Author Topic: Idle Thoughts--The Minister Who Looks Like a Duck and  (Read 1691 times)

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Offline Luciaphile

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Idle Thoughts--The Minister Who Looks Like a Duck and
« on: March 28, 2002, 06:16:43 PM »
The Rains Came . . .

(This covers Tuesday and Wedneday's episodes)

Fashion notes first . . .

Trowel makeup artist was back, and spread his/her magic intermittently throughout the cast  :P

Red bib dress: evil, scary, bad.  Does not improve on continued acquaintance.

Naomi's greenish dress (color sort of defies description) is lovely as usual, but not sure I liked all the frou frou frills at the bosom.  

And why is Joan Bennett's face in the first episode four shades darker than her neck?  Maybe the makeup person owned stock in whatever gunk they were slathering over the cast.  They fixed it in the second of Tuesday's episodes, but then it was back in cartoon mode on Wednesday.

Sarah.  I suspect the reason why we never saw her in her white dress (the one she wore all over present day Collinsport), is because the actress started a growth spurt.  Fine.  I wonder though why poor Sharon Smyth had to get stuck in the Laura Ingalls Wilder calico number and alternately the Pepto-Bismol pink horror.  Did the costume people go out of their way to find unattractive outfits for the cast?  ?!?

Adored Millicent's brown dress and that wrap.  Her curls need their own screen credit--I love them  :D  What a parody of fashion, and how did Barrett or the hairdresser get them to bounce like that?

Ruby Tate . . . I'm trying to think how to express what I thought of Miss Tate's appearance . . . does anyone remember those awful dolls they would show at the Fair or a Carnival--sort of like the Bonanza/Gunsmoke idea of what saloon girls looked like?  Well, Ruby kind of reminded me of that with some strange touches (like her boa/wrap thing--at first I thought it was her hair, ick) combined with a strange resemblance to Joan Crawford after she started going for the severe quasi-camp look.  Very, very odd.

Back to La Bennett.  The grey and black number was very fetching.  Wondering now if she had costume approval written into her contract or if she had some kind of pull, because with a few exceptions, she always got the good clothes.

And lastly, what kind of fashion commentator would I be if I did not remark upon the mysterious laundering powers possessed of the late Barnabas Collins' coffin.  In goes a bloodied shirt and ill-tied cravat and out comes a completely different and now pristine shirt and still ill-tied cravat!

Onto the rest of the show . . .

In the "things that make you go hmmm" category, we can place Peter's latest bit of legal strategy:  We need to tell the authorities that I let you out of jail, because otherwise Trask will claim that you were in two places at once and that therefore you are a witch.  Forgive me, but isn't this like cutting off your hand to keep you from scratching?

Naomi's scene with Sarah on the stairs.  Bennett could act well with children--we have her excellent scenes with David Henesy at the beginning of the series as proof--unfortunately, this was not a good example of that.  Of course, a huge part of the problem was that little Sharon Smyth seemed to have no clue as to her lines.  Hard to play for impending doom and pathos when your fellow actor has to go through all of the J-names out before reaching the right one, "Josette".

In my never-ending search to figure out what the hell happened to Victoria Winters' mind, I'm now wondering if her constant self-sabotage has to do with a subconscious need to be at the center of the drama.  She had identified with Josette and instead the poor girl got stuck working for $4 a month for an employer who actually expected her to stay put in the school room.  When the drama is not "Jane Eyre" but the killer combo of "The Monk" and "The Crucible" (with the emphasis on the Abigail/John Proctor combo), what's an ingenue to do?

Nancy Barrett and Joel Crothers.  Absolutely amazing.  For all those idiots who doubted that Crothers could play anything other than Joe Haskell and denied the man the opportunity to play the Quentin type character, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?  

To be honest, I almost didn't do a column on these shows, but the Millicent/Nathan antics forced me.  These two were so on top of their game.  Even Sam Hall, whose dialogue has never impressed me much, came through here, "An adventurous child will always want to see an eclipse" and "I think more than most people give me credit for," LOL.

In a show where it's often apparent that a lot of the cast had no clue as to what they were doing or why they were saying what they were saying, it's such a welcome change to see two people who did know what they were doing and why.  There's rhythm here.  There's chemistry.  There's some good acting; it's not just that they know their lines--you need more than that to be a good actor--it's because these two make you believe that they are Millicent and Nathan.  And that Millicent and Nathan are full dimensional, complicated people.  It's a combination of good material and good acting.  This is what the show should be!

Disposable hooker #1.  Resemblance to an early and mobile Blanche Hudson aside, you have to wonder about a woman of the streets who had an entire sermon written about her.  

The most amazing thing happened on Wednesday.  It rained in Collinsport.  For like the first time.  I'm unclear as to why.  Were sound effects records of rain sounds so rare in New York?  Rain can be an eerie sound too and it's after all something that most people associate with thunder and lightning.  

I remain puzzled as to why a man who needs to stay circumspect keeps yelling, screaming, and drawing attention to himself, especially after having killed someone.  And surely they buried the man with a handkerchief.  If not, considering that he's evidently got a change of wardrobe, would it be that hard to find a square of linen with which he could WIPE HIS MOUTH?  

Curse, schmurse.  If I saw my brother coming at me with a mouthful of dripping blood, I would be freaked too.  How much more conspicuous does Barnabas want to be?  He's done everything but run naked through the town screaming "I am a monster!" (Vicki ain't the only drama crazy character here).

The lines Ron Sproat gave to Naomi about Sarah were quite moving, but Bennett seemed so off and on in these scenes.  Sometimes, she sounded forced and other times it all flowed.  

Thayer David and Louis Edmonds were in fine form, as usual.

And one more comment: Lordy, what a dysfunctional family!

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Re: Idle Thoughts--The Minister Who Looks Like a Duck and
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2002, 07:44:34 PM »
Ah, glad to see you are (obviously) feeling better, and that your scathing wit has survived undiminished.   ;)

Your description of the Red Bib Dress ("Evil, scary, bad") does it more justice than it deserves. [sconf]

The where-abouts of Victoria Winter's mind are a never-ending mystery.  And people wonder why Alexandra Moltke never came back to visit...who would want to have to explain this character? [twch2]

But your comments about Barnabas' behaviour once he becomes a vampire are dead-on (no pun intended) perfect: "Hmmm, I'm one of the Undead....let's see how many different ways I can put myself at risk of discovery.  I think I'll go scare the hell out of Josette......I think I'll go terrify my baby sister....I think I'll leave exsanguinated bodies all over the dock...."  

Please.  And I actually did yell "Wipe your mouth, damn it" at the TV.

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Re: Idle Thoughts--The Minister Who Looks Like a Duck and
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2002, 08:41:29 PM »

But your comments about Barnabas' behaviour once he becomes a vampire are dead-on (no pun intended) perfect: "Hmmm, I'm one of the Undead....let's see how many different ways I can put myself at risk of discovery.  I think I'll go scare the hell out of Josette......I think I'll go terrify my baby sister....I think I'll leave exsanguinated bodies all over the dock...."  

Keep 'em comin...[thumb]Raineypark


Had Barnabas come to Josette with blood dripping out of his mouth, she would of taken the plunge off Widows Hill long before Angelique's illusions.

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Re: Idle Thoughts--The Minister Who Looks Like a Duck and
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2002, 10:18:37 AM »
I was thinking of starting a topic on the "clean-up" job.  The second time wasn't as bad, he just had some blood dripping from his mouth.  But, that first time it was all over his shirt, face and probably more.  How on earth (not earth, I suppose) did he come out the next night all cleaned up!!!

Back to the costumes - as I mentioned the other day, it seemed Grayson almost always got the worst.  I wonder if you have something there about the approval, because Joan's generally WERE amongst the best.  And, Nancy's hair is always amazing.  Maybe she just had wonderful hair, but in every part it always looked gorgeous.  I particularly enjoyed some of her styles as Letitia and Melanie towards the end of the show.


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Re: Idle Thoughts--The Minister Who Looks Like a Duck and
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2002, 05:44:23 PM »
The greenish dress reminded me of "Gone With The Wind".  The dress Scarlet O'hara made from the drapes.

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Re: Idle Thoughts--The Minister Who Looks Like a Duck and
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2002, 06:41:00 PM »
Luciaphil darling,

Thanks for reminding me that this column exists!  I've enjoyed reading all your witty comments and distinctive observations about these shows, and now I'll remember to check this part of the boards for updates.

As regards costumes, I'd say Grayson had the most UNEVEN wardrobe of anyone.  Sometimes her outfits were, if not beautiful, very flattering to her coloring and looks.  I particularly love that electric blue dress that she wore several times in the winter of 1968-69.  There was another one with a roll-neck collar which she appeared in the final scene set in 1971.  That's counterbalanced by that unspeakable sweater set horror they stuck her in for the ENTIRE second half of the 1967 storyline, that hideously nubby orange horror that Stanley Simmons had the gall to pull out of the mothballs after Ramse Mostoller finally quit in 1970, that ghastly coat they made her wear during the Leviathan storyline (no successful professional woman in her right mind would have been seen dead in that thing), etc. etc.

Sorry to have gone on so.  Love the column, Luciaphil.

Best,  Steve

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Re: Idle Thoughts--The Minister Who Looks Like a Duck and
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2002, 02:08:13 AM »
I was thinking of starting a topic on the "clean-up" job.  The second time wasn't as bad, he just had some blood dripping from his mouth.  But, that first time it was all over his shirt, face and probably more.  How on earth (not earth, I suppose) did he come out the next night all cleaned up!!!

Ben Stokes brought him clean clothing. Actually with his powers, he could hit the shops at Collinsport after hours!
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Re: Idle Thoughts--The Minister Who Looks Like a Duck and
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2002, 12:03:12 PM »
Speaking of clean clothes, I think poor Ben is the only one in the series who has worn the same exact clothes since the 1795 storyline began.  :o   I know the servants don't have much, but come on, Im sure the Collins family can afford him" one" new outfit at the very least.  Also, loved your posts Luciaphil and enjoyed the comments! Keep em coming! :)
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Re: Idle Thoughts--The Minister Who Looks Like a Duck and
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2002, 07:57:17 PM »
Gothick said:
As regards costumes, I'd say Grayson had the most UNEVEN wardrobe of anyone.  Sometimes her outfits were, if not beautiful, very flattering to her coloring and looks.  I particularly love that electric blue dress that she wore several times in the winter of 1968-69.  There was another one with a roll-neck collar which she appeared in the final scene set in 1971.  ThatΫs counterbalanced by that unspeakable sweater set horror they stuck her in for the ENTIRE second half of the 1967 storyline, that hideously nubby orange horror that Stanley Simmons had the gall to pull out of the mothballs after Ramse Mostoller finally quit in 1970, that ghastly coat they made her wear during the Leviathan storyline (no successful professional woman in her right mind would have been seen dead in that thing), etc. etc.

Gothie I have to disagree with you about the sweater set horror. I was a teen during those years and I remember that type of clothing was very popular then, and I had skirts, blouses and sweaters much like it. I really liked that look and I thought Grayson looked great. It was common attire among those of us who were not wearing hippie attire in Haight-Ashbury, and certainly more attractive than those God-awful A-line dresses of Vicky's, all of which looked exactly alike except for the color.

As to the coat, I think you are referring to the blue, green patterned thing? If I remember correctly Julia was wearing that coat when she visited 1897 and since she did not have it on when she unexpectedly got drawn back to 1969 that coat either made it's own journey through time and back to the Collins' coat rack or Julia went to Brewsters upon her return and bought another one, because she had that thing on practically through the whole Leviathan sequence. She must have really loved it  ;-)

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Re: Idle Thoughts--The Minister Who Looks Like a Duck and
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2002, 04:26:29 PM »

And lastly, what kind of fashion commentator would I be if I did not remark upon the mysterious laundering powers possessed of the late Barnabas Collins' coffin.  In goes a bloodied shirt and ill-tied cravat and out comes a completely different and now pristine shirt and still ill-tied cravat!

LOL! All I could think of was hey maybe Barn's coffin works like those home (As Seen on TV) dry cleaning closets.  [fangs]
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