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Discuss - Ep #1015
« on: November 21, 2015, 06:18:02 PM »
Robservations #1015

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #1015

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1015
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2015, 06:04:05 PM »
I have to say that this whole lovesick-melancholy-hanging business was not very interesting, either the first time I watched it or now. The writers just seem to be marking time till everyone is back on the show full time.

Angelique finally rescues Quentin, persuades him that he didn't kill Maggie when he slashed the portrait, and tries one more time to get him to get Maggie back. But Quentin still isn't buying and runs out angrily. But we get the chance to hear Angelique's funny little monologue about him: Quentin loves Maggie so much that he was willing to die rather than live thinking he killed her. She realizes that the spell has had no effect on Quentin’s stiff-necked pride--or his love for Maggie. Angelique delivers a frustrated little soliloquy in the attic room: Why can't I control him? Why haven't I ever been able to? I have never understood him--never. Every other man was so simple, but Quentin.... Oh, Quentin, she exclaims, closing her eyes in pain, what must I do?

Angelique tries to get Hannah to help one more time, but Hannah (alas, off stage on the phone) refuses. But Hoffman enters with a knock (though properly she shouldn’t knock). She says bluntly, I’ve seen Maggie’s portrait. I have brought what you need, she adds and holds out a little clay doll and a hatpin. What is that? Angelique asks, feigning innocence one last time. When Hoffman doesn’t answer, Angelique says, I don’t like it. It’s necessary for getting Maggie to return to Collinwood, Hoffman replies. Suddenly Angelique laughs and agrees: How could I have hoped to keep it from you? I was afraid to ask for your help earlier for fear that Quentin would see us being friendly. Hoffman agrees to help her but admits she’s afraid, since Angelique is after all-- well, dead. But when she feels the warmth of Angelique's hand, her doubts vanish.

How did you come back? Hoffman wants to know. I knew you had been murdered. Angelique tells Hoffman, I vividly remembers feeling the pain in the back of my neck where someone pressed a pin, then falling onto the table, and then--nothing. I don't remember being in the grave, but I felt the cold and heard a voice saying that someone would come. I feel that some power has recalled me for some unknown purpose. Who opened the coffin? Hoffman asks, and Angelique tells her it was Quentin and Cyrus, obviously unlikely candidates. Hoffman points out that Angelique owes someone or something big time, and that power will come to collect sooner or later. We will outwit it, Angelique replies determinedly. Right now all I want is to get Quentin back. Maggie must return to Collinwood. Will she be difficult to handle? asks Angelique (who has never met Maggie). For you, no, Hoffman replies. The two share an anticipatory laugh.

Outside Angelique’s room, Barnabas is wondering if he can make yet another attempt to return to his own time. But when he opens the door, he finds the room unchanged, with  "Alexis" and Hoffman still in it. [Although he is a vampire, he is visible in a mirror!] “Alexis” hastily hides the doll behind her back, and they have a little polite chitchat about how it isn't really safe to stay here. After Hoffman leaves to finish supervising the move, Barnabas questions "Alexis" about her ancestor (who's mentioned in Will's bio of parallel Barnabas), a servant girl who came to Collinwood with her mistress, Josette. "Alexis" moves to keep her body between Barnabas and the doll and answers, As far as I know, Angelique (that was the servant's name) stayed on, married, and lived to a ripe old age. My father, Timothy Stokes, is also descended from a servant at Collinwood, Ben Stokes. Barn asks a few more questions, learning that Alexis and Angelique were twins. "Alexis" declares that Angelique was too young to die. She notes that for all he keeps warning everyone else to leave this room, he seems to want to stay. She manages to wrap the doll in a scarf and finally leaves. Barnabas is relieved, but his thoughts are very serious indeed: There is no Angelique in this time band, no supernatural creature. I have been spared that at least. (LOL!) All I can think is that it is possible that Julia is in that other time--in my time band--and they are all seeing me here. He gazes past the open doors and calls out, Julia? Are you here? Julia, I must get back--I must! But how? How?

Angelique and Hoffman meet up in the attic. Angelique has the doll and pin, and Hoffman has brought one of Quentin's handkerchiefs. Hoffman notes, You’re afraid to put a spell on Quentin to make him ill. I have felt the coldness of death, Angelique replies, adding, Quentin has never reacted as I’ve wanted. I’m afraid I’ll go too far and lose him this time. Hoffman picks up the pin from a chair and holds it out to Angelique. Angelique still wavers, explaining, If Quentin dies this way he won’t be able to join me. Hoffman holds out the pin again, and Angelique wonders, Is that why I’m afraid? It was a pin like that that killed me. I don't want to kill Quentin, just make him sick enough that they will send for Maggie, but for some reason I’m afraid. You were never afraid before, Hoffman points out, and you always got exactly what you wanted. Now you want Maggie to come, so you can get rid of her, because that’s the only way you can have Quentin. Angelique implores the hatpin, Just this one time, let Quentin be as I need him to be. Then she intones, I call on the black god in the depths of hell to guide my hand and let Quentin feel the pain.

Barnabas finds Quentin in the drawing room, looking depressed and lost. Nothing is right, Quentin says morosely. I think a curse is on the house. If I weren’t convinced that you aren’t the same Barnabas Collins that those people were talking about in that room, I would think you’d brought the curse with you. Barnabas looks up at him, then quickly looks down at the floor. I’m sorry for blaming you, Quentin says. The trouble started when I came back to Collinwood. Were these problems not here before? Barnabas asks. Never, Quentin answers. Barnabas says, Will Loomis told me that your first wife, Angelique, seems to have been interested in the occult. I assumed her interest had a reason, and I thought the reason was here. It’s not true, Quentin replies. Suspicious again, he asks, Why are you asking about it? Barnabas apologizes to Quentin-- but at this very moment Angelique pushes the pin into the clay doll, and Quentin clutches at his chest and cries out in pain.

Up in the attic, Angelique tells Quentin, You must bring Maggie back. She pushes the pin in again, more firmly this time.

Murmuring, "My heart," Quentin collapses to the floor in a picturesque attitude while Barnabas bends over him in alarm....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1015
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2015, 11:06:50 PM »
The writer of the VO is paying attention as it says Angelique has returned in the body of Alexismwhenshe came back to life in her own body or I should say existence. She reveals to Hoffman who she is and calls her Julia.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

Offline Uncle Roger

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1015
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2015, 12:47:17 AM »
Like her RT counterpart, Angelique doesn't seem to think her schemes through very carefully. Her first attempt at manipulating Quentin with witchcraft failed. So, by all means, let's do it again.
Hannah has had enough. And who can blame her? But Hoffman has figured out what's up and Hannah's services are no longer needed.
Barnabas and Angelique get acquainted. He seems interested in learning about her namesake. She seems to be sizing him up, gathering information to be used later. And, while Angelique may well have boinked most of Collinsport, at no point does she ever suggest using her feminine wiles to entice Barnabas.
Fade Away and Radiate