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Messages - Julia99

Current Talk '02 II / Re: FLASHBACK FANTASY
« on: August 24, 2002, 04:00:44 AM »
I vote for Angie and Nicky. . .

Current Talk '02 II / Minor Question about 1970 PT storline
« on: August 23, 2002, 05:49:52 PM »
I was watching some MPI tapes the other weekend .. where RTJulia crosses into PT and kills herself! lol!  Good scenes really. . .Julia never liked killing anyone, especially her evil twin.  .but i digress--not too far, it is after all me. .and you know who this question will be about .. .William Loomis sees her, recognizes after a bit who she is . . .Julia confirms. . says she came to help Barney and William alludes to **knowing** there is  more between them than doctor-patient.  Julia tartly replies, she's been interested in Barnabas for medical reasons (hence the blurb under my avatar) .. so when William had Barnabas locked up. . was there an on-screen discussion of Barnabas's life in RT and in particular Dr.Hoffman .. or do we just assume it happened?  And what the heck would Barney have said anyway. . "uh. .oh, I got this doctor friend and since she's kinda **HOT** for me. . she does whatever i want. .you know kills folks, gives 'em drugs, hypnotizes them to forget. .??""  what??   ?!?

Current Talk '02 II / Best and Worst Dream Sequences?
« on: August 23, 2002, 03:52:40 AM »
I didn't watch today's dream but let's get folks ideas of the best and worst dream sequences .. I actually liked the dream Julia had last week . .she wasn't even in it and it wise a nice POV camera work.    

Worst?  Hmm i'll have to think. ?!? ?!?

Hmmm m.. I did like David on Falcon Crest. . .he had many good scenes and in Rich and Famous with Candice Bergen and Jacquelin Bissett. . .Lara Parker.  .i remember her mostly from two other works --that vacationing with Loretta Swit thing where they saw Devil worship in the woods. . that was a riot and of course. .. as David Banner's first wife on the Incredible Hulk. .every time he got sad . .he remembered her playing with that kitten and trying to lift the car to save her ..

And to Grayson. . well. . .Iguana is great and I feel a great deal of sympathy for Judith. . look, if i'd saved all year for a vacation, got stuck with a bunch of whiney geriatric gals with dysentary, a horney tourguide and a frisky 16 year old. . .I wouldn't have been in a good mood either. ..I think the scene where Maxine is about to lay it all out for poor "in the closet" Judith. . is stunning. . Judith goes from the nemesis of the work to an innocent who needs protection. . .a seemless transition. . And of course the look on her face when Maxine offers her some pot ..well .. that's worth the price alone! ;D

So true. . except for when he was **young** and dying of the bat bite. . .

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Happy Birthday, VAM
« on: August 21, 2002, 07:34:10 AM »
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Know the Altered Images Song .. sing it![/glow]

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Rip off his shirt Baby!
« on: August 21, 2002, 07:30:04 AM »
I couldn't agree more with Anubis .. . get the poor guy a shirt!  And bring Chris on soon. . please!!!

If I were Julia  .. i'd be asking the above question and complaining about always having to catch a few winks in a wingbacked chair thats 200 years old and has springs sticking my *ss.  Now if Naomi & Joshua, Aunt Abigail, Barnabas & Jeremiah, Natalie, Josette, Sarah, Millicent, her brother (forget his name) plus all them servants could bed down there for a night. . why didn't Julia get her own room??

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Television comes to Collinwood!!!
« on: August 20, 2002, 05:31:53 PM »
Carolyn circa 1966 with the bouncy bouncy flip would be watching American Bandstand.  8)

.  ;D

Not Bandstand. . Hullaballo or however you spell it!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Television comes to Collinwood!!!
« on: August 20, 2002, 05:29:43 PM »
Julia=ER, Emergency! and the Medical Channel-24/7

Current Talk '02 II / Re: This Weeks Montage
« on: August 19, 2002, 01:25:07 AM »

Oh, but it can! :D

I **know**   ;)it is her but really .. when did her buppies (as my Granny called them) get that big??  Or are they just hidden under those jackets?! I do remember being surprised that Grayson could fill out that bikini top in End of the Road. . . :o    Oh God this really is a horribly disrespectful  subject I started. . .i better go say a few Hail Marys but wait, I'm not Catholic!

Current Talk '02 II / This Weeks Montage
« on: August 18, 2002, 10:02:39 PM »
Uhhh. ::) ::) . I gotta ask . :-[. i think i recognize the dress and of course its medicine but really ..who's bosom is that in the montage .. that can't be DR HOFFMAN!  :-/

Current Talk '02 II / Re: FORTUNE FANTASY
« on: August 18, 2002, 09:58:01 PM »
Shameless plug :-* :-* . . i wrote a short story about Julia getting her fortune told just a few weeks before Maggie Evans came to Wyndcliffe. . .
it was called
Carnival Dreams. .
available on the JULIAHOFFMAN.COM site:

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Ecrutiating scenes to watch
« on: August 18, 2002, 09:52:59 PM »
I agree. . i get along with most people from work and there are those of us who go out to drink and stuff but that doesn't mean there aren't tensions and jealousies and that sort of thing. . Actors being actors and wanting to be in the spotlight .. there had to be plenty of Curtis and the other producers 'counseling' the actors .. .and i'm sure there was some jealousy about some actors getting more screen time (aka more $$$). . .I mean the show was otherwordly but not the cast and crew. . .

I luv Joan's comment. . .I think that tells you quite a bit about many things. ..

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Ecrutiating scenes to watch
« on: August 17, 2002, 08:44:30 PM »

He enjoyed working with her [GRAYSON HALL].  We've only rarely talked about DS, but he did make a point of saying that he thought she was a marvelous actress, albeit overworked.

Overworked huh?  A fellow castmember openly acknowledged that?  I'd have thought there might be a little. .i dunno jealousy over the amount of work Frid and Hall got versus other actors?  You know you can certainly tell when those two got a few days off too. . .the first episode after their breaks are always better . .calmer, lines almost flawless or something .. ??