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Topics - Connie

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Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Twas The Night ....
« on: December 24, 2004, 10:42:35 PM »

Well, it's been a couple of years since I posted this.'s my Christmas offering.
NOW with visuals!!  LOL

                     ~ Quentin's Letter To Santa ~

Merry Christmas Everybody!   [Candle]


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Hey! It's Castlebee's BIRTHDAY!
« on: December 18, 2004, 02:01:04 PM »
Happy Birthday My Dear!

[Candle]   [Candle]   [Candle]


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Way OT - Good morning
« on: December 09, 2004, 01:28:52 PM »
I just took this picture about 20 minutes ago.  Is this a sunrise or what!
(Well I had to show SOMEONE)  lol

Up All Night  [wave]

And while I'm here, posting nothing about DS, television, or anything remotely related, my birthday was last week.  So wish me a happy belated birthday if you're so inclined.


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / The Late Nite Show With ANNIE !!
« on: November 28, 2004, 01:34:16 PM »
In another thread, I believe Annie indicated a desire to interview The Q Man.
(What HASN'T she indicated a desire to do with him?)  LOL  Ahem...

So here it is folks:

Late Night With Annie

With Her Special Guest
~ The Q MAN ! ~

"Please welcome The Q Man!"

It all started innocently enough.  A great time was being had.  In all honesty, there WAS quite a bit of flirting going on back and forth.

Then it happened.  Annie asked if she could spend the night with him in the West Wing.
It took him a moment to regain his composure.

"Well sure.  Why not.  I'm game!"[/i]

The End

Footnote:  "Late Night With Annie" was cancelled after the debut show 'cause Annie refused to interview anyone but the Q Man, so that kind of narrowed down the selection of possible guests.

Current Talk '04 II / TV Crossword Clue
« on: November 25, 2004, 05:15:27 AM »
I have been informed by the resident TV guide crossword puzzle solver in the house (LAFB) that the new TV guide puzzle contains a clue referring to a character of great renowned (whom we all know and love).
Check out 5 Down.

Aside from DS fans, I wonder how many average, everyday, run-of-the-mill people would know the answer to THAT clue.  Not too many I bet.

 ;D  ;D  ;D

PS  Is it just the edition around here, or has TV guide become totally worthless??  They stop listing things at 11 pm.  Plus, they only list about a quarter of the channels, if that.  There's no easy way to tell what in hell is on!!  (not that I can ever find anything remotely interesting)   :(

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Bored...jaded
« on: November 22, 2004, 03:53:13 PM »
I'm sticking this in the Testing section 'cause it's not exactly upbeat.  (You might say I'm "testing the waters" so to speak.)  ha ha

I'm sooooo tired of Dark Shadows.  I just can't watch any of it.  Has this ever happened to anyone else on here?  Is this a common syndrome?  If so, will it pass?  Maybe I just watched too much of it over the last few months and over-did it or something.  Anyway, it's depressing when something that provided such pleasure and much-needed escape, no longer does.

-Chairman of the Bored   :'(

PS  About 15 years ago I ran a little BBS from my home called 'Chairman of the Bored'.  I was the Chairman.  lol  I ran it on a Commodore 64, 3 floppy drives and a 20 meg Data Chief hard drive.  (Oh wow)  LOL  It became rather popular as far as those little boards went -- always seemed to be running.  People used to upload pirated software, trade, etc.   8)
Anyway, I've got a C64, a 128, an Amiga 2000 and various drives down in my basement.  I wonder if there's a market for any of that old stuff.  I really need some money. 

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / OT - Day of the Dead - Mexico
« on: November 01, 2004, 02:43:50 AM »
Didn't know how to just put an event on the calendar without posting a message.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Ack!!! ROTFL
« on: October 30, 2004, 11:03:31 PM »
THIS is hysterical.  If some of you haven't cleared your cache lately, Do It.  You'll see a most "horrifying", sight wandering across your screen.

(That MB is incorrigible, I swear).

OMG, in addition to RD, now there's Addison Powell.....and they seem to be moving faster and faster.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Dark Shadows Mention / OT
« on: October 29, 2004, 06:00:43 PM »
HERE'S a new one:

The many positive aspects of being a vampire.
(Just when you figured you'd thought of everything)


Here's a link to a review of that new movie David Selby is in, Surviving Christmas.

"The one noteworthy performance comes from David Selby of "Dark Shadows" fame as Missy's dad. If only he'd turned his werewolf alter ego loose in "Surviving Christmas". . .

 ;D  ;D  ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / OT: Apology + Redemption picture
« on: September 10, 2004, 12:26:32 AM »
I just wanted to apologize for not responding to some people who've IM'd me or sent emails to me over the last few weeks.  I can't spend much of any time online to answer people so I was hoping I could just send this one message and hopefully most of y'all will see it.  As a couple of you know, I've been struggling with health problems for some time and have been getting sicker and sicker over the last few months.  At the moment I'm being treated for 3rd stage Lymes Disease and am just too sick to function, even in a half-assed way.  The neurological impairment - no memory, lack of concentration and ability to focus, trouble comprehending what I'm reading,  reversing words, letters, numbers.... - make it a extemely difficult to think, write emails, etc.  I last about 4 or 5 minutes on here at a time and that's about it.  PLEASE don't be pissed at me if I haven't responded to something or it seems like I'm ignoring things - I'm not.  It's been nagging at me and I've been upset about wanting to communicate and not having the energy to.  How I EVER managed to spend 24 hours at that Fest is beyond me.  (Actually, it was drugs -- pure and simple. LOL)  Anyway, the huge doses of antibiotics I'm having to take now are making me much worse (it's some kind of die-off response) and I'm totally useless.  Hopefully it won't be too long before all this starts to turn around for me 'cause my life is a total nightmare and I'm miserable.  Please forgive my inattention to stuff. 

Just a couple of things:
Thanks Annie, for the nice IM you sent me a couple of weeks ago or whenever it was.
You too Cassandra -- I also was really disappointed I missed you at the Fest.
Also wish I'd been able to meet Castlebee and a few others.
I've really enjoyed the Fest pictures people have been posting - Castlebee's website (love it), Midnite's Lyndhurst pictures, Heather's Grayson artwork and posts in general (Heather, you kill me), and everything else.
Also, someone asked me to send them Selby pictures I took and I couldn't find the memory card I'd used at the Fest for the past couple of weeks, and just found it yesterday.  NOW, I can't remember who asked, so if you're out there, email me again.

So this post isn't a total waste and completely OT, here's a picture I took of you-know-who at the Fest shortly before I left.  (Hey....if I'm standing next to David Selby and just don't give a crap and want to go home, you KNOW I'm sick)  LOL


PS  Love you Steve


Can you ever get enough grainy Fest photos that are shot from too far away?  I know I can't.

Let's we have the woman who reportedly has no memory of Dark Shadows, (lol - I like that) then we have Ms. Angelique (ya know, it looks like that could have been a really good picture of her if I'd been anywhere near the stage), then we also have a guy on the left drinking Vasa Water (compliments of the Marriott).  Great photo, huh?  Yes - pretty bad if I do say so myself.   ::)

You always learn something new at a Fest.  When Lara was talking about what a great experience it was filming NODS and how she even got to be hung, some people started laughing.  John immediately picked up on the thread by indicating that he was not well-hung.  David said he wasn't even gonna go there.  But....if the next photo has any relevance, maybe he felt he didn't really need to.  (shrug)

I'm no good at writing event accounts - that's better left to the pros like ProfStokes (Hi Amanda).  ;D  But I suppose everyone comes away from a Fest with some sort of thoughts or impressions (yes, even me) and I feel we DEFINITELY need to know more about David's big toe and that errant horse.  John told him to take his shoe off, but he wouldn't.

CLC   8) 

Sorry, sorry....I'll try to post a couple of decent pictures of SOMEBODY in the next couple of days if anyone's interested....and if I can come up with any.  lol

Polls Archive / Fest Guest Poll
« on: July 14, 2004, 08:03:38 AM »
I'm guessing that none of the actors on the list have been to a Fest (or if one or two have, it was a long time ago).

Out of these 10, who do you think would be the most fun to see?

If your choice isn't on the list, who is it?

(Had a long list but cut it down to 10 - not sure how I came up with this assortment)  ;D

Current Talk '04 II / DS Trivia
« on: July 13, 2004, 08:23:12 AM »

Here's a trivia question for y'all.

In the 1840 storyline, how old is Quentin's father, Daniel?
(His exact age CAN be deduced)

If you can answer this question, you are a knowledgeable DS personage!

I love Daniel!

Current Talk '04 I / Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« on: June 21, 2004, 10:46:49 AM »
I was reading the JF bloopers topic and someone asked what Maggie's qualifications as governess were.  Then I started wondering what any of the governess' qualifications were.  What were Vicki's?  How about Daphne's?  Quentin just dropped by and asked her if she'd be interested in the position (after poor Hortense was killed by the "headless body")  ("in a topless bar").....sorry -- Selby movie.  And where did Edward find Rachel??  A governess employment agency?

Anyway, then I started trying to remember actual schooling-type interaction between David/Jamison/Tad and a governess and I couldn't remember much.  Then I started wondering if David had ever tried to do in Vicki like he did his father with the car brakes.  I can't remember the old black and white stuff from the first couple of years.  Did he ever try to torment her or get rid of her?  THEN I started thinking about this Hayley Mills movie called The Chalk Garden that I always loved.  She's this incorrigible, very sheltered young teenager who lives in a sort of fantasy world and prides herself on horrifying governesses and getting rid of them as soon as possible.  LOL

Did the DS storyline ever have any type of aspect like this during the beginning years with David?

-No memory left   :-


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