Desi Arnaz wouldn't give her a big raise.  Her replacement was veteran RKO designer Edward Stevenson (best known for "Citizen Kane"), who stayed until the final season of The Lucy Show shortly before he died in 1968.  And let's not forget that it wasn't until its final months that DS got a costume designer who was finally given the freedom to create her own desings (and let's face it, Mary McKinley's designs were brilliant- I can only guess what Ramse Mostoller could have done if only Dan Curtis had loosened the purse strings a bit....).

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Best DS DVD Interviews?
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:52:59 PM »
Louis suffered from throat cancer, and the combination of surgery and treatment just about wrecked his health in later years.  Does anyone know what DVD volume has the Matthew Hall interview?  You've gotta hand it to Grayson- she only had one child, but the kid grew up to be very handsome indeed, and became a pubished novelist!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Best DS DVD Interviews?
« on: October 27, 2006, 03:06:37 PM »
Also, let's not forget that Lara was also busy raising her two sons, getting divorced a few years after DS went off the air and then marrying her current husband, and becoming a mother for the third time.  In short, she had a life outside showbusiness.  As we all know, she didn't let grass grow under her feet if she became dissatisfied with Hollywood, she went back to school and also began a writing career.  She has gained a vast knowledge on the subjects of literature and mythtology as a whole, and she has imparted some of what she has learned in her interviews on the DVDs.  The lady knows what she's talking about- don't knock her!  I have nothing but the deepest respect for Lara, and it's a pity that some people here don't.  Ok, I may have stoked the fires of controversy here, but it's something I had to get off my chest.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Best DS DVD Interviews?
« on: October 26, 2006, 01:49:02 AM »
I also loved Paula Laurence's interview, and she spoke a mouthful when she said that Lara should've become a major star- God knows she had the talent!  Sometimes it's a matter of who you know that makes a difference: if Lara had known say, Peter Bogdanovich or Francis Coppola, she would've emerged as a major 70s star like Ellen Burstyn, Faye Dunaway or Karen Black.

It reminds me of how Grayson worshipped Kim Stanley, who was very much regarded as an "actor's actor" by the showbiz world yet barely made a dent in Tinseltown compared to Geraldine Page and Patricia Neal.  There are really great actors out there who will never become household names, but within the theatrical world are considered liiving legends, like Cherry Jones.  And it's no secret that among the DS actors, they all worship John Karlen's great acting prowess!

I think I can solve this- I remember reading an old magazine interview in which Alexandra mentiona a COUSIN named Vicki!

I had a colonoscopy a year ago, and I think every person over 30 should go out and get one ASAP, along with prostate exams, PAP tests and mammographies.  You can never be too sure...

Sounds like a wonderful evening in Craig's memory- wish I were there (sigh).....

I say Angelique- she's got a lot to answer for!