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Discuss - Ep #1038
« on: February 06, 2016, 04:30:17 AM »
Robservations #1038

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #1038

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1038
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2016, 07:22:04 AM »
Why break up the Q/Mag marriage if Ang doesn't want to marry Q again anymore, which presumably she doesn't, since she thinks he murdered her? 

Barnabas and Julia at the coffin, as he rises, and sees Julia in Hoff's maid dress.  Oops.  She talked her way out of that suprisingly fast and easily.  Oh you dear thing, you killed for me...

Julia at Stokes' place... I like how he can't put his drink down for one second to open the door for her!  He's drinking and opening at the same time.

Later Barnabas and Julia form one of their great plans, another commando raid, to solve everything with one simple blow, through murder.  I'm thinking of Eve at Blair's house...  Julia says without hesitation: "We can destroy the body."  Great doctor she is!  I wonder, does Julia go for the idea of murdering for Barnabas and his family because of the old days, subconsciously... ?  She fell in love with him when he was still a killer.  Then he roped her into Dr. Woodard's murder.  That's the way to please Barnabas? 

It doesn't occur to either of them just to wake the subject up... until later, when Barnabas suggests it, and Julia just hates the idea!  She just killed, and has a taste for it now, I guess.... All sweet young things must DIE Barnabas...

Later, Tim pops by Collinwood, once again in the middle of a vice during a door opening!  He's in the middle of a cigarette when he's let in the front door....  Ang asks if he wants a martini, and he says, "Yes... several, I think!"  I really think there is not one moment when we see him that he isn't at least a little drunk.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1038
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2016, 05:46:06 PM »
Julia has a fairly easy time convincing Barnabas that she is not Hoffman. Interestingly, Barnabas has[spoiler]a much more difficult time convincing Julia that he is the 20th century Barnabas when he time travels to 1840.[/spoiler] There are some great moments between the two of them where they almost seem to be taking the relationship to the next level. [spoiler]Sadly, it doesn't last[/spoiler]
The Conjure Wife angle kicks in here. Angelique is driving a wedge between Maggie and Quentin, and is trying to cast suspicion on Barnabas. It doesn't work this time. But she's far from done.
Angelique's plans change abruptly, due to the revelations of Cyrus' journal. She does exempt Daniel from her vendetta but that just seems to be an afterthought.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1038
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2016, 07:07:04 PM »
I love the Barn and Julia moment. She explains that she killed the real Hoffman and flatly refuses to return to RT. She thinks that playing spy in PT will be fun, and she could help. Barn draws very close to Julia again, his face aglow. Dear friend, he says fervently, clasping her shoulders gently. You would have done the same for me, Julia replies modestly, but her eyes are shining with unmistakable emotion. Yes, of course, Barnabas agrees. (Violins WAY up, but another missed opportunity, Barn!)

So far, Julia has been able to avoid arousing suspicion. But when Ange has another cold spell and tells her to get her father/stepfather/whatever, Julia has a moment's worry--she has no idea where he lives. But then--aha! the phone book!

Stokes isn't surprised to see "Hoffman." He invites her into the back room to see the body (still unseen by us), and with her scientist’s mind Julia learns enough to begin to understand what he’s doing. He says, I’m using the body’s life force to keep Angelique alive, but every so often the body struggles to regain that force--hence Angelique’s fainting spells. Stokes also informs her, If the body should die, so will Angelique. I’ve just given it an injection to stun it, and Angelique should be recovered by the time you return to Collinwood. I envy you your situation at Collinwood, he adds--luxury, wealth, companionship--and none of the responsibility of being a Collins. I expect that Angelique will reward you lavishly when you go back. Angelique is going to owe me a great deal by the time she takes over the Great House. Then he asks, Has Angelique had any more trouble with Barnabas Collins? Why do you mention him? Julia asks innocently. She will, Stokes predicts. I know he is her enemy.

Maggie confides in Barnabas. (Naturally, Quentin began this episode by shouting at her.) Barn is sure Maggie is innocent and asks her to be patient.

Julia returns to Angelique and suggests that she should try being nice to her father/stepfather/whatever. Julia suggests inviting him to dinner. Luckily, Ange thinks this is a good idea.

Julia races back to Loomis House and tells Barn the amazing amount of stuff she's learned in a single afternoon. They decide they have to destroy the body. Then everything will be copacetic and they can go back home to their own time. We must make no mistake, Barnabas warns. Stokes will be arriving at the Great House at eight o’clock, so they have only a half hour to wait. Barnabas gets a knife that Will once showed him (though it looks to me like nothing more than some kind of fancy letter opener--maybe the one he tried to use on “our” Angelique long ago). Holding it up, he declares, This will end the rule of terror at Collinwood--tonight!

At 8:05, Stokes knocks on the door at Collinwood and chides his daughter for opening it herself when there are so many servants around. It’ll be just the two of us for dinner, she says as she leads him into the drawing room. Would you like a martini? Several will do nicely, he replies. Angelique even has a pitcherful ready. She complains about her fainting spells. I’m doing everything possible, he tells her. I want you to do better, she insists. Momentary faintness seems a small price to pay for life, he argues. I can’t take that chance, Angelique declares. Her father insists on knowing why. She tells him, You, who love this house so much, take a long last look at it--because it’s going to be different, very different. The people who own this house are going to get exactly what they have deserved all along. Not a member of the family will be untouched. Even Stokes is taken aback as she winds up, The Collinses will be a family that is finished! So we must work very hard, Father, because it all depends on me.

Meanwhile, Julia has used Angelique’s key (which she won’t miss, since she keeps it in a drawer) to get into Stokes’s house. This seems too easy, Barnabas frets. I’ve spent hours trying to think of a way to defeat Angelique. Julia leads him into the room with the body, concealed under its drape. Of course Barnabas has his usual qualms about killing an innocent creature (with Yaeger it was equal combat in a just cause, the defense of a fair lady). Sternly Julia reminds him, If we’re going to destroy Angelique, we have to destroy this body. Barnabas finally agrees, then Julia warns him, Next we’ll have to deal with Stokes--he could always just get another body. It never ends, Barnabas comments somberly, when one begins to unravel evil. He just wants to get the whole thing over with, so Julia hands him the knife and lifts the drape. Barnabas raises the knife to strike--then stops, looking down at the body in sheer astonishment....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1038
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2016, 01:13:22 AM »
Barnabas and Julia have a couple brief warm moments.  Julia as Hoffman learns a great deal from the drakes Stokes and a plan is hatched by the deadly duo of B & J to destroy the body. Meanwhile A has loftier goals in mind and plans to,destroy the entire Collins family, minus her unseen son.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times