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Messages - MaineGirl

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Current Talk '04 I / Re:Idea for New DS Willie Loomis
« on: March 05, 2004, 09:27:06 PM »
Willie Loomis. And who will play him on the new show? The possibilities are endless and mindboggling. My vote is the guy who plays Harrison Davies on Tru Calling, which is a new show on Thursday nights. The actors name is Shawn Reaves. I'm going to try to attach some pics to this reply so you guys can see what he looks like. Sorta sweet, and dangerous at the same time, with big eyes, and lush lips.

God. How do you put pics or links in these durn things?
I got the perfect picture here....

Maine Girl

Current Talk '04 I / Re:The Cane Dance
« on: March 05, 2004, 09:18:44 PM »
If two guys could be having more fun, I do not know who they are!!
They're probably smashed and having a great time!

Thanks for posting these, Nancy!

Maine Girl

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Favorite Barnabas
« on: October 21, 2003, 11:22:03 PM »
Barnabas' character evolved quite a bit over the years. So, the question is: which version do you find the most fascinating?

This one's a gimme. Don't even have to pause to think. My favorite Barnabas was the 1967, when he was still new, still evil, still complex, still having FANGS that he would use, or threaten with. And the glare in his eye, lest anyone discover his big fat lie. Or the intolerance with which he would view his most faithful of servants. In those early days, the whole cast, including JF, threw themselves into the part they were playing. It all seems so real to me, sometimes, when I'm watching it, because they believed it. Or they seemed to. Barn was more a complex evil than a pure evil. He had goodness inside of him...somewhere, but I always prefer it when he doesn't expose that part! I prefer the cruelty. It's far more provocative, I think.



Maine Girl

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Quentin Tarantino admits he's a DS fan...
« on: October 21, 2003, 11:07:22 PM »
Hmmm...  It looks just a little different from the cane on the show.  It might be a little taller if it isn't the exact one from the show. ???

One way to know if it's THE cane is if it doesn't have the little, er, rubber grommet on the bottom of it, where the cane strikes the floor.  In "those" days, they didn't have regulations for men's walking canes. However, a friend bought me a wolf's head cane as a gift, and it was obviously not "the" cane because the bottom had a little rubber seal on it. For protection of the cane? The floor? To keep it from skidding? The man who sold it to her said I could take it off and paint the bottom inch of the cane black.

All I could think was, "If there was a rubber grommett on Barn's cane, then maybe it might not have hurt Willie so much!"

But, to get back to the subject, I'll bet Quentin T's cane had a rubber grommet on it. Definately not "the" cane, tho, I think.

Also, JK once indicated that at some awards (perhaps the Emmy's last year?) that Quentin T came up to him and said, "Mr. Karlen, I love your stuff."   :o

Maine Girl

I know there are those here who recall, both from the Festivals and other USA DS events , as well as posts she made to this board, now over a year ago, Anna, the wheelchair-bound "cousin from England."


So let those of us who pray, say a prayer for her, or at least, think kind, positive thoughts of her.  I am not at liberty to give out the e-addy or home address, but if anyone would like to address messages directly to her and her family, send them to my e-mail which IS listed on my profile, and I will forward them.  (I hope to get an actual card out there ASAP as well.)

Thank you, Lorraine, for your update on Anne. I know how difficult it is to try and balance the needs of others at the DS fests, as well as to consider our own needs. Anne was indeed needy in a lot of ways, but in a nice way, and you were so very supportive of her, and helped her as much as you could. I *saw* you, Lorraine, bending over backwards to be nice to Anne and to give her assistance as you could, even though there were other things you would rather have been doing.

And here again, you bring us news, taking the time to search out for news of the wellbeing of Anne, some distance away over the pond.

So, while I will send good energy Anne's way, and hope that her condition is as stable and comfortable as possible, I will also send it YOUR way, as a thank you for the kindness you continually show others.

Best Regards,

MaineGirl :)

Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '03 / Re:Idle Thoughts--I'm Baaack 8/25/03
« on: September 10, 2003, 08:06:33 PM »
Why, look! It's that same damn model ship they keep recycling. And it's not a "boat," Barnabas, that would be a model ship. This kind of stuff kills me. Not that I really care whether it's a boat or a ship, but having been around people who get very passionate about the distinction, I know that any self-respecting scion of a shipbuilding dynasty (that would be Barnabas) should bloody well know the difference between a model boat and a model ship  ::)

Miss me?  8)

You were well missed. I truly enjoy these musings of yours, I find them tart and refreshing and terribly terribly clever. Especially the above comment about's the writers of course, and their lack of concern about the small details. Barnabas would know the difference! And it would matter to him! Or maybe he was just having an off day..... ^-^

Take care,

Maine Girl

Luciaphil wrote:
Barnabas never, but never accepts accountability for his actions. He blames Angelique. He blames the curse. He blames anybody but himself and he never, ever really tries to suck it up (figuratively speaking) and do the non-selfish thing. So absolutely no sympathy from yours truly (and do what you will to my Karma totals for that  ;))[/rant]

Luciaphil, you have hit the nail on the head. When I'm in a particularly bad mood, I can go on an anti-Barn rant for hours and hours. Sorry to say, I'm in a pretty good mood, mostly because your comments were sharp and clever and made me laugh. Thanks for that! And for understanding in your heart of hearts that Barn is nothing but a selfish self centered SOB - and he never will be anything else in my book.

Maine Girl

Current Talk '03 I / Re:And I've waited so long, Willie......
« on: June 13, 2003, 07:11:55 PM »
Am I the only one here who HATED the return of Willie Loomis?

Didn't any one else throw something at the TV?


The nature of Willie's relationship to Barnabas Collins ALWAYS makes me want to shriek.....but this was beyond endurance.

That Willie would even for an instant consider staying and helping the man who: enslaved him, beat him, tormented him, threatened him, framed him, belittled him, betrayed him......isn't just stupid.  It's sickening.

If they had wanted to, they could have written Willie's return in much different terms.  He could have come back older and wiser, angry and vengeful, with something of his original personality, determined to let Barnabas and Julia know he was no longer afraid.  He could have demanded admissions of guilt and apologies all round,  and only when Barnabas had admitted to both contrition and helplessness, should Willie have thought about remaining to help.  In one conversation (this IS a soap opera, after all) they could have changed the nature of the entire relationship in a way that would have resolved past issues and opened up new possibilities for the interactions of all three characters.  Instead of being needed merely to babysit the contents of a casket, he could have brought some of the original hoodlum?s talents to the fight against the Leviathans.  They could have made REAL use of one of the most talented actors in the studio.

But no.  They brought him back the same simpering, pathetic child...still hoping to please his abusive parent....even to the point of destroying the first chance at happiness he's ever had.  One can only  assume the mail indicated this was the way the fans  liked Willie.  Or maybe TPTB were just too damned lazy.

Better he had stayed away...


I came in late to this discussion, and have heard mention of the Stockholm Syndrome, which is a reasonable explanation as to the why of it. Willie had been tormented for so long that he became used to it, that he developed an affection for his tormentors, and so on. For anyone interested in this topic, there are plenty of websites. Most of them talk intelligently about why this syndrome occurs, how fast, what are the conditions under which it occurs, and so on. Willie has been subjected to all of them. And then some.

Someone suggested that Willie would just shrug it off, in his Willie-way, matter of fact and accepting, but I might add that it doesn't make it any less frustrating to watch him not stand up for himself. Like, at all.

It's hard to watch him this way. I prefer Post-Barn Willie, where he's still getting into it with Barn, going toe to toe with him on issues of the decency of letting people live their own lives, not forcing someone to love you, letting people live, for crying out loud! All of those, Willie is Barn's own personal Jiminy Cricket.  Post -Barn you can watch Willie badgering Barn, following him around, reminding him over and over of the need to be gentle, forgiving, open minded, not to destroy foolishly and bring the law down upon the Old House. Etc, etc, etc. (He doesn't use those exact words, of course, but I think the message is there.)

I even prefer Pre-Barn Willie - a street punk with slicked back hair taking no bullshit from no body. I think he had a strong character back then, which allowed him to mostly survive the crap that was handed out to him later.

The pity of it is, the character of Willie disintegrated into nothing more than a step-n-fetch it dogsbody. "Go do this, pick up that, kill this vampire." Totally underutilizing the potential of the character, and the storylines that could have developed, if, like was mentioned, when Willie came back, he demanded and got more respect. They USED him on that show - they didn't utilize him. The writers messed up, and we missed out on what could have been many, many powerful performances.

So that's my two cents worth.

Maine Girl

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Song Videos/Home Movies
« on: April 25, 2003, 09:36:46 PM »
Maine order to send Gothick a private IM do the following:  Click on his underlined name on any of his posts....that will take you to a profile.  Scroll down until you see "Send this member an IM" or something to that effect.  When you click on that line it takes you to the Instant Message form with Gothick already inserted as the person you're IMing.  Fill in a title, fill out the body of the IM, preview it....then send it.  A copy of your IM will appear in your outbox.  ;)

Thank you so very much - it's very kind of you to take the time with a newbie. I will do that very thing.

Maine Girl :D

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Song Videos/Home Movies
« on: April 25, 2003, 08:35:54 PM »
Hi again Maine Girl,

Cheep Productions did a gloriously demented series of parody episodes of Dark Shadows.  The production values were actually rather stunning, given that these were totally fan written, acted, and produced.

I won't print any names due to the understandable desire of the fans involved for privacy, but the actor who plays Julia (a very talented young man who has Grayson's vocal inflections and mannerisms down to a T) is hysterical!  And he plays Barnabas, too!

One of the shows was called Save Our Cemeteries.  If memory serves, the plot revolved around a (sadly perpetually off-camera) scheming Count Petofi's plot to bulldoze the Eagle Hill Cemetery and turn the premises into a peep-show.

There was another one where Julia had cured Barnabas and he had to learn how to sleep in a bed again.  He kept sliding out, while wearing the cutest bat-printed pyjamas.  At some point Julia shows up in a Madonna outfit and performs a slinky dance to one of those early 90s sexaholic songs of hers.  I literally nearly died laughing!

Ah, the memories.


This is some new form of torture, right, Steve? Oh I hope you're getting a great deal of pleasure out of taunting me with this description!  ;)

I don't know how to post private messages, but I'd sure be interested in contacting someone from Cheep Productions to hear more about these.


Maine Girl

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Song Videos/Home Movies
« on: April 25, 2003, 06:46:30 PM »
Oh gosh, I promise that when I called you passionate about it I didn't equate it with being pushy.  :)

Jim Pierson may be able to tell you what the policy is concerning DS music videos.  You could reach him by snail mail sent to DCP.

I've seen a few music videos that I would buy, as well the Cheep Production videos.

Oops, meant to tell you sooner that you can IM ProfStokes.  Click on "Hey, Mainegirl, you have __ messages..." under the logo to access the feature.

Hey, thank you! For all this good information. I'll snail mail Jim (there's an address for DCP?), and IM ProfStokes, and see what can be done there.  - and I hate coming across as pushy because sometimes, I just cannot stop arguing a point when I get passionate about something. Thanks for being understanding about it. :  )

One last....Cheep Productions videos? Any DS of interest there?


Maine Girl

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Song Videos/Home Movies
« on: April 25, 2003, 06:25:44 PM »
I would, however, understand this decision more if fanzines were also forbidden (the characters are so blatently "borrowed", surely this is also copyright infringement?), or images of Barn and Julia (surely copyrighted!), and so on, were also foribidden. But they're not. The only thing that was forbidden to be sold were the songvideos.

I think there was a misinterpretation about what was copyright infringement. If I make a DS songvideo, and "sell" it to someone for cost of tape plus postage, then I'm not making a profit. I'm not selling it, thus I'm doing no copyright infringement.

Sorry, but it's a myth that if you don't make a profit then it's not copyright infringement.  Whether or not you make money can make a difference in the penalties awarded in court, but it's still a copyright violation to copy a work without the owner's permission.

The fact is that the owner of the copyright has the exclusive right to decide how the work will be used.  Use of images and fan fiction, with some exceptions (one of which is parody), ARE arguably copyright violations.  Yes, it's free advertising for the owner, but the decision to allow it is theirs and theirs alone.

Don't forget that the music used is also copied, though it's less likely that anything will come of it if it's used in a not-for-profit video.

There's a wealth of info in libraries and on the web regarding copyright, fair use, and public domain.

So this original rule, made by whomever, was perhaps made in error - and ever since then, there has been a sort of pariah effect on songvideos being distributed. Forever?

Well, perhaps not forever.  Obviously you feel passionate about it, so why not see if you can affect a change in the policy DC Productions has concerning the distribution of DS music videos?

That's a very good point, that each "show" can determine what they will allow and what they will not. I totally understand that. Whom should I contact, do you think, to ask for permission to do this?

I'm not trying to be pushy about this - but perhaps I don't truly understand everything that went into making the decisions. From what I understood, vidders were asked not to sell their videos in the dealer's room, at the fest, or advertise on a website.

However, at the same time, homemade videos are welcome to be shown at the fest, on the mornings on Saturday and Sunday. If I've made them, I want to sell them. I make no money on them, and often eat the postage in an effort to share with anyone who wants them.

And I would not be attempting to flaunt anyone's authority, but if someone were to ask me for a copy of my vids, I would make it for them.


Maine Girl

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Song Videos/Home Movies
« on: April 25, 2003, 05:13:14 PM »
My all time favorite DS Music Video has to be "You are always on my mind" (the Pet Shop Boys cover of the song) which was done by a very gifted fan as a Barnabas/Julia romance video.

I don't own it, as we were told copies could not be sold due to concern over copyright infringement, but was fortunate enough to see it 3 times at different events.  It's a beautiful, wonderful video.  If you haven't seen it, Maine Girl, maybe you'll have the opportunity at some venue or other.

In my opinion, a showing of it is a sine qua non for the "Farewell" DS Festival.  To me, Barnabas and Julia ARE Dark Shadows.


Therein lies the rub. In tons of other fandoms, songvids are "traded." That is, they are sold for cost of tape plus postage. No profit is made, therefore, no copyright infringement is done. The kibosh was put on "selling" songvideos at the fest, since they apparently believed that the people selling them were making a profit, and since the event was offically organized, the fest could make whatever rules they wanted.

I would, however, understand this decision more if fanzines were also forbidden (the characters are so blatently "borrowed", surely this is also copyright infringement?), or images of Barn and Julia (surely copyrighted!), and so on, were also foribidden. But they're not. The only thing that was forbidden to be sold were the songvideos.

I think there was a misinterpretation about what was copyright infringement. If I make a DS songvideo, and "sell" it to someone for cost of tape plus postage, then I'm not making a profit. I'm not selling it, thus I'm doing no copyright infringement.

So this original rule, made by whomever, was perhaps made in error - and ever since then, there has been a sort of pariah effect on songvideos being distributed. Forever? It seems a shame that the skills and artistry of those making songvids on their living room rugs cannot be shared but once a year at a fest, and then, when the fests are over, will only languish into magnetic dust.

I will respect the fest's requests not to "sell" songvideos at fests, but I reserve the right to trade with fellow vidders outside the fest's venue.


Maine Girl

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:2003 Fest info
« on: April 25, 2003, 04:15:41 PM »
So, now that there is no "official" fandom, I invite songvidders to step into the light. If you have made any, I would be very interested in setting up a deal.

Maine Girl

I am presently in the process of ordering some software that will hopefully allow me to create some DS music videos. I've done some in the past but was never totally happy with the quality. I'll post here when I get something done with which I am truly satisfied.


How marvelous! I'd be very interested in seeing those vids. We could trade. I've made all of two myself.....

Speaking of which, I've started a new thread about songvids - over there in the new topics area.


Maine Girl

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Song Videos/Home Movies
« on: April 25, 2003, 04:10:59 PM »
Songvids are the one type of fan creation that my students really seemed to get a kick out of this semester. There are quite a few of them online for various fandoms, though I've not run across any for DS. These have all been made with computer software, so the editing is much cleaner than earlier versions of songvids that involved 2 vcrs.

Since I've got quite a few bookmarked, thought I'd share. Hope this isn't getting too far off topic.

Drawn to the Rhythm: Slash & Gen Songvids by Ashinae -- I think this is mainly Lord of the Rings stuff.

Creation's Reflections Web Site -- Various fandoms.

CreatiVideos -- Various fandoms.

Dr. Fidelius's Varicoloured Videos - Harry Potter

FanVids Music Video Ring

Buffy's Domain of Delight - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Mistress Elektra Pendragon's Songvids -- various fandoms

Thank you for this list, I appreciate it! I have known about the online vids that were computer generated, but was not able to find any DS vids online either. I think that you are right about the computer generated ones being cleaner, but I'm of the opinion that there are still plenty of good vidders out there creating masterpeices with their two "bear skins and stone knives" vcr sets.  ;)


Maine Girl

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