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Discuss - Ep #1042
« on: February 13, 2016, 07:24:34 PM »
Robservations #1042

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #1042

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2016, 08:10:21 PM »
Nancy B VO.  Maggie, suspecting Quentin, actually totally coinvinced he did it probably, that he killed Ang as well as Bruno, still thinks Q loved Angelique.  Nice doublethink...  Why did you kill her when you loved her so much, she asks?  Alright, jealousy makes that happen.  Still, she should start questioning Q's famous love for A right about now.

Buffy was at the seance?  Nice brown velour dress on Carolyn.  She has practically no eyebrows, that's the main difference compared to RT her.  Maggie has a haunting scene, alone in the Drawing Room and foyer.  Who?  She thinks Quentin the witch might be doing it, then it turns out it's supposed to be Angelique's ghost, warning her about Q, presumably.  Ang is expanding her powers greatly, with no assistance whatsoever from Hannah, who was supposed to be the expert.  At this rate, she really ought to be able to keep herself alive without Tim Stokes' help.

Carolyn gets a solo scene, mulling everything over with our hearing her thoughts.  The audience gets a chance to catch up on events.  She  is thinking so hard she... falls asleep.  In her dream, she thinks she identifies the murderer.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2016, 08:04:40 PM »
At this point in the story, I always start thinking that there are only about 200 more episodes to go. I'm caught between anxiety and amazement that the writers managed to squeeze in so much more plot!

"Alexis" really messes with Maggie's head, making her wonder if Quentin really did kill Angelique and "Why, Quentin, why?"

I love Carolyn's clothes in 1970PT.

Carolyn returns to Loomis House after a walk on the cliffs. Julia has been waiting to tell her that the police just left after a search. (Carolyn apparently now knows that “Hoffman” is in fact our Julia.) They almost found the secret room, Julia shudders, but since this happened off camera Julia’s announcement doesn’t generate much suspense. She tells Carolyn about Quentin’s jailbreak. “Alexis” was his last visitor, the suspicious Julia observes, so she must have engineered it, and if she engineered it, he’s in more trouble than ever. The two women agree that they must try to find him and persuade him to give himself up. Carolyn asks if Quentin killed Bruno, but Julia replies sternly that he didn’t. But then Carolyn realizes that they have one more problem--Angelique may have killed Bruno, but who killed Angelique???

Evidently it's perfectly normal for Carolyn to wander around Collinwood at 1:40 in the morning. Maggie shows her the Apollo Belvedere w/ascot and wonders if someone killed Bruno with it. Carolyn is forced to say she doesn’t know. (Our Loomis House conspirators have decided to keep Maggie in the dark for her own safety.) Maggie wonders if she might have done it herself--after all, she’s getting a rep for this sort of thing. Carolyn practically shouts at Maggie that she didn’t kill Bruno, but someone put the A.B. there for her to find. Maggie speculates that it could have been Quentin, but Carolyn suggests “Alexis.” No way, replies Maggie. Carolyn comes within a hairsbreadth of telling what she knows, then holds back. Nonetheless, she warns Maggie as emphatically as she dares to be careful of “Alexis” and leaves Maggie wondering why.

Carolyn returns home and tells Julia about her conversation with Maggie and how she almost spilled the beans. Julia warns her that if Angelique suspects Maggie knows anything, Maggie's life won't be worth a hill of beans.

Friends of Buffie will remember that she met Quentin while she was working at Collinwood. How would tending bar at the BW be a better job?

Carolyn tends to disagree with Julia, but they resolve nothing. Julia says, The only way we can clear Quentin is to find Angelique’s real murderer. She asks Carolyn about the séance and who was in the room when Angelique collapsed. Carolyn dutifully lists the cast of characters: Angelique, Quentin, Cyrus, Roger, Elizabeth (Carolyn’s mother), Buffie Harrington (who was working at Collinwood at the time--so that’s where Cyrus first met her!), Trask (the butler), and Will and herself. (She completely forgets about poor Sabrina Stuart.) But she can’t remember clearly who was the first to reach Angelique--anyone could have have done it. We may never know, she sighs.

Maggie returns to her room to find that someone has taken the Apollo Belvedere and some of Quentin's things. We see LP's shadow outside as she prepares to enter the room. Perhaps remembering Carolyn's words, Maggie asks if "Alexis" entered the room, s that he might be here in the house, right now. Again Maggie insists on seeing Quentin and talking to him. Is that wise? Angelique asks. I’m not going to be afraid, Maggie replies. It’s not a matter of fear but of safety, Angelique says. You’re not doing this deliberately to frighten me, are you? Maggie asks, perhaps remembering Carolyn’s warning. How can you say that? “Alexis” asks indignantly. I’m trying to help you. Then, suspicious in her turn, she asks, Has someone told you something about me? Maggie of course apologizes. Are you sure you’ll be all right by yourself? “Alexis” asks sweetly, then goes off for her walk. Maggie still wants to talk to Quentin about “everything.” I ran away from this house once. I won’t do it again, she declares to herself. If Quentin is here, I’ve got to see him.

At 2:00 a.m., Maggie comes back downstairs and Angelique pulls out all the stops to scare her. (Someone must have had the volume way up, because it sounds like a train is about to roar through the front doors.) The drawing room windows are rattling, so she closes them, but then the front door flies open. She calls Quentin faintly, but gets no response. Then she starts hearing Ode to Angelique on the piano--it sounds like it’s coming from Angelique’s old room, so she goes back upstairs to investigate. When she gets there, though, the doors are locked. She calls Quentin’s name again and the music stops. (We’ve had no evidence whatever that Quentin even plays the piano but so what?) Julia comes by and suddenly the doors open. As they enter the room, Maggie insists the doors were just locked, and tells Julia about hearing the piano--she insists she isn’t going mad. [As Maggie moves to the left, there is a quick glimpse of someone in the mirror in back of her.] Julia tries to calm her down and suggests (quite uncharacteristically nicely for Hoffman), You shouldn’t be alone tonight. Why don’t you stay at Loomis House, where Will and Carolyn will look after you? Maggie is on the point of saying yes when “Alexis” shows up from nowhere. Giving Julia a killing glance, she agrees--Maggie shouldn’t be alone tonight, and that’s why I came back from my walk. “Alexis” dismisses “Hoffman” for the night, and Julia is forced to retreat.

The camera inadvertently shows us a glimpse of what looks like a long blue nightgown under the knee-length coat that Alexis has been wearing in every scene--more about it below.

Back home, Carolyn is pacing fit to wear a hole in the carpet, getting tired of the Who Killed Angelique puzzle and thinking Quentin is beyond help.  Then she decides that they have to clear his name and find out who killed Angelique and Bruno. She sits down to think about it, and the music tells us that she’s about to have a (dreaded) dream sequence even though she’s awake. In her mind’s eye she sees Angelique on the floor at Collinwood after the fatal séance (lying on her back, even though if she was pithed from behind she would have fallen face down). Now we can see that Angelique is actually wearing the same long blue gown and long white gloves as in her portrait, which dominates her room in the East Wing. (You have to wonder at their shooting schedule, if she had to have the gown on even under her coat!) She looks very definitely dead, and beside her Carolyn sees a hatpin with a huge green stone. Carolyn screams. Just then Julia comes back, and Carolyn gasps, Now I remember--I know who killed Angelique!....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2016, 08:48:53 PM »
Angelique is trying to gaslight Maggie and she's doing a pretty good job of it. Maggie is already on edge and extremely jumpy. The writers are coming up with some rather creative ways to keep Quentin as a major player, without David Selby being on camera as much as he had been earlier. (Selby was appearing at the Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford during this part of the story.)
Good to have Carolyn back on camera! She attempts to warn Maggie about trusting Alexis too much. Not surprisingly, she doesn't get anywhere.
Carolyn's later conversation with Julia reminds us that the key mystery of parallel time has yet to be resolved. Namely: who killed Angelique. Carolyn recounts who was at Collinwood the night of the first seance and we learn that other people were at the house who may not have participated in the actual seance. Not sure why Carolyn and Will would have been there. Trask was an employee of the family, so his presence is perfectly logical. As is Buffie's. Though I am most interested in why she left the job. She seems to have a good enough relationship with Quentin, so maybe she got on the bad side of Angelique? Or Hoffman?
The episode ends with a newly created flashback/dream which leads Carolyn to believe that she knows the identity of Angelique's murderer. Does she?

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2016, 03:50:38 PM »
Selby was appearing at the Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford during this part of the story.

Aha, didn't know that!

Trask was an employee of the family, so his presence is perfectly logical. As is Buffie's. Though I am most interested in why she left the job. She seems to have a good enough relationship with Quentin, so maybe she got on the bad side of Angelique? Or Hoffman?

Interesting idea, Uncle R.! Buffie is pretty, and she seemed to hint that she a crush on Quentin (and may still have one). Maybe Angelique saw her as a potential rival and didn't want any good-looking servants around.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2016, 04:08:00 PM »
I dug a little further into the play. It was a revival of Bernard Shaw's The Devil's Disciple. It had a very impressive cast. In addition to Selby, it included Cyril Ritchard, Margaret Hamilton, Jill Clayburgh and James Cromwell. Very eclectic, to be sure!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2016, 07:19:03 PM »
Thanks, Uncle R. That must have been an amazing show!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2016, 08:17:01 PM »
Yes, but I have to wonder about an actor making plans for another performance in the middle of a DS storyline in which he's the lead.  Dan Curtis may not have inspired loyalty, and Selby may have been frustrated by PT Quentin.  I wonder if the popularity of the character was dropping.

Yes, I think Ang had to have gotten steamed at Buffie just for being attractive and there at Collinwood.

DL, that's a bit of cold water in the face for me, the number of ep's left.  I still had some vague feeling in my head that we weren't much past halfway.  There is a lot of story ahead.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2016, 06:35:58 PM »
Sorry about the cold water, MT!

I know that JB had a deal that she could appear on stage while the show was going on. I guess that's why her characters were in comas a lot of the time. Maybe DS wangled a similar deal. After all, the precedent had been set, and that would have been too good an opportunity to pass up.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2016, 06:58:07 PM »
Most soap contracts came with an "out" clause that would allow the performer an opportunity to do the occasional outside project. Frid did Dial M For Murder when Barnabas appeared to have been staked in 1897. Grayson did a couple of movies. Kathryn went to Africa on safari between the death of Rachel Drummond and the arrival of Kitty Soames.
I'm sure that others did this as well
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2016, 01:14:54 AM »
Quentin was so central to the storyline though, that's what I was getting at.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2016, 01:38:07 AM »
Maybe he traded a pay raise for it.  [snow_smileydevil]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2016, 02:08:18 AM »
 [pointing-up]  DC would have surely agreed to almost anything in lieu of giving anyone a raise!!  [nodassent]

But seriously, as Uncle Roger mentioned, not just the DS actors but all soap actors did/do other things during their time on their shows. Almost all of the DS actors did films and/or especially plays - and it had nothing to do with whether their characters might not have been as popular or the actors themselves were frustrated. It was simply common practice, even while juggling both the show and the outside work at the same time. A list of what the DS actors did while also on the show could fill a topic in and of itself. In fact, one often has to wonder how so many of them had so much stamina to do DS during the day and something else at night. That's real dedication to their craft!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2016, 02:25:27 AM »
Especially when doing a play with eight shows a week and probably no day off. More power to them!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1042
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2016, 04:24:07 AM »
After not been around or involved much, Carolyn becomes a player and knows about Julia, warns Maggie about Angelique and recalls the murderer.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times