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Messages - Julia99

Quote from: ClaudeNorth
Gothele dear, I love the image of you giving a series of Grayson related interviews!  I envision you in your suite at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel, lounging on the sofa amidst a swirl of activity, much like Anita Ekberg in LA DOLCE VITA.  "I like lots of things but there are three things I like most:  Grayson, Grayson, and Grayson."

Now there's something i'd pay to see. . .

Current Talk '04 II / Re: nobody carries a handbag
« on: October 24, 2004, 02:44:48 PM »
That's often a noted item even when women carry purses, like in the 80s when on Dynstay and Dallas the actresses carried these clutch bags that obviously had NOTHING in them.  . . now Julia is obviously fond of handbags (she had several over the course of the series + her medical bag) and gloves. . .i'm guessing this may have been a choice of the actress, wanting character-props since they took her cigarettes away after the dream curse/Chris jennings timeframe.  . .

Just saw the new movie Gargoyles, Nights of Darkness advertised on SciFi  .. of course i thought of the **other** Gargoyles movie.. . Grayson running around with her tumbler glass full of whiskey--don't know if its all all related to the first movie..

Current Talk '04 II / Re: DS mentioned in EW article on SciFI channel
« on: October 17, 2004, 01:19:42 AM »
The perpetual reruns of Buck Rogers have allowed me to confirm two things:

(1) that Gil Gerard is nowhere near the hunk I thought he was when I watched the show as a kid

(2) that spandex is not for everyone

Now that I'm secure in the knowledge of these two things, I don't need to see the show ever again.  ::)

I agree. . i used to luv Buck Rogers and his android thing. .Twiggy was it?  And even then i thought Admiral Wilma was gettin' a raw deal (dismissed as unattractive?) but she really is the only one who could pull off the Spandex.  . Now .. i see it and groan. . You know the whole Wilma, Buck and Princess Ardala thing if faintly Barnabas, Julia and Angelique-ish isn't it? 

A little self-promotion here (Yes Midnite i succumbed but how could i refused Wicked Nick, hmm?:

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Slight Kate Jackson Mention
« on: October 15, 2004, 02:28:01 PM »
As someone who spent several of his formative years in the throes of "Sabrina Duncan" worship, I must say that I disagree with Mr. Breslin's assessment of the very lovely and very talented Kate Jackson.   ;)

Right on JC. . i too liked that Sabrina had a brain, more than a double jiggle going on and her husky voice (which seemed very post DS--what happened anyway too many Chesterfields?) .. although i did often wish Sabrina had a better hairdoo. ..

It's fun hanging out at Chez Bette's.  But who is bringing sedatives for Oscar the kitty?  ;)

I'll bring whatever gets me into Chez Bette and allows me to have my (wicked) ways. . . :-* 

oh my god .. what tributes Julia is getting. . that was lovely. . .hahaha!

Well everyone is commenting on your promo idea but I have to say when i saw the "end of your signaturer" I nearly fell out of my chair laughing and snorting (so ladylike i know. . .)  I don't remember that scene at all --so funny. . .particularly after seeing a clip of grayson running in Gargoyles. . it was too funny (and she meant it to be). . .this woman is running across a desert road to the jail house all the while holding her ever-present drink . . ::)

Hurray! Back to Southern California next year!

Victoriawinters, Profstokes, Midnite and I won't have to hassle with LAX  (or even Long Beach). That is cause for celebration.  ;D

I will be very interested to see what hotel they have selected. Hollywood is not the best of neighborhoods, but it does have one or two good hotels.

I thought Grayson's Legion would book a suite at Chez Bette . .. i hear its lovely. . .

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The "V" word
« on: September 30, 2004, 07:08:40 PM »
oh and here i thought it was "virgin" but that is a dreaded word on another DS list. . .ha!

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: TWO Thursday B-day Girls!!!
« on: September 30, 2004, 12:40:15 PM »
thanks everyone. . you know my old San Francisco boss used to say that I resembled Martina Hingis. . a tennis player. . i barely know who she is (my tennis fandom years were in the 80s. .)  But this am i heard on NPR its her bday too!! How freaky is that!!

4.) Please also bring back Robert Rodan, Chris Pennock and Roger Davis!

Oh my gosh a call for RD.  .what time segment are we in?? This has to be a first!


Sadly, I get the audio but not the video.  I'll have to try this on one of the Windows computers at school...   :'(

Bear up darling. .i luv your new avatar!!  (BTW--would one of you boys explain that comment to me .. i've laughed but never quite known why . . .)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Not seeing DSAddict links?
« on: September 26, 2004, 03:13:22 PM »
when i go to the thread about DSAddicts promos. . i never see the "link" on my screen . Mozilla or IE. . would this be a firewall issue?  When i got an email and is downloaded into my email account the link was there but not when i looked at the email here--in the forum--i can't figure out what setting i need to change, any ideas?