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Discuss - Ep #0355
« on: December 01, 2012, 04:32:30 PM »
Robservations - #355

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0355

Offline dom

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0355
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2012, 06:50:31 PM »
Carolyn tries to convince Barn not to kill Julia, geez Carolyn, make up your mind! All of a sudden now, Carolyn is unsure of herself and things in general. I wonder if this is Barn’s influence waning & Carolyn needs another bite. Barn warns her not to let her emotions get the best of her and pretty much puts her in her place with a somewhat veiled threat. This was a great moment in the scene – not in the way of it being thrilling or well acted, but it quickly answered a lot of questions the scene brought up for me. As a viewer, I appreciate that.

Did you notice Barn’s face when Carolyn kind of chastised him for letting Julia keep notes? It was so subtle, but so perfect. Frid is usually good for that and it’s one of the things I always watch for and really appreciate re: his performances.

OMGoodness, I loved Maggie’s yellow coat! And KLS looked absolutely splendid in it. I really liked the scene with Maggie and Carolyn outside the front doors of Collinwood. I think I may be tired of seeing the same three characters so much lately. Seeing Maggie was like a breath of fresh air. I don’t see the importance of the scene but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I was a good scene – Maggie picking up on the change in Carolyn and sensing the similarities with her own experience but not being able to put a conscious finger on them. And the howling dogs seemed subtly chilling in context.

I also very much enjoyed seeing Mrs. J. and I really liked how she was written in this episode, as being motherly towards Carolyn. It appears that the change in Carolyn is not going unnoticed by anyone, not mom, uncle, Vicki, Joe, Maggie, or even the maid.

The scene with Frid & Hall at the Old House was interesting and fun in the sense of Jules putting Barn in his place, lol. I always eat that stuff up. I mean nobody holds sway over Barn like Jules does – I LOVE IT!!! It always throws me off a little when Barn bumbles around, like in this scene, trying to keep Julia at the Old House. I guess I’ll never get used to vampires losing their composure.

I’m sure it’s been said/noted/explained before but hearing Julia’s explanation of the meaning of the howling dogs to Carolyn seems to have put to rest a lingering puzzlement (that's been in my mind) once and for all. Well, sort of – Now I want to know if these are supernatural ghost dogs or if they are the neighborhood dogs of Collinsport (which would seem absurd considering the house sits on a hill away from town…right)?

I think this will be the last time Carolyn & Barn will be able to pull the wool over Julia’s eyes, don’t you? Things ought to get really interesting for Julia (and us) now that Jules has busted Carolyn searching her room (I guess if there’s a secret panel in Julia’s room, Carolyn doesn’t know about it) and called out Barn on his trying to keep her at the Old house for Carolyn’s benefit.

No big Friday cliffhanger but a decent episode. Anyone notice that Julia’s room has been rearranged? 

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0355
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2012, 07:19:15 PM »
I've always thought the howling dogs were real and local. They are a way of reminding us of how far-reaching Barn's vampiric influence can be. Now that he has reverted, his eye makeup is getting darker and more ominous with every episode.

And yes, dom, that's a lovely moment when sadness flickers ever so quickly across Barnabas's face. I love those JF moments as well as his wonderful voiceovers.

Carolyn sure does blow hot and cold, doesn't she? She whipsaws from wanting to kill Julia herself to wondering how she'll ever get Julia out of her room and find her notes. Not being a detail person, Barnabas tells her, I leave it to your ingenuity.

The furniture in Julia's room has been rearranged since Dave Woodard searched the room not long ago, but even so, Carolyn has to stand on tiptoe on top of the bed just to feel around the top of the armoire with her hand.

One of my favorite Julia lines to Barnabas: Your little helper is not going to find what she’s looking for.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0355
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2012, 08:03:32 PM »
Carolyn sure does blow hot and cold, doesn't she?

I know. In the previous ep she was positively gleeful at the prospect of Julia being killed. But in this one she warns Barn that killing is wrong. And the eps were both directed by John Sedwick, so the fluctuations in NB's performance/Carolyn's attitude can't be blamed on different directors. Though there's a real possibility that Sedwick may not have read the script for Ep #355 until after he'd already directed and they'd taped Ep #354 because even though the eps only run a day apart, Ep #355 was taped 5 days after Ep #354.

One of my favorite Julia lines to Barnabas: Your little helper is not going to find what she’s looking for.

Julia has several great lines in these eps. The writers were really on target with her and also with Carolyn. Some fantastic stuff with Julia and Carolyn is coming up next week.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0355
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2012, 11:35:55 PM »
It's nice when you can see the actors enjoying themselves too.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0355
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2012, 06:26:17 AM »
Julia is jealous and must be disposed of permanently.  The new writers seem to have come up with more ways to state it that person who is threat of the week must die! 
Barnabas wants the notes and they have to be in Julia's rearranged room.  Carolyn finds the strongbox with the easy pick lock and it is empty.  Carolyn is caught but Julia realizes she will die.
I keep thinking that to keep herself occupied in the recluse years Elizabeth developed a thing for rearranging the furniture and Matthew earned his keep by willingly lugging things around for his mistress, but with Mrs. J. I can just hear the sighs as she does the heavy work.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times