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Messages - Julia99

I can't help it i'd like to see the ghost of Quentin!!!!!!
( sorry gang but my sweetie is so awesome)!!!!
                Love Anne

Yes Annie we know but that wasn't the question. . .

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Converted Characters!
« on: May 05, 2002, 07:38:16 PM »
I also didn't care too much for Mrs.Johnson's character in the beginning. She started out being a spy for Burke Devlin and only took the Maid's job at Collinwood just to spy on the family and give information to Burke.  Later on, she became like one of the family, a wonderful devoted woman who loved the Collins' family like one of her own. ;)

Welll with a son like Harry .. she had to branch out. .

Following up on VAM's "Filling their Shoes" thread. . What other types of characters would you have liked to see our DS actors play?, e.g. Clarice Blackburn as Dr. Lange's wordly, Paris-fashioned, greedy, devious ex-wife (with her own hair!)??


Current Talk '02 I / Re: FILLING THEIR  SHOES
« on: May 05, 2002, 07:29:23 PM »
Hmmmm....interesting thought. How about Robert Rodan (Adam) instead of Anthony George as Burke #2? I would have liked to see Sharon Smyth come back, she could have done either of the Kathy Cody roles, Hallie or Carrie Stokes. And having seen a picture of Clarice Blackburn as she really looked, I think she could have filled in for Julia in a pinch.

It is interesting that they kept Clarice a wigged brunette. . she coulda come busting out as a completely different,blonde character. . .i'll continue this in a new category. . .


Julia. . .. As it happens Julia never does move out, nor is her "book" ever mentioned again.

I think that's cuz everyone knew (unscripted but hinted at on other occasions) that  Julia was sticking around for the B-man. . .

Current Talk '02 I / Re: GAZEBO GOSSIP
« on: May 05, 2002, 03:54:30 AM »

Barnabas asked Julia to meet him here to discuss Dr.Lang's crazy new scheme. [crazd]

Isn't the gazebo B&J's home away from home. . how come nobody was gossiping about their crazy / weird relationship?? She's at his house all night, meeting him at the gazebo, he goes into her bedroom whenever he likes. .. . .in **my** hometown we'd had years of fun gossiping about those two. . .

Interesting observation Bob. . .has a redheaded doctor been frequenting the Blue Whale and unloading?  It does seem to me that Julia was  obviously a pretty straight arrow and then after meeting Barnabas, falling inlove and all. .she adapted pretty quickly to her new life as the
Empress of Dishonesty  

One does wonder if Julia was honest with herself?  She continually denied anything other than "medical interest" in Barnabas to anyone who even alluded to her feelings. . .did she honestly confront them in the privacy of her Collinwood bedroom?

Current Talk '02 I / Re: That Old Man! -old enough to be Daddy?
« on: May 05, 2002, 03:36:46 AM »
Since my VCR and I weren't in sync this week, I ran out and rented the videos #47 & 48. . .sometime in the near future. .Tony will even say Barnabas "is old enough to be Carolyn's father"!!!!! LOl!!!!!! [wow]

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Sweet 16!
« on: May 05, 2002, 03:32:55 AM »
Happy B-day Daphne. . guess I'm not the youngest one here. . . 8)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS schedule in May
« on: May 04, 2002, 07:28:46 PM »

What I still can't get over is how DS got preempted last year on, of all days, Halloween.  ?!?


I'm always a BIG advocate of writing SCIFI (via snail mail of course) to emphasize our dissatisfaction (i.e. possible cancellation and now these strange schedule interferences). . .i encourage others to do so.. . .

Breaking news as it develops!

A fan and website member contacted me as she has been having dealings with a collector selling DS memorabilia. Apparently a few months back he sold a print of HODS for big bucks. She's trying to find out from him if it was the longer version....

Will it be heartbreak or triumph?

only time will tell. Now you can be just as goose pimpled and anxious as me! ;)

Stay tuned...

I cross my fingers for you and for us, Darren . ..

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Who's Responsible for that Haircut anyway?
« on: May 03, 2002, 07:57:19 AM »
I like the hair cut.  That wig really got on my nerves.  I think julia has a stunning face.  Ever notice that there are more close up's of julia's face then anyone else.  I started watching the show 2 years ago.  My hubby watched it as a child.  And when he comented on julia being less then a knock out I knocked him over the head with a pillow.  He now says how truely stunning she is   LOL.

The directors did seem to try fancy camera angels for Grayson . .remember the BIG magnifying glass coming up in a few days in Dr. Lange's office. . .the camera focused on her eyes and the bridge of her nose for quite some time. . that was pretty artsy fartsy for daytime tv. . .

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Who's Responsible for that Haircut anyway?
« on: May 03, 2002, 07:54:14 AM »
Midnite. . .

I didn't get shot at. . .that marks it a successful trip!

Current Talk '02 I / That Old Man!
« on: May 03, 2002, 06:32:04 AM »
Did anyone howl withlaughter when Tony Petersen called Barnabas "that old man" the other day! I laughed out loud. . Everyone on the Boards (here and elsewhere) debates Barnabas's age. . i thought it funny that a 30-something referred to him as an 'old man'. .  too old for Carolyn therefore too old for Vicki or Maggie. . :D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Who's Responsible for that Haircut anyway?
« on: May 03, 2002, 05:44:34 AM »
I like it, quite daring for the time. .

I defintely think it says more about "Grayson" than Julia. . .