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Messages - Bob_the_Bartender

"Sam, you're telling me, that you saw a wolf dressed like a man, running down the street?  Next thing, you'll be telling me, is that I'll be eventually taking care of three extremely precocious children!  Happy hour started early at the Blue Whale, I guess?" ::)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Favorite Jewelry
« on: July 11, 2006, 09:54:11 PM »
did we ever get to their (how should I put this politely?) "procurers" either hanging out on the Collinsport docks or sitting in their white Cadillacs, parked right near the Blue Whale Tavern?  ??? >:D

I don't know, Bruno came close!  ;)

You know, I  do think that I once saw Bruno, "styling," on the corner of 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue, back during the 1970s (in that shearling coat of his, of course)! ::)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Favorite Jewelry
« on: July 11, 2006, 09:27:56 PM »
Well now, King Johnny, that's another story!  ;)  I too loved ALL of his bling.  (and I think you meant HUGGY Bear!  ;))

I also like the bling that PT Bruno wears.  Very pimpin'!

Hey, not to get off of the topic of jewelry (worn by both women and men) on Dark Shadows, but did you ever notice, that while we got to see, literally, dozens of "working girls" in Collinsport, Maine over the centuries, not  ONCE, did we ever get to their (how should I put this politely?) "procurers" either hanging out on the Collinsport docks or sitting in their white Cadillacs, parked right near the Blue Whale Tavern?  ??? >:D

PS Oops!  I meant Huggy-Bear. Thanks! ;D

 (In a similar vein): Regrettably, Judge Crathorne forgot to take his daily "double-dose" of Avodart and  Flomax before driving over to Collinwood!!! [beer] [toilet] [wow]

Burke always make it a habit to rakishly drape his overcoat over his shoulders, thereby freeing his arms to engage in either fisticuffs or "amour," depending, of course, on the particular situation! [poke2] [love3]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Favorite Jewelry
« on: July 11, 2006, 09:00:31 PM »
No question Barnabas's onyx ring is a classic. Simple, elegant, and hints of mystery.

I agree the ring is an essential element of the character, but I must say, a ring like that on a man, especially worn on the index finger, just seemed a little effeminate to me.  I would have preferred something more masculine and on either a middle, ring, or even a pinky finger like you'd expect from a man.  I liked that sometimes Jonathan forgot (?) to take off his pinky ring, I think it was his school ring from Yale.  Rings like that, worn on a finger other than the index, to me anyway, are manly.


Gee, I sort of liked King Johnny Romano's "extensive" assortment of jewelry.  Heck, from nearly head-to-toe, the good King Johnny was SO resplendent in glittery stuff, that he looked like "Super Fly," Liberace and "Honey Bear" from "Starsky & Hutch," all rolled-up into one!!! [9050] [kingy] [spin]

Bob, K-Mart jewelry department devotee! ::)

Carolyn had a strange dream that she was a part of the Christmas display in the front window of Brewster's.

Brewster's Dept. Store Christmas display, I love  it!  [clap]

(Maybe Bruno, Dr. Lang and Jeffy-boy were the three "wise men"?) [confused5] [twak]

"That'll teach him to suggest that I'm an incorrigible, two-timing Casanova, having my way with both Maggie and Vicky!" >:(

Hey, BtB, did you know that he's in the movie's original trailer?  It's on TCM's site; click "watch a trailer" on (URL)
.   He shows up just before the halfway point, though the other agent is doing the talking.  8)


Yes, poor Mr. O'Connell gets slighted again, not even getting to utter one syllable in that Woody Allen flick.  At least, he gets to say "Good morning!" to Ryan O'Neal as the "always-understated" actor, carries the lovely Ali MacGraw over the threshold, leading into their new, posh upper East Side apartment, in the unbelievably schmaltzy "Love Story."  Yuck!  :o  (Although, I do have to say that Mr. O'Connell looked mighty spiffy in that doorman's uniform!) :D ;)


Hey yo, yo ey Bob. I hear ya, Viva Italia.  I guess Elmont doesn't sound very Italian.   Forgetaboutit, Elmonto...


Yeah, the only paisans on Dark Shadows were King Johnny Romano (I think that I went to high school with his great-great grandson, Attilio) and Sandor and Magda Racosi.  What a disgratzia! :o

You'd at least think that the late, great Dan Curtis would have had a Bocchichio's Pizzeria to go along with the Blue Whale Tavern, Brewster's Department Store and Phillip and Megan Todd's ill-fated antique shop in downtown Collinsport, for "pietro's" sake!?! >:( ::) ;) ;D


Bartender Bobby "Bacala"!!! :)

Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1050
« on: July 10, 2006, 06:04:40 AM »
"Well, I helped Barnabas to 'create' a man, then a woman in Real Time.  Now, I suppose that I'll have to help him 'create' a man in this time band, after Lucy Ricardo here, finally wakes up!" >:(

Hey gang,

Just wanted to let you all know that the Turner Classic Movie Channel will be airing the uproariously funny 1971 film, "Bananas," starring Woody Allen (as the "immortal" Fielding Melish!) at three o'clock this Monday morning.

In the flick, Dark Shadows actor Bob "Blue Whale Bartender Bob Rooney" O'Connell portrays an FBI agent, who interrogates Woody Allen (ersatz/phony South American "liberator" Fielding Melish) in a scene at (I think?) Kennedy Airport. 

I can't tell you, how absolutely thrilled I was, to see Mr. O'Connell actually attired in a suit and tie, rather than in that drab flannel shirt, we always used to see him wearing, standing there behind the tap at the Blue Whale, with that all-too-ubiquitous stogie in his mouth.

Now, don't blink (or, God forbid!) go to the bathroom, or you might miss Mr. O'Connell deliver his one line of dialogue in this hilarious film.  (Watch for the late, great sports announcer Howard Cosell, doing "blow-by-blow" commentary, on the consummation of Woody Allen's and Louise Lasser's marriage in the film.)  >:D

Okay, all of you Dark Shadows insomniacs, you'be been warned!  (I'm not taking any chances myself.  I'm setting my Sony Betamax videorecorder to "SP" speed to record Mr. O'Connell's one-and-only shining moment in a Woody Allen film!) ;D :D ;)

Barnabas finds Willie's recipe for pasta con vongole e cozze (pasta with clams and mussels) not quite to his liking! [nerv] [toilet]

Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1054
« on: July 10, 2006, 12:50:35 AM »
"The Harry Hamlin Story," starring David Selby! ;D

Hey gang,

I just cannot let today pass, without acknowledging such renowned Dark Shadows Italian-American alumni as the late, lamented D.S. makeup artist, Mr. Vinnie Loscalzo, and actors George DiCenzo and (the 2nd Burke Devlin) Anthony George (nee: Giorgio), and say very proudly (as the great-grandson of Vincenzo, nee: "Roberto") on July 9, 2006:

Viva Italia ! [clap] [crowdhappy] [headbang] [beer] [wave]