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Topics - Charles_Ellis

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As some of you may know, I have Type 2 diabetes. The good news that it's under control with diet & exercise, and I don't need insulin injections.  However, there are a lot of many people out there who need injections, and even those who face vision, nerve and mobility problems due to the condition.  Perhaps you know someone close to you who is diabetic.

Well, on October 25th I'm Stepping Out for Diabetes in Manhattan.  The event will begin at 8:30 AM with registration, with the walk itself starting at 10:00 AM.  It starts at the South Street Seaport, going over the Brooklyn Bridge into downtown Brooklyn, through that neighborhood and back to Manhattan- a total of 4.8 miles.

OK- this is where YOU come in. Did you know that Thayer David and Criag Slocum (who played Noah Gifford and Harry Johnson) were diabetic?  Sadly, Mr. Slocum died of complications of the disease.  For them, and other people in the DS community who have suffered from this condition, you can help fight this condition that is more commplace than ever.  If you'd like to sponsor my efforts in this walk, please contribute at my web page at the American Diabetes Association:

I'm trying to raise $150 for the event- every bit helps!  Spread the word- I'm sure there are people out there who either have diabetes or know someone close to them with the condition (like me!).  
For more info:

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Thank you Lauren Bacall!!
« on: August 26, 2009, 12:38:38 PM »
Apparently she knows her movie vampires better than her granddaughter- wonder if she watched DS:

Current Talk '09 I / New MPI DVD storyline compilations
« on: June 26, 2009, 01:29:05 AM »
MPI is putting out two 3-hour discs regarding two storylines from DS- Barnabas' return in 1967, and the 1968/69 "Turn of the Screw" storyline with the ghosts of Quentin and Beth.  Personally, I've always wanted 1795 to be put out as a stand-alone miniseries DVD set:

I've heard this rumor on several GH fan sites as of late, that she'll do a limited run as part of an euthanasia storyline.  Check this out:

If anyone can confirm or deny this, please tell me now!

Here's to a fellow Gemini and a real mensch!  May you have a great day, Willie/Carl/Will/Desmond/Kendrick/Alex! [blob7] [occasion13] [occasion15] [cheer] [cheerleader] [occasion1]

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / OT- RIP Robert Quarry "Count Yorga"
« on: February 23, 2009, 04:10:42 AM »
I'm proud to say that I have the 'Yorga' films on DVD, and I even enjoyed him in the blaxploitation voodo flick Sugar Hill!  An uniquely talented actor who never got his due.  Good night, sweet prince.......

After Batman, this is my most-wanted show that has yet to make its home video debut.  Finally, TV's first primetime soap will be available on DVD:

There's several DS connections: Sam Hall worked as a story consultant prior to writing DS, and fellow DS writer Malcolm Marmorstein wrote for PP during its final season.  Also, actress Gyl Roland was featured in the unaired pilot as Selena Cross- her aunt being Joan Bennett!

So at long last, the other great New England-set soap will be exposed to a new generation:  I hope the new viewers will thrill to Rodney, Allison, Betty, Steven, Norman, Rita, the Carsons and even slimy old man Peyton as the original fans did in the 60s.

I urge all my fellow DS fans to start buying the DVD to insure the production of more volumes- I assure you, as time goes on, the story gets better and becomes more addictive- just like DS!

Here's to the great lady who played Mrs. Stoddard in the primetime DS- with such a glorious career, I think all DS fans should check out all the great films she has done like:

Elmer Gantry
The Grass Is Always Greener
The Happy Ending
Guys And Dolls
The Robe
Black Narcissus
Angel Face
The Big Country
Divorce American Style

- and let's not forget her TV work like North & South and her Emmy-winning role as Fiona "Fee" Cleary in The Thorn Birds.  Happy birthday, dear lady.

PS- guess whose autographed photo is on my bedroom wall?  (Okay, she's with other stars on that wall, between Sidney Poitier and Shirley MacLaine, but she's part of the world of DS!)   [occasion13] [milestone] [occasion15] [occasion16]

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Beverly Garland dies at 82
« on: December 07, 2008, 10:36:26 PM »
Boy, this has been a time to lose the genre greats- I just found out that sci-fi/horror babe Beverly Garland passed away:;_ylt=Ahv_1uNzxddCHuZoPIU4ghNxFb8C

In the Sunday NY Times Mr. Sedwick's passing was announced.  He died on July 3rd, and his work on DS and other soaps were mentioned. 

This is for all you lucky ones who got to go to Burbank- can you please post any news about this weekend here?  So many of us are dying to know!

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Oooh- I'm a SENIOR!
« on: May 13, 2008, 02:45:32 AM »
I made a few posts tonight, and then I noticed that I am now a SENIOR POSTER!!!!    Come join in the celebration!!!!

 [blob7] [cheer] [cheerleader] [milestone] [dancing_skeletons] [thewave] [crowdhappy] [bouncer] [clap] [clap2]

Tonight, Entertainment Tonight did a piece on the new version of Password being hosted by Regis Philbin, and they showed clips from the classic 1960s CBS version.  It was then I remembered two things.  First, this was the program that replaced DS on the ABC schedule, and second (this is the delicious part), only a few tapes from the ABC years were saved as opposed to DS itself!  The reuns on GSN are mostly from the CBS years or the later 1980s incarnations of Password.  So in a way DS has managed to survive past the 1971-75 version of Passowrd!  Maybe the fans in 1971 who picketed ABC put a hex on the game show.....

One more irony- guess who was on the last ABC Password?  None other than Kate Jackson!!!

I'm sorry I couldn't get to all of you sooner, but all the preparations and testing had to be finalized. I'm having pieces of bone removed from my lover spinal column to relieve pressure on the nerves so I can walk normally again. I've had back problems for the past few years (mostly due to herniated discks in my lower back), but this January thing got really bad when something snapped while lifting weights in the middle of a workout.   The good news is that the operation itself (a laminectomy) is about 2-3 hours long and I'll be in the hospital for a few days, with an estimated 2-3 week recovery at home.  For the past three weeks I've been X-rayed, CAT-scanned and tested beyond belief in both Staten Island and Manhattan.  My immediate problem is 'lumbar spinal stenosis'- in short, I was born with a narrow lower spinal column which has gotten too narrow for the nerves inside, so when I reinjured my back January, not only were my three herniated discs affected, but now the nerves were now pinched, causing all kinds of pain and numbness to my lower back and thighs, leaving me to use a cane most of the time since then.
Once I'm in recovery or at home I'll let you know how I'm doing- Charles

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