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Messages - Julia99

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:OT - Gettin' Peeved about the Cursing
« on: June 29, 2003, 03:08:43 PM »
This leads me to believe someONE is watching? and then meting out the cures/curses. .its not systemic or automatic but manipulated, is that what you meant?

Oh no, just the opposite.  It IS systematic, if that's what you meant.  I'm talking about the feature itself, and not at all about any person or persons manipulating any numbers.  If you're very rarely using the feature, then what I said wouldn't apply.

gracias Divine One.

i don't know with Nicole Kidman and Bette Midler. . maybe it will got back to the original source novel and do it justice. . .one can only hope.   :P

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:OT - Gettin' Peeved about the Cursing
« on: June 29, 2003, 02:03:40 AM »
especially since it seems I might be the first person to have more curses than cures or whatever. .

No, it has happened, J99.

I have no idea how you're using the feature so I don't know if this will be helpful to you or not but perhaps will be to someone else-- In addition to the more obvious aspects of the feature, the system also works, well, karmically, as in what goes around comes around.

I'm not quite sure how to take that. . i barely USE it since i moved to NYC. . This leads me to believe someONE is watching? and then meting out the cures/curses. .its not systemic or automatic but manipulated, is that what you meant?    .i have a dialup connection and cursing or curing someone takes too much time.  i may cure/curse someone once in a blue moon.. . :-X  I just cured a lot of ya for your kind words. . ahh Gerard you're not dumb, i'm totally with you on the try it first and read instructions after you get frustrated . ..

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / OT - Gettin' Peeved about the Cursing
« on: June 28, 2003, 09:47:25 PM »
I don't know if this is the right place, time or what and i'll probably come across as a whiney-ass baby but i have to say.  .i am not too thrilled anymore about the karma thing.  .especially since it seems I might be the first person to have more curses than cures or whatever. .there is only a 6 pt separation .. now, I've not said anything intentionally nasty to anyone here. . .i've not been mean.. . I might be a bit single-minded in my devotion to a particular actor but i'm not the only one here, so i'm at a loss to explain who's so CURSE happy toward me?  And frankly, i'd rather not get either a curse or a cure at all .. i'm not in a generous or humorous state of mind right now. .  So what am i saying?  If there is a problem with something i've said or done, email me privately and lay off the cursing.  If i'm over sensitive, sorry but its hot, i'm tired and ahh whatever.

you guys slay me. . .::chuckle::  I'll buy whomever asks a Mojito.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:OT - Life
« on: June 28, 2003, 09:29:55 PM »
Well i don't normally talk about my 'real' life out here but I agree so far 2003 sucks a big ONE. . . I've been sued twice by malicious former landlords.  The Judge had denied them twice, told them practically that their INSANE (which they are) and still they sue sue sue .. i've spent $18k on lawyer fees. . how's that for sucks!

I moved an entire continent away to get away from them.  I get to my new locale, my job is dull beyond reason .. .and my closest friend here (for 10 years) decided to down too many vodka collins (not kidding) one night and start spouting ugliness beyond explanation at a mutual friend of ours.  So that friendship is in effect, over (the one who spewed not the innocent spew-receivor).  .

Ohhh and there is more but those are the biggies . . . ++ I don't have cable right now and you KNOW I'm missing DS even if you're all ragging on it .. still i miss it.

I did go to 3 Beekman Place today. . now is that location familiar to anyone out there??

Had seen it again within last couple of months...really like Ava Gardner's performance
You mention Grayson's 'no megaphone needed'; do we know how much stage training (if any) she had.


PS...never noticed the pot scene...will have to watch again...

Grayson's training was almost exclusively for the stage .. .check out the Remembering Grayson website for a more complete detailing of her training and career. . .Iguana was her first big feature film (she didn't like to think back on 2 earlier New York films).  And the pot scene is quite funny, its after their at Maxine's, after Maxine says to Judith "well if you're not gonna eat him [Richard Burton's character] I guess I better get you all something to eat."  LOL!  ;D  I just love that  and then.  .when they all come out refreshed from a siesta, Maxine tries to serve up some RumCocoas but Judith says she doesn't "imbibe" and then Maxine says, "well how about some pot?  I don't normally offer that but you strike me as needing something special. . " or something along that line. . Grayson's implacably innocent expressions are priceless.

J99 (ready for whomever it is out there who is making it their career to smite me. .. :-*)

Glad others are watching and enjoying this film, which is on AFI's Top 100.  Ava, Richard and Deborah are great and of course, Uber-great is Grayson.  But it really is interesting that she was the ONLY one nominated from that stellar list of players.  And, when the film is written about today, she is not mentioned. .  :-[

Steve, who is off galavanting in search of Briscolicious. . could tell you more but I do understand Grayson had a life long friendship with the Burtons. . .one of La Liz's daughters got married at the Hall's Hudson Valley home.  But this is 2nd or 3rd hand to me. . . And Grayson in interviews expressed extreme annoyance with Sue Lyon's obvious adoration of her boyfriend.  But he eventually annoyed others and was ordered off-set and home. . down boy, down!

As to G's character's repressed sexuality ..well the woman was just repressed in every way, hands down.  She's down in Mexico but still wearing her white-long sleeved blouse buttoned all the way to the top--letting no air in there--  I guess the other big "clue in scene" is in Judith and the girls' bedroom when Judith asks Charlotte not to be mad, she couldn't take it if Charlotte was mad at her. . .you sense some desperation and pleading there in Judith's need for Charlotte to like her. . . ^-^

I've said before if you stuck me in hot hot mexico with a wander-ing eye defrocked priest, a bunch of whiney old women with dysentery and Sue Lyon (annoying!), I wouldn't have acted much better than Judith Fellow. . although, I probably would've gone to the bar and screamed "cerveza!  mas cerveza!"  Actually I would've accepted (as Judith did not) Maxine's offer of a little pot--which is a hysterical scene!  And then gone swimming with those crazy mexican boys and Maxine. . . 

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Individual "Mark as Read" function
« on: June 25, 2003, 03:12:40 PM »
I've noted that when I try to mark a string as "read" with the singular button (after doing a Search New), it doesn't mark the string.  If I do another Search New--those posts (the string) still comes up.  Am I misunderstanding what this button is supposed to do?

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Dark Shadows Day
« on: June 25, 2003, 03:05:39 PM »
We'll all meet at Jekyll and Hyde on 7th Avenue and um.  .57th Street or therabouts. . .spooky-themed bar just blocks from the Old DS Studio . .hows that?

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Briscoliciousness Alert!
« on: June 25, 2003, 03:02:11 PM »
Sadly, I do not have a copy of the soapy Don commercial, nor do I have one of the cigarette commercial featuring him in a bathing suit on the beach.

These would make great extras for a DS DVD release!  MPI, are you listening????


OH my God! Really!  ::drooling:  How cool!  Yes that commercial and Grayson's Playtex one. . .I remembered it after Gothic told me the set up. .the white lab coat (ala Dr H), clipboard. . .I actually contacted Playtex but go "nooooo" response. louses.  They did have a whathisname's (Adam) commercial in L.A.  It was quite humorous as was his 'sexpot' movie they showed . . soft porn at the DS FEST! whoa!

Is that where Gothick went. .well it will do no good, i've beat him here on this sunny yacht and my my Tom looks good in a speedo . ..but then it's gone now. ..

I always remembered that kitten .  ..

Current Talk '03 I / Re:And Another Unfathomable Plot Twist....
« on: June 23, 2003, 03:27:11 PM »
don't know but i'll say Julia was a lucky girl ;D


Yes she was!  And she knew it too by the look in her eyes and how she seductively removed those scarves. . she was pretending to resist for Barnabas but she ran after Tom wildly. . but who could resist that deep voice and very aerobic tongue? [a233]

Oh Steve. . you have such an imagination!  Thank God!