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Messages - Julia99

Current Talk '03 I / Where's Magda's Fat Hero?
« on: February 01, 2003, 02:05:55 AM »
 Sandor is supposed to be Barnabas's slave not Magda and by the way where is Magda's man is he off pouting 'cuz she called him "my fat hero"?  also, glad to see Joan loosened up on the wardbobe budget long enough to allow Grayson a new peasant blouse. . .

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Angelique / contains Spoilers
« on: January 28, 2003, 06:52:05 AM »

Thanks!  I forgot about that one.

Was it in that scene that Angelique tries to warn her away from Barnabas, calling him cold and I forget what else, and Julia snaps back with "Who made him that way?"  Meowch!!!

hmm that's a good question . . . i was thinking it was '68 too but seems more logical for 1897. .. the scene i referrenced happens in the "Rectory" where Julia is hiding?  I didn't get why she had to hide .. .other than quick makeup changes into Magda WERE NOT possible.  . . wait wait .. i guess its because the B-man was known to be a vampire. . .and anyone who was his friend wasn't safe OR was it 'cuz Edward seemed waaaay too interested in the mute visitor in short short skirt?  (let's all sing the NAIR song now.. .) Who's got short skirts. . .Julia from 1968's got short skirts . ..(not the shortest we see but hey .damn short for pre-1900 Maine!) ..

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re: HAPPY B-DAY to TLATKLS
« on: January 28, 2003, 02:52:57 AM »
Happy belated birthday Kathryn Leigh Scott!

I agree with everyone else, she's aged great. Maybe she learned a trick or two from Angelique ;)

i want the name of her plastic surgeon. . ..[evilg]

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Angelique / contains Spoilers
« on: January 27, 2003, 04:32:36 AM »

I assume that Angelique spent the previous 100 years (since 1795, when she was burned by Ben Stokes) in hell, then was brought through the flames by Evan and Quentin.  She clearly has already lived through 1968 because we get clues in the 1897 story that this Angelique 1) knows David; 2) knows that Chris is a werewolf; and 3) admits to having been in 1968 previously; and 4) gets huffy when she's called "Cassandra".


And another important note, #5) When Julia comes from 1968 to 1897. . .Angelique recognizes her and asks how she is there?  Julia replies, "your here, Barnabas is here, is there any reason I should not be able to be here too?"

Sassy Julia. . my fave! Or is evil Julia in 1995?  I just love Julia with a 'tude. .  

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Quentin and brotherly love
« on: January 25, 2003, 12:27:57 AM »
I too really thought it was the lowest of low acts. . .unforgiveable really.  

Annie. . you have to acknowledge Q ain't always so yummy. .sometimes he's quite crummy.

Even I, lover off all things Julia Hoffman, realize she's got her short comings and does some pretty despicable things at times. . .but i don't think she ever put her brother in a room with a vampire. . ??  That's just low man!

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Julianka
« on: January 25, 2003, 12:15:15 AM »
Maybe King Johnny was trying to protect Julianka from getting involved in Magda's crazy life. . .

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Her Wardrobe Runneth Over. . .
« on: January 24, 2003, 04:42:40 AM »
I do agree that after Judith comes into the "loot" her wardrobe substantially multiplies. .i've been waiting for Quentin or Edward to make a smart remark about it. . .prior to Grandmamamama's death, i think she only wore a black dress that i recall, very somber.

Current Talk '03 I / Her Wardrobe Runneth Over. . .
« on: January 23, 2003, 07:39:27 AM »
At least everyother episode Judith had a new frock. . .wow I'd love to see a copy of Joan Bennett's contract. ."And Miss Bennett will have a new, tailored outfit every 3rd episode.  She will only reuse an outfit twice in the course of the show's run. . .  The rest of the actresses get 3 dresses which they'll wear into the ground until they're threadbare .. ."

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Casting a Curse to Spite Yourself
« on: January 20, 2003, 09:33:25 PM »
I think Magda was a bit crazy with grief and just wanted to curse Quentin the worst way she knew how. . . and the dreaded werewolf curse was it. . . I suspect she also thought he'd get hunted down pretty quick, discovered and killed. . .

Current Talk '03 I / Re: New Early Barnabas Trivia
« on: January 18, 2003, 10:32:14 PM »

The lines read something like like:  "Willie is staring at the portrait of young Collins and notices the eyes glowing at him."  Another line states "Willie once again looks at the portrait of the young man and in addition to the glowing eyes, he hears a heartbeat from the portrait."

not to be too catty but that portrait ain't of a young man. . he's middle aged to say the least. . .

Start celebrating early girl!!

Current Talk '03 I / I LUV Those Collins Kids!!!
« on: January 18, 2003, 05:57:56 AM »
From Quentin screaming at his sister. .  "stop looking at me like i'm an exhibit!"  To Judith yelling "What?!!" at Carl's declaration of newfound luv. . these guys really ROCK as siblings. . .the age disparities aside, they completly embody sniveling, silver-spoon, insecure siblings. . . I **know** understand why DS's ratings when sky high during this part of the show. . so many wonderful performances, multiples storylines and motivations .. pretty complex .. .the Leviathians will certainly be a let down . . . Magda make me a drink!

Current Talk '03 I / Re: a question for THE GREAT ONE
« on: January 15, 2003, 08:06:44 AM »

Noticed that, did you? [winkg]

i do look out for this type of thing ya know. . .[evilb]

Current Talk '03 I / Re: a question for THE GREAT ONE
« on: January 15, 2003, 07:03:38 AM »
It would seem MB that you're something of a Grayson Hall fan. . .