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Messages - Charles_Ellis

Hello- where's the news/gossip I asked for?

This is for all you lucky ones who got to go to Burbank- can you please post any news about this weekend here?  So many of us are dying to know!

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Was Grayson a beauty or what?
« on: July 19, 2008, 01:37:35 AM »
Love the Grayson Avatar, RJ- she looks like Joan Crawford!  The whole 'eyelift' anecdote only proves how valuable Grayson was to Dan Curtis- by that time she was at the nucleus of DS like Jonathan.  DC knew damn well that she was irreplacable!

A correction or two:

General Hospital only exists in BW kinescope for roughly its first 8 years (1963-71) though it went to color in 1967.  Apparently there a only a few surviving tapes in color prior to 1978, and they're in the UCLA collection. 

As to DS, syndication was the main reason for saving the tapes.  Back then, each network had its own division for syndicating its old shows.  ABC Films was going to put the show out as soon as the show ended its network run, but the FCC intervened.  In 1971, the networks were forced to divest their syndication divisions as the result of an antitrust ruling.  So, ABC Films became Worldvision, NBC Films became NTA and CBS Films became Viacom.  Alll this reorganization delayed the syndication of DS for several years. 

Ironically, the networks can now own shows again.  Viacom woundup being merging with Paramount, and it now owns CBS!

There ARE some other vintage soaps that were saved.  Both Days of our Lives and The Young and The Restless are Columbia/Sony productions and have been syndicated abroad for over 30 years.  Since Days premiered in 1965 and was in color from the start, the fact that the archives are complete is quite a feat.  In 2005 SoapNet showed the first 2 episodes  for the 40th Anniversary.  I'm hoping that the network will be smart enough to start showing reruns of the show starting from the November 1965 debut.  For all you Don Briscoe fans, he was on the show for a few months in 1966 prior to DS. 

Try eBay, and look under "Dark Shadows" (include the quotes to narrow the search).

Joan Bennett, a consummate pro, was always complimentary about her costars on DS with one exception!!!  She openly riduculed Roger Davis, saying he compared himself to Henry Fonda.  She may have had a point- remember all the commercial voiceovers he did in that mock-Fonda voice?

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Is NODS still being restored??
« on: July 11, 2008, 10:13:59 PM »
One important question remains: who will dub in Grayson's lines for the restored scenes?  Maybe you should get a professional voice performer like June Foray, if not, is there a big name who can imitate Grayson's distinctive voice?  How about Lauren Bacall or Kathleen Turner?

Congratulations!  I hope introducing him to DS will be a bonding experience!

Still active after all these years- not bad for a man in his 80s!  I wish we could see tapes of the shows!

What did he say?  What's his take on the show?

So, DS extends to a new generation- how cool!  Congratulations!   [angel13] [cheer] [cheerleader] [blob6]

Considering all she did for the Collins family (especially Barnabas [luv]), she EARNED her residency at Collinwood! 

Besides, she didn't spend all of her time there, she did have Wyndecliffe to run, and I think she probably had her own apartment there on the grounds.

Oh really?  Then why hasn't he hired any of the DS actors for his show?  Actions speak louder than words!

To me the late Ms. Porter will always be Irene Foryste (sigh)!

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: June 12, 2008, 10:41:56 PM »
There's only one actor to play Quentin: HUGH JACKMAN!!!!!!!