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Messages - Bob_the_Bartender

"Angelique, I really appreciate it that you're so tall. You know, I really cared for Carolyn, but after every time I embraced her just like this, I'd have to see my chiropractor to straighten out all of my misaligned cervical vertebrae. Ouch!"

Dr. Hoffman sadly ruminates over the hard fact, that seemingly only women from Long Island, Staten Island and  New Jersey can wear "big hair" (like Melanie Griffith in "Working Girl") and still get away with it! [silly]

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0841
« on: November 16, 2005, 01:54:00 AM »
Aristede instinctively takes great offense after Julia wryly comments that his cravat looks just like the same horrid one that someone named Rodney Dangerfield wore, sporting the "The Regular Guy" look in some production entitled "Easy Money." [stfl] [pissd]   

Polls Archive / Re: DS women as lovemakers.
« on: November 16, 2005, 01:38:54 AM »
Pansy Faye.
Sometimes, the most endearing quality in bed, is a bawdy sense of humor.  :D

I hear you on that! Heck, I'll bet that those four liberated women on "Sex and the City" (but most especially, Samantha), not to mention all of those numerous paramours of various and sundry P'sOTUS, would wholeheartedly attest to the positive benefits of laughter in the bedroom.

And, I reaize that they lived several decades apart, but wouldn't it have been great fun to have seen those two "wild-and-crazy" Dark Shadows kids, namely Abigail Collins and Mordecai Grimes, get together in the Biblical "sense"?

I mean, with all of comedic, sexual tension, crackling between them, it would almost be like witnessing the budding romance of Mae West and Buddy Hackett! 

Caption This! - 1795/1796 / Re: Episode #0379
« on: November 15, 2005, 04:40:44 AM »
"So,  you're telling me, Miss Winters, that these United States will have to bail out the French not once, but twice during the 20th century?  My, whatever will the countess think of that when I tell her?"

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0832
« on: November 15, 2005, 04:22:38 AM »
Quentin had often heard that there were some advantages to being incarcerated in prison, but he never dreamed they could feel that good.

Midnight Express comes to Collinsport, Maine!

Mrs. Stoddard's reaction immediately after finding out, that instead of playing "Here Comes The Bride" as her daughter descends the stairs at her wedding ceremony at Collinwood, Carolyn and Buzz instead plan on playing "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" at the nuptials.

"And another thing , Barnabas, when I get back from that city in Brazil...uh...Belem, I fully intend to marry Vickie!"

"Well, bon voyage, Mr. Devlin.  May your flight prove to be as pleasant as Bill Malloy's solo 'flight' off of Widow's Hill."   >:D   

In her most calming manner, Dr. Hoffman reassures Maggie that the presence of one slight blemish hardly  qualifies Maggie for the dubious title of "Acne Poster Girl" for the entire state of Maine.

Caption This! - 1796_3 / Re: Episode #0664
« on: November 15, 2005, 03:42:25 AM »
"There, there, Vickie. You'll just have to accept the fact that some people are blessed with perfectly-coiffed hair, be it the 18th century or the 20th century.  And, please don't hate me because I'm exceedingly handsome, okay?"

In a role reversal, Maggie assumes the William Holden role of Joe (now Jo) Gillis, while Barnabas interprets Gloria Swanson's role, that of the exceedingly-possessive (not to mention, extremely wacked-out) Norma (now Norman) Desmond in "Son of Sunset Boulevard."   

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0670
« on: November 14, 2005, 09:58:38 PM »
"Chris, didn't you absolutely adore Julie Andrews in 'The Sound of Music' tonight at the Collinsport Cinema?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, Carolyn, I kind of preferred Jane Fonda, particularly in that opening scene of 'Barbarella' in tonight's second feature."

Polls Archive / Re: DS women as lovemakers.
« on: November 14, 2005, 09:47:15 PM »
What, no mention of either Grand-Ma-Ma Edith Collins or "someone's" personal favorite, Bathia Mapes, as ageless paragons of Dark Shadows/AARP pulchritude?

You can talk all you want about sexism, but what about age discrimination?  Heck, only yesterday Kathleen Turner was publicly lamenting the fact that as a more "mature" actor (read: past the BIG 5-0), she had to actually hide the fact that she was sufferring from arthritis, for the fear of not being offered any more leading/prominent roles.

And as far as I'm concerned, as a "more mature" cousin, Ms. Turner still looks darned good (as do Edith and Bathia!).  Yes, it was Laura Murdoch Collins (or, then again, was it Charles Delaware Tate?) who wisely said: "Age is a state of mind."   My sentiments completely, and I'd have a heck of a lot more to say about sexy seniors, if I weren't suffering from a middle-aged moment right this very second!

Excuse me, while I go and begin my memory exercises .  Now let's see, Quentin Collins I was married to that harridan, Samantha Drew Collins, and Quentin Collins II was married to that gypsy woman, Julianka...or was he married to Maria Ouspensya....?

Dr. Hoffman kvelling over the fact that her nearly perfect SAT score of 1580 (which gained her early acceptance into Harvard U.) was significantly higher than Nicholas's SAT score of 1050 (which barely got him into the Hades Vocational School of Witchcraft).    >:D

A nonplussed Dr. Hoffman realizes that she may have ordered just a tad too much Type-A blood for the Wyndcliff Hospital blood bank supply!  :o