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Messages - kuanyin

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dreaming of DARK SHADOWS
« on: October 03, 2002, 02:01:03 AM »
I had a nice PG rated romantic dream with Willie one morning. I was very sorry to wake up....

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Where's Roger????
« on: October 03, 2002, 01:34:10 AM »

 He is a father of a young child and I can't believe that he would just leave town without leaving a number he could be reached in case of an emergency.

I agree that Roger would have been a welcome addition to the plot.  But, let's face it, his paternal qualities have come and gone according to the whims of the storyline. (Yes, I think David would have been in a boarding school with Lizzie being "dead" and unable to prevent it!)

I thought it a nice touch that Bennett didn't have her false eyelashes on as she returned from the grave. Rather an unusual touch of realism, don't you think?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: You Know Who You Are...
« on: October 03, 2002, 01:03:15 AM »
It is interesting to see a shirtless hunk who does NOT have "washboard abs"! Though where is the chest hair and am I the last person on this earth who still thinks that is attractive?

I have to wonder if DC and crew had any idea of the fans who would live for these moments....

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Vickie's parents.. . who cares--was Magda---?
« on: October 02, 2002, 06:35:56 AM »
I have always thought reincarnation was a better explanation than genetics. The same souls kept being drawn to Collinwood over the generations.

The chances of looking exactly like your great-great-grandmother are about nil. Though my brother does look a LOT like our grandpa. That would be 1/4 his ancestry. I can't even do the math on the other, I'll pretend it is because it is late at night and I'm tired.  

Current Talk '02 II / Certifiable proof!
« on: October 02, 2002, 04:33:38 AM »
We now definitively know that noone in Collinwood ever "goes to the bathroom".  My evidence? Naggie's reaction to Chris NOT answering the phone while he was home. You'd think there was no logical explanation for this whatsoever. And he did NOT reply "What do you THINK, Naggie? I was taking a DUMP!"

Aside from that, memo to Chris:

When you are turning into a werewolf and someone knocks on the door DO NOT SAY "Who is it?"!!! Uhhh, you see, if you just don't say anything, they will think you are really not home and leave. Telling them to leave without opening the door never works, it just pisses them off. Remember Joe? Oh, and since they are no toilets in Collinsport, don't do the dysentery dance as your changeover.

Memo to Naggie:

Did you REALLY think playing hide and seek was a good idea?

Memo to Lizzie:

Next time you hire a governess, she should be smarter than the children.

Memo to Carolyn:

Get a copy of "The Rules". Also, you weigh all of 92 pounds. Going through the woods at night is a BAD idea.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dress Up
« on: October 02, 2002, 03:06:43 AM »
I agree with Cassandra. I think it is so funny to hear Mrs. Johnson try to explain what is wrong with the kids! It sounds so lame and yet, she is very right. She just can't put her finger on what it actually is.

"I think there is something wrong with David, Maggie, I really do. I think he is possessed by the spirit of a very tall, yet obscure ancestor that noone up to now has ever heard of. AND, you should have seen the lecherous expression he had when looking at Amy, I've never SEEN the like!" (Yes, Mrs. Johnson, we can believe THAT. Ahem.)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Possessed
« on: October 02, 2002, 02:55:30 AM »
What's that you say? Quentin wants me to jump off a bridge?


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Scion of a wealthy family
« on: October 02, 2002, 02:48:00 AM »
I have never had the impression that the cannery is the grand total of their assets. I think it reasonable that most of their money is tied up in various investments.

I don't think it odd that a New England family would live frugally whether they had scads of money or not. We aren't talking nouveau riche out to make an impression!
I don't think they are rivalling Onassis in wealth, just that they have a good amount invested and a supposedly profitable business. (Whether that is realistic or not!)

I don't have a problem with that part, the family has been wealthy and continued to do well. What I have a problem with is that they ran this huge mansion for YEARS and YEARS with only one cantankerous handyman. Ok, obviously, noone has cleaned the closed off wings or the basement for a heckofa long time. But, we are supposed to think Lizzie cleaned the place from top to bottom in her cocktail dress? Or, choke, sputter, think that CAROLYN lifted a finger to help her?? Oh, I KNOW, Roger was always happy to pitch in and run the vacuum! Uhmmm, right.

The other part I find hard to take is how well it must pay to be a supernatural creature. We never see Barney or Wolfie boy rifling through their victim's pockets and emptying their wallets! Ok, I know that Barney is explained by the countless number of family jewels that he had hidden away and now he can live forever off the proceeds. (Can't you just imagine Joshua's fury at not being able to find them?!) Not believable, but at least a flimsy pretense in my book. But Chris? He is presented as middle class, and no fortune to be inherited as far as anyone can tell. But he certainly doesn't work.

At least the Rev. Trask had a job!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Victoria Winter's Parents
« on: October 02, 2002, 02:25:01 AM »
I had forgotten that minute, but very crucial bit about the butler being part of the coverup. Ohhhhkay.

Do we know how accurate the story line bible is? Isn't there quite a bit of contradiction within it? I don't just mean to be contentious, and goodness knows soap operas are not known for being logical. BUT, I just can't see Lizzie obviously caring so much for Vicky if she were Paul Stoddard's bastard offspring. She may have felt an obligation for the poor child, but I think it would have been a check written once in a while at the very most. And that would be more than most would do.

I would think Lizzie would feel more warm and fuzzy toward Vicky if she were the result of her maid's dalliance with Sam Evans! (I don't really think that either though, as I think Maggie and Vicky are too close in age and there is no reason to think he wasn't faithful). I don't think Lizzie HAS to think someone is a Collins to care for them, she is quite fond of Amy, for instance. Though, let's face it, being a Collins in that family ALWAYS means instant acceptance and even more affection.

If the butler is ruled non-existential, then I will continue of think of the portrait as a red herring.

Oh, and yes, I would think Jamison COULD have been alive unless he was ancient when Lizzie and Roger were conceived. I just have had the impression that he had been dead for quite a while.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Victoria Winter's Parents
« on: October 01, 2002, 07:37:09 AM »
You bring up some really good stuff, I had never heard the Jamison as daddy theory. Could it be, hmmm.....

I have always thought it was Lizzie. As you said, strongly implicated in the beginning. And I disagree that she would not be able to hide it. Who would make that so difficult? She had no parents alive at the time, presumably. (Kind of bites the Jamison theory, do we KNOW when her parents died? I thought it longer ago than Vicky's age.) As heiress, she could pretty well do what she pleased. If she said she was going to Europe on an extended tour, it would have been accepted. And that was not an unlikely choice for a young woman in Lizzie's class and finances. We know Roger was away at school. We don't know of any long term staff other than Matthew Morgan, and he would not have questioned her going away for a while. I would not for a moment think that she hid away and gave birth at Collinwood.

It seems unlikely that Lizzie would have gotten p.g. by the butler, though that would explain the resemblance in the portrait AS WELL as Lizzie's intense reaction of denial. If the 25 years were fudged just a little, I suppose it COULD also explain the abrupt departure of butler and his older daughter. From a social and conventional viewpoint I think this is unlikely. But not impossible, she WOULD have been a very young woman living in the same house with this man without any real chaperone figure, at least not one with any authority.

Regardless of who played the role of sperm donor, Lizzie's love child would still be a Collins.

Current Talk '02 II / Harry?
« on: October 01, 2002, 04:52:48 AM »
Will Craig be back another time? Was this it? I was amazed when this new guy (Edward Marshall, is that right?) opened his mouth and actually SOUNDED like Harry! He had the intonations down pat, he must have been watching the show.

I know our Craig won't agree with me, but I think if I hadn't been looking at the set, I might not have realized it wasn't Craig Slocum. I give him an A for effort for trying to blend in....

(But, then I ALWAYS feel sorry for the poor loser who gets to try to be another actor instead of just taking on a role. Oh, ALMOST always, I couldn't feel sorry for Anthony George because he was so irritating to me. But then, he irritated me when he was the only Burke Devlin I'd ever watched.)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Sights Unseen
« on: October 01, 2002, 04:39:44 AM »
Have you ever imagined what those missing parts of the sets might look like? The other side of the Collinwood foyer, for instance; what one might see looking straight ahead if they were walking down the staircase. I've always pictured an enormous hallway leading off to the study, perhaps a library, and who knows what else.

And what of the other side of the Old House drawing room? Or the other side of Maggie's cottage? What do you suppose they might look like?

I guess I'm being dense, but I thought if you were looking straight ahead coming down the staircase at Collinwood you would see the door? I've always had the feeling that the Old House was rather small, probably with small rooms jutting off. The homes of that era that I have seen didn't have a kitchen in the main house, for instance, since that was a fire hazard. So they had a dining room and maybe a mud room behind it and that was it.

Maggie's house would have a small open kitchen on the other side of the studio area. In fact, I'm not sure that I'm making that up, I thought they had showed it at some point?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Quentin Finally Showd Up!! :)
« on: October 01, 2002, 04:27:44 AM »
Well, yeahhhh - he's kind of hard to miss! (How tall is that guy, anyway?) I don't like scary ghost Quentin, though he certainly is good at it. I'm looking forward to hearing that voice. Though I admit any chance to look at him is better than not being able to....

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Latest Montage Design
« on: September 30, 2002, 02:06:06 AM »
I agree and was going to post about it also. Glad I checked for your message first.

My first thought was, "At last, Collinwood is decorated for Christmas!"

Julia looks so sad. Beth looks beautiful. Could live without the grey haired hag. I just realized that I HAVE had a DS encounter, at least almost. Once, I was in the same restaurant as Abe Vigoda!

Current Talk '02 II / Barney says:
« on: September 27, 2002, 02:56:38 AM »
"You will NEVER understand, Ben,.... because this plotline is the biggest load of b.s. ever to hit the airwaves! I mean, REALLY, Mr. Thayer, uhhh...I mean, Ben, do you honestly think ANYONE is buying this?"

Peter Bradford (doing his very best whack-a-mole imitaton): "I love you, Vicky, I love you Vicky. I WILL FIND YOU!!!! (And when I do, I will scream, rant, whine and generally make your life a living hell in my inability to accept the fact that I found you!)"

Lara Parker looked especially radiant and lovely today.

OK, OK, I admit it- whatsherface is a much better Vicky than Betsey. She may be a better Vicky than Vicky. She is exceptionally beautiful and seems to be able to hold her own with the others AND say her lines well. (She made me wax rhapsodic for the long ago day that I had a jawline, then I remembered that mine never did look that great. I miss it anyway.)

I just think Betsey-wetsey-behind the ears got a raw deal being hired for a part that she wanted to make her own instead of an impossible imitation. She wasn't greatness personified, but we have seen plenty of actresses far worse.

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