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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0357
« on: December 06, 2012, 12:25:47 AM »
I've always loved that beautiful archway--and I've always wished I had the house to go with it. ;)

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0357
« on: December 05, 2012, 04:10:29 PM »
Welcome, Jerry Lacy! His turn as the brash young Tony Peterson, Esq. has always been one of my favorites.

Poor Julia isn't at her best tonight. Roger's innocent musings about the foyer clock send her into near-hysterics. Roger is puzzled, but he still tries to lord it over Tony, who isn't having any.

Later, Roger tells Carolyn he wishes he knew Barnabas's secret. No, you don't! Carolyn exclaims. This seems uncharacteristic for someone under the control of a vampire, but maybe she's like Willie and still has some reserves of self-command.

Tony's office features a large and beautiful arched doorway that we’ll see many more times. Just like Burke, he hates the Collinses. He tells Julia, If you’ve never had money, you don’t know how it hits the blood. This comment nearly sends her off the rails again, and she does have hysterics a moment later when Tony guesses wrongly that Roger is after her.

Tony offers to put the notebook in his large (but not quite man-sized) safe and assures Julia that there is a night watchman. Julia doesn’t bother to explain how ineffectual a mere human guard would be.

After Julia leaves, Carolyn arrives, drapes herself across Tony's desk and tries to flirt the notebook away from him, but he isn't having any from her either. He grabs her by the shoulders and asks her, What's the real reason you're here?

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0356
« on: December 03, 2012, 10:05:18 PM »
The tall clock in the foyer had a bottom panel made of cloth until a few eps. ago, when it suddenly sported a wooden panel. Whenever I see Julia hide her notebook, I wonder if she had seen the wonderfully romantic movie Laura.

Once again, Carolyn has qualms at the thought of killing Julia.

In full Mistress-of-Collinwood mode, Elizabeth scolds her daughter (at last!) for being rude to their guest and even insists that Carolyn apologize for her discourtesy to Julia--which she does, but with very bad grace.

We get another fine Barnabas-Julia duel: e tells her, I know how you’ve been hypnotizing Vicki into withdrawing from me. Unrepentant and practical, Julia answers, I did it because pursuing Vicki is a mistake. I want her, retorts Barnabas imperiously, and that’s the only thing that matters. He is impervious to Julia's insistence that even now, Vicki is all for Burke. Barnabas accuses Julia of undermining his plans; Julia insists he still needs her. You betrayed me, Barnabas insists. Nothing can change the way I feel about you now. Nothing? Julia asks a trifle forlornly, perhaps thinking of everything--including Dave Woodard--she has sacrificed for his sake. Oblivious of anyone’s pain but his own, Barnabas warns her, Sooner or later I will get my hands on the notebook, and when I do… Well, I don’t have to tell you what will happen, do I? Julia--who once told Vicki that she was afraid of nothing--is plainly terrified.

Poor Julia returns to the Great House, only to face another duel with Carolyn. As Carolyn storms up the stairs, she notices that the tall foyer clock reads 9:00--but it is not striking the hour!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Snowman Smileys
« on: December 03, 2012, 07:53:45 PM »
I'm very much enjoying this new holiday look!

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0354
« on: December 02, 2012, 05:45:44 PM »
Very true, Midnite. [spoiler]I had forgotten that Jamison and Nora were sibs. So maybe Catherine is her daughter. If so, she'd be about Elizabeth's age, so the courtesy title of "aunt" would be appropriate, although she would actually be Elizabeth's first cousin.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0355
« on: December 01, 2012, 11:35:55 PM »
It's nice when you can see the actors enjoying themselves too.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0354
« on: December 01, 2012, 07:26:52 PM »
You're right, guys. It makes much more sense for Catherine to be Roger and Elizabeth's aunt, maybe on their (never-named) mother's side. [spoiler]As far as we know, their father, Jamison, was an only child.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0353
« on: December 01, 2012, 07:23:15 PM »
I was just watching the episodes where Julia first meets Barnabas, and I had a very quick glimpse of the glass above the OH doors too. Maybe it was always there.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0355
« on: December 01, 2012, 07:19:15 PM »
I've always thought the howling dogs were real and local. They are a way of reminding us of how far-reaching Barn's vampiric influence can be. Now that he has reverted, his eye makeup is getting darker and more ominous with every episode.

And yes, dom, that's a lovely moment when sadness flickers ever so quickly across Barnabas's face. I love those JF moments as well as his wonderful voiceovers.

Carolyn sure does blow hot and cold, doesn't she? She whipsaws from wanting to kill Julia herself to wondering how she'll ever get Julia out of her room and find her notes. Not being a detail person, Barnabas tells her, I leave it to your ingenuity.

The furniture in Julia's room has been rearranged since Dave Woodard searched the room not long ago, but even so, Carolyn has to stand on tiptoe on top of the bed just to feel around the top of the armoire with her hand.

One of my favorite Julia lines to Barnabas: Your little helper is not going to find what she’s looking for.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0353
« on: November 30, 2012, 04:23:48 PM »
One of the many cliches of '60s TV was "You've just signed your own death warrant!"   Barnabas should not have said anything like this, unless he's a closet TV maniac.

 [snow_cheesy] [snow_cheesy] [snow_cheesy] Very true, MT!

I once read a list of supposed DS secrets, one of which was that Barnabas actually had a TV in a secret room in the basement of the Old House.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0354
« on: November 30, 2012, 04:21:18 PM »
It is nice to see Elizabeth and Roger together and in agreement on everything in this episode.

Elizabeth asks Carolyn if she wants to accompany Vicki and David to Boston, where her (Carolyn's) aunt Catherine can arrange all the parties and shopping she'd like. Touching the scarf around her neck, Carolyn emphatically refuses. I can only assume that Catherine must be Elizabeth's sister. After her experience with Jason, Elizabeth certainly wouldn't want anything to do with any other McGuires! But sadly this aunt is never mentioned again--they could have had a whole story line about her. All that shopping and partying sounds like fun. Or maybe she's a more distant relative known by the courtesy title of aunt. (When I was a kid, I had to address all the neighborhood grownups as "aunt" or "uncle.")

I can't really tell from the rather fuzzy frame grabs, but I think Julia's jacket is made of mohair, a soft and fuzzy type of woven wool fabric that was popular at the time. (Knitted mohair sweaters, big and fuzzy, were also popular.) Has anyone else noticed that all of Julia's jackets are equipped with pockets? Later, Carolyn wears a very smart navy blue trenchcoat with bright red facings.

Julia takes the hypnotized Vicki to a new room in the basement of the Old House. This room, too, has a coffin--or maybe this is where Barnabas sleeps now that the main basement area is Julia's lab.

Later, Carolyn tells Barnabas all about Julia's treachery. “Hoffman” must be punished, Barnabas decides. Are you going to kill her? asks Carolyn eagerly, perhaps hoping he’ll let her watch or even help him.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0353
« on: November 29, 2012, 08:52:08 PM »
For all we know, the script could have said "death warrant," and JF could have muffed the line.

Maybe Barnabas had some other investments besides the jewels. Think of all that compound interest piling up!  [snow_smiley]

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0353
« on: November 29, 2012, 04:20:22 PM »
Funny about Joel Crothers! And GH is in her waspish element in the scene at the Old House!

Carolyn waits impatiently for sunset by the fountain. In a pleased soliloquy, she tells herself, I don’t have any friends, but I don’t mind because of you, _dear_ Cousin Barnabas. NOW Joe turns up and offers to help her search the mausoleum, but of course that's the last thing she wants now.

Barnabas offers to fund a private search party to try to find Burke's missing plane. Of course propriety demands that Vicki should turn down this generous offer.

Another episode that ends with Barnabas threatening Julia.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0352
« on: November 28, 2012, 11:22:58 PM »
Well, I guess this episode was much more exciting to see than to read my old notes about!

I always thought that Julia was pretty conflicted about why she was keeping Vicki away from Barnabas--jealousy, of course, but I'm sure she was also protecting Vicki. But even now, Vicki's heart still belongs to the late Burke Lite.

I don't think I ever imagined that Carolyn would actually kill David--maybe just drive him crazy enough that he'd have to be sent away. She certainly was scary when she woke him up at the ungodly (for her) hour of 6:00 a.m.!

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0352
« on: November 28, 2012, 03:46:50 PM »
Not the most exciting episode ever, but it's fun to see how the Julia-Carolyn War is now fully under way. They have some fun scenes together, arguing over which of them is best able to help Barnabas.

Poor David! No one will believe him now--which is exactly Barnabas's goal.