Author Topic: Magazine of the Living Dead: The bloody rise and frightful fall of Fangoria  (Read 450 times)

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Magazine of the Living Dead: The bloody rise and frightful fall of Fangoria

Fangoria has done some great DS articles over the years, including what has to be the best article on the '04 DS pilot. Whatever it's fate may ultimately be, DS fans definitely owe a huge debt of gratitude to the magazine when it comes to helping to keep DS alive.

Offline Gerard

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Fangoria was a part of my growing up.  Of course, none of our moms would ever allow us to purchase it.  So, on our way from school, we would stop in a local "drug store" to page through it.  We would look at all those photos from the latest William Castle film (being spooked by the walking skeleton from The House on Haunted Hill), the decapicated heads from Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte and Straight-Jacket and whatever gruesome thing was in a Roger Corman flick.  We all wanted to see those movies, but like the magazine we were strictly forbidden.  And then, while DS was already on the air and was being featured, there were those pictures of the "ghouls" (zombies) from the controversial Night of the Living Dead."  The white-coat-wearing guy, who ran the "drug-store," looking like Fran Barrone, tolerated our visits and flipping through the pages, so long as we didn't wrinkle them.  Oh, look, there's a pic of Dracula or a werewolf from one of those" English" (Hammer) films!  Blood covered the mouths.  If our moms only knew.


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I was lucky. I could buy magazines at dirt cheap prices at "the auction" a sort of farmer's market/flea market type place. 99% of the Magazine names would be cut off the cover page. I got most of the 16 Magazine back issues there and would comb thru the towers of old (and relatively current) magazines is search of DS pictures. I used to get "movie star" magazines there too; Magazines devoted to one star. And Famous Monsters. I bought new issues at the local candy store. The proprietor hated my going thru the mags to see if DF was in them but I was extremely careful with them (before and after purchase).  I still remember how thrilling it was to find glossy color portraits or four framed headshots from 1897 and Leviathan. Buying the older mags with DS in them is what made me so excited when I found the VHS DS tapes at the video store. I had become so familiarized with the characters prior to 1897, especially Winters/Haskell/Angelique and Adam/Blair and Mrs. Johnson and even Jenny but especially zombie Quentin with the knife sticking out of his chest, rofl... The trading cards had the same lure too. I never thought I would get to see pre Petofi DS, not in a million years. That was an impossible dream come true.