Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #1037  (Read 573 times)

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Discuss - Ep #1037
« on: February 04, 2016, 05:10:08 AM »
Robservations #1037

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #1037

Offline alwaysdavid

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1037
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2016, 04:28:17 AM »
Now that here are two imposters in close contact, things should start to fall apart.   The window is fixed.
Bruno wants 5000 for the identity of A's murderer.  Quentin and Maggie have rare moments of happiness.
Cyrus covered up the murder  because he felt Quentin did it. This dramatically alters A's plans. She now no longer wants Q, but plans to destroy all the Collins.  Makes Q think Maggie is a witch. I keep wondering if Q was so great, why was A involved with almost every man that came along.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1037
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2016, 07:16:00 AM »
Bruno makes out with Cyrus's death journal again.  Angelique has on a great Peter Max-like dress.  Bruno manages to sell Cy's diary to Ang for a lot of money, even though he also intends to go to the police with his copy...and Ang never screams "Why the hell did I have to pay you all that money then, if everybody gets the secret by way of the police?!" 

Ang uses witchcraft to force someone else to use witchcraft, Maggie.  Too bad Maggie's witchcraft didn't accidentally end up working on Angelique.  That would have been fun, wouldn't it?  Ang however is only faking being choked in front of Quentin... She cries out that it's a witch doing it... how would the victim know?  Someone should have walked in from the wings and handed Ang an acting award....
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1037
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2016, 01:27:40 PM »
A flashback or two would have been nice to show what kind of a marriage Quentin and Angelique actually had. It sounds to me that she wanted the prestige and position of being Mrs. Quentin Collins more than actually being a wife. Was she better at dealing with Quentin's moodiness than Maggie? Why didn't he divorce her?
Angelique's plot to ruin all the Collinses never really takes hold. But they seem more than capable of ruining their own lives, without any input from her.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1037
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2016, 06:49:48 PM »
From Angelique's conversation with Bruno we get the sense that she definitely hates not having the upper hand. They arrange to meet at Collinwood so she can see Cyrus's journal.

Maggie's bright yellow Peter Max dress is an inch or two longer than some of the others she's been wearing.

I believe we will find out eventually what kind of marriage Quentin and Angelique had. I suspect she was too selfish to care about what Quentin felt and mostly likely refused to give him a divorce. [spoiler]We're not done with Rebecca yet.[/spoiler]

Bruno locks horns with both Maggie and Quentin before taking himself upstairs to see "Alexis." Quentin watches him go up with undisguised hatred.

No sooner are Maggie and Quentin alone than she wonders why he took "Alexis" with him to Bangor. She had to do some shopping there, Quentin replies. At night? Maggie asks. I can’t believe it, Quentin says. You’re actually jealous of Alexis! She insists she isn’t but wants to know why Quentin took Alexis with him. I’ve told you all there is to tell, Quentin replies, adding as usual, There isn’t any further need to discuss it. Of course not, Maggie agrees.

Angelique is even more ticked off when Bruno says he hasn't got the journal. Bruno argues that the info it contains is of great value--say, $5,000 worth, Bruno proposes, smoking all the while. He refuses to tell her who murdered Angelique. I’ll give you nothing until I have the money in my hands, Bruno answers. They fence for a moment or two, then she promises to have the money in two hours. Two hours it is, then, Bruno says, gives her a deep bow and a flourish, then leaves. Angelique takes a small lockbox out her dresser, opens it, and removes a brilliant V-shaped diamond necklace.

Maggie and Quentin discuss Cyrus/Yaeger as Angelique listens from the foyer, apparently having sold the necklace. Sadly Maggie wonders if Cyrus was responsible for all the bad things that have happened and suggests that deep down, he might have been jealous of Quentin and her. Quentin thinks that not everything could have been Cyrus's fault--he wouldn't have had time to do it all. If the bad things continue to happen, they'll know for sure. The truth may be forthcoming, Maggie comments. If these incidents keep on happening, we’ll know I’m wrong. But if they’ve ended for good-- I’ll have to admit you’re right, Quentin concedes with a smile. While Maggie pours coffee for them, Angelique thinks to herself with a smile, Well, you happen to be wrong, Maggie. The disturbances have not stopped--not by any means. Your husband is going to be more than upset when he finds out who is behind them.

Upstairs, Angelique and Bruno conclude their transaction. He's marked the appropriate page and watches as Angelique reads what Cyrus has written: That he knows who killed Angelique and the séance--it was Quentin. Not even when Angelique starts sobbing does Bruno show any emotion. Her tears soon turn to anger, and she vows revenge. I just want Quentin to suffer for what he did, “Alexis” declares. I’m not going to go to the police. I want to think about it very carefully. I want to do what Angelique would have done. I want to make certain that her spirit is relieved from the agony it has undergone ever since her death. Say nothing to anyone, she orders Bruno. For a day or two, he agrees, but if you haven’t acted, I will--I have a photostat (!) of the page. After he leaves, Angelique takes off her double-sided onyx pendant and promises Bruno, It won’t be long--and you’ll be very much involved. I’m ready to take the first step now.

The foyer clock reads 1:30 when Angelique brings Maggie some tea. While she puts the tray on Maggie’s dresser, she takes a gold necklace of Maggie’s from the dresser top. Back in the drawing room, Angelique holds Maggie’s necklace over the fire and begins her work. Maggie! she commands. I want you to feel the irresistible force of my will! Under Angelique’s direction, Maggie goes to Angelique’s room and takes Angelique’s pendant. That’s right, Maggie, Angelique encourages her. Go back to your own room. Go back--to begin your first attempt at witchcraft!

Angelique pockets Maggie’s pendant a moment before Quentin returns. I didn’t stay long with Maggie, Angelique reports--she seemed strange. Maggie has been cool to me. She’s been very upset since she found out that you took me to Bangor. Suddenly Angelique grabs her throat and gasps, I’m choking--help me! Quentin catches her as she stumbles and seats her in a chair. Looking pointedly at the drawing room doors, Angelique gasps, It can't be! I don't believe it! The witch! The witch! Stop her, Quentin, stop her! The moment Quentin rushes out of the room, Angelique makes a remarkably quick recovery.

Upstairs, with a totally blank look on her face, Maggie is twisting Angelique’s necklace into a tight knot. Quentin bursts in and stares at her for a moment in disbelief. Not knowing that his beautiful bride is under a spell, Quentin sees only that she’s practicing witchcraft. Maggie is completely unaware of what she’s doing and doesn’t even notice him until he pulls the pendant out of her hands, breaking the spell. Maggie looks up at him in surprise. With heavy sarcasm he shouts at her, Cyrus was the one responsible for everything happening in this house, is that it? Wouldn't it be convenient if I believed everything that you meant me to? But I never will, Maggie, because you are the witch! You were responsible for everything from the moment you walked into this house!....