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Messages - Ryan Collins

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Where can one get The Bloopers and Treasures DVD? I have it on tape and would like to get it on DVD

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Plot of Depp's Dark Shadows Movie
« on: August 08, 2007, 08:46:25 PM »
I like both of your ideas Nelson and Markyboo

I agree that it would be a nice touch if some of the plot dealt with Vickie's past and her relationship to the Collins Family.

I also think it's essential that Barnabas feel some kinship with the family, trying to protect them. I liked your idea Markyboo of making Trask a Conservative political opponent of the Collins Family who is trying to bring them down, and Barnabas realizes the resemblance and relationship to the Trask of his Era.

I think you could easily pair Angelique's return with Trask's rise to power and have the two of them team up.....slowly revealing the history of Barnabas/Angelique through flashbacks to viewers who have no idea who she is, but a treat for the true fans who know their history......

More ideas?

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0356
« on: August 06, 2007, 09:26:16 PM »
I think they honestly had no clue Baranabas was going to be so popular...and initially wrote him as a villain with no intention of doing a complete 180 with him (I think this is confirmed in DVD's where Curtis said that the storyline was initially going to be short involving Barnabas.

Current Talk '07 II / Plot of Depp's Dark Shadows Movie
« on: August 06, 2007, 09:04:23 PM »
What do you all think is going to be the main plot of Depp's Dark Shadow's Movie?

I for one would love for them to make the Collins family very political (like the Kennedy's) with all these skeletons in the closet. Roger, a Senator from Maine's first wife mysteriously dissappeared (Laura the phoenix) His wild Brother Quentin has been linked to practices of the occult ( leads to him becoming a werewolf) and has a variety of "lady problems"  His sister Elizabeth has been a recluse ever since the mysterious Death of her Husband, (who was the former governor of the state)

And then you have David and Carolyn who have their own problems (make them roughly the same age) forcing Roger to take them out of public schools and hire a private teacher (Victoria).

All the while a disgruntled former caretaker (Willie) and a controversial Collins family historian (Professor Stokes) look to uncover the Collins' family's biggest secret................(Enter Depp as Barnabas)

What do you all think?
Your ideas?

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 06, 2007, 08:25:24 PM »
If any of you are fans of the tv show "Lost" then you already know that Josh Holloway (Sawyer) was BORN  to play Quentin Collins, he has the attitude down to a tee....

I think Burton is the obvious choice for directors, but I would recommend David Fincher (Seven, Fight Club, Zodiac) All his films at the core are character pieces, and that would be perfect for DS

I think they also need to cast one of the original actors in the series in the movie, possibly David Selby as Roger or Jonathan Frid in a small cameo

I would also like to see Megan Fox (Transfomers) as Angelique, just look at her eyes and tell me she doesn't have the "look" of Angelique.......(you can dye her hair blonde to appease the hardcore fans)

I also think Crispin Glover would be perfect for Willie if they are willing to roll the dice with him...(he's crazy)

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: July 31, 2007, 06:30:37 PM »
Well i just know that these casting choices have to happen....

Quentin Collins- Josh Holloway (Sawyer on Lost)
Angelique- Megan Fox (Transformers)
Victoria- Julia Stiles
Willie Loomis- Crispin Glover

This has to be the biggest news in the DS community in years......It has been confirmed on numerous sites that Depp will play Barnabas Collins in a new Dark Shadows movie that he is producing! What are your thoughts?
I made a list about Dark Shadows and the movie here Search Dark Shadows

Feel free to comment or add to the list.....I think this is great news and can't wait for the movie in 2 years....who do you think they will cast as Quentin or Angelique? My votes are for Josh Holloway (Sawyer on Lost) and Megan Fox (Transformers) respectively

Polls Archive / Re: So you want a remake?
« on: September 13, 2006, 01:58:07 AM »
I became a fan through the MPI video tapes. My mom was a fan when she was a kid and our local video store had volumes 1-25 so I was hooked by age 12. I feel like the OG DS was great but the concepts and storylines overshadowed the production and acting. The 91 revival was great but cut short........We need a new DS that can incorporate the great storylines....the tortured vamprie....the lost love...barnabas/julia....quentin...traveling back in time....A new series well cast and given a chance to develop would be a sure hit.....I'm all for it

Current Talk '06 II / Re: What are the chances of a new Dark Shadows?
« on: September 09, 2006, 08:54:49 AM »
I have heard the Johny Depp rumours for a long time now. I would love if HBO decided to do a Dark Shadows one hour show with Depp in the lead.... i think that would be huge..I just feel that their are a good amount of Angel and Buffy fans who have no idea about Dark Shadows and it's influence on those two shows. Their is a huge market out their for DS, not only for the older generation of fans, but younger fans of gothic drama as well.....And DS is the Father of the gothic drama.

Current Talk '06 II / What are the chances of a new Dark Shadows?
« on: September 08, 2006, 08:58:17 AM »
Do you think that there is any chance that a new DS primetime show will happen? After the 2004 debacle and Dan's death what do you think the chances are that they will try to bring DS back to television?

The original origins of Barnabas were a mystery up until the 1795 storyline. Barnabas does talk about his relationship with his Uncle Jeremiah and Josette and even that is completely thrown out the window. The reason as we know is quite simple. Barnabas became incredibly popular and sympathetic. The original story was the Barnabas stole Josette from Jeremiah and that she never truly loved him.

In true WWF fashion, the writers started to notice that Barnabas was getting alot of fanmail and thus decided to turn him into the reluctant hero instead of the villian. This lead to the 1795 origin that we know and love. It would be nice to see a revamped origin of sorts if the new DS show ever gets optioned. Their were rumours that the origin of Barnabas would be diff/ in some ways.

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