Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #1008  (Read 758 times)

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Discuss - Ep #1008
« on: November 07, 2015, 05:42:04 PM »
Robservations #1008

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #1008

Offline alwaysdavid

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1008
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2015, 12:38:31 AM »
Q gets angry at Trask for hanging the portrait of Barnabas in the exact spot of RT.  Q is quite angry most the time. I guess as Master he can do what he likes.  The painting is beating for Daniel
Q tells A just in time about the room as she then sees it change.
The cellar door in the Old House is right off the living room in PT
Another Seance this one to contact Barnabas and there appears a dark figure.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1008
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2015, 01:03:44 AM »
Quentin is wearing a very fab blue jacket. He asks Hoffman to open the doors to Angelique’s room and tell him what she sees. Hoffman opens the doors and sees Angelique’s room, luxuriously and brilliantly furnished as she has always known it. Quentin tells Hoffman, A moment ago, I saw this very room--but empty of furniture, and with you and Elizabeth in it, wearing different clothes and talking about Barnabas Collins. Somehow Hoffman too knows about Will’s new book, but Quentin disagrees with her: I think they were talking about a Barnabas living now who disappeared in this room. But it wasn’t this room, but it was another room, but it was behind these same doors [what he says]. To complete Hoffman’s confusion, Quentin tells her that her opposite number said there was a curse on Barnabas. Quentin finally realizes Hoffman has no idea what he’s talking about. I must be going insane, he mutters and takes himself off.

Daniel's "Aunt Alexis" tells him that his mother is very near. This is really weird. How could she possibly reveal herself without traumatizing him even more? Or does she care?

Quentin roars at Hoffman to take down the portrait of Barnabas. He tells Ange that he's going to leave Collinwood--this doesn't fit in with her plans at all. Finally he tells her about the empty room and what he's seen there.

Hoffman is not at all pleased to find even Angelique’s own son in Angelique’s room until Daniel explains that he’s leaving some shells for “Aunt Alexis.” Hoffman is still looking for Trask. She reminds Daniel, You’re leaving shells the way you did for your mother. Daniel starts to confide in Hoffman: A couple of times on the beach it seemed that-- but then he breaks off. I have to face the fact that my mother is dead, he acknowledges sadly. Angelique returns but too late to stop him from leaving. He’s confused, Hoffman says. He seems to care about you the way he did about his mother. I doubt that, “Alexis” says, but she will admit her feelings for Daniel. But that is of no interest now, she adds as Hoffman simply smiles at her, saying nothing. She tells Hoffman that Quentin is leaving. I think it might be a good idea if he got away for a while, Hoffman opines. Away from those who love him? Angelique asks, and is rewarded by Hoffman’s quizzical look. Angelique backtracks, saying, We all care a great deal about him and want to help him--but how can we if he’s not here? You do understand that, don’t you? Yes, Hoffman says with a smile, I think I do.

The next time Daniel is about to go outside, he suddenly hears the sound of a beating heart. He  realizes the sound is coming from Barnabas's portrait (still hanging in the foyer). In a trance, he goes to Loomis House muttering, Yes... I hear you. I will follow. I will find. Follow... find.…

Quentin is having a drink while Hoffman tries to talk to him about "Julia" and what she said about Barnabas. With uncharacteristic urgency for a housekeeper, Hoffman tells Quentin to see Will Loomis.  I’ve tried to see Will, but he isn’t receiving visitors, Quentin replies. I think you should just go to Loomis House and insist on talking to Will, Hoffman says, then tell him exactly what you know about the portrait and the other room and the other people. Quentin simply sets his jaw (and very handsomely too!) and declares, I don’t want to know any more about it than I already do. In fact, I want to forget it all, and that’s final. I will not go to Loomis House again.

Daniel arrives at Loomis House, but no one is home. Why did I come here? he wonders. Then he finds more manuscript pages, realizes they’re part of the new book and thoughtfully reads aloud: For long enough the world has lived in ignorance of this terrible truth, and perhaps it was just as well. How many would have come in search of the locked door, not suspecting that if it had opened to their touch, a fate awaited them so devastating that-- Suddenly he remembers why he’s here. The heartbeat starts up again as he looks around the drawing room and the foyer.

Ange opens the doors upstairs--and sees our Julia calling forlornly to Barnabas. Angelique too is unable to enter the room and realizes it isn’t some kind of magic. She calls to “Hoffman,” but of course our Julia can’t see or hear her. She realizes that Quentin isn’t losing his mind but really saw what she is seeing now. Shouting for him, she races back downstairs.

At Loomis House, Daniel is about to smash the lock with the poker from the fireplace when Quentin walks in--just in time to catch Daniel as he faints dead away.

room, she exclaims--with you in it! I opened the doors to my very own room, and it had completely changed. It was empty. Quentin didn’t just imagine it--I saw it myself. And I-- Hoffman starts. Yes, you were there, Angelique says. You said one word: Barnabas. The same thing Mr. Collins heard me say, Hoffman notes.

Just then, Quentin returns with Daniel, explaining that he found the boy at Loomis House. Hoffman can't help noticing that "Miss Stokes" rushes to him with far more maternal concern than a mere aunt might show, but her duties don't permit her to think about it for the moment. Quentin reassures Angelique that Daniel is unhurt, and she realizes her error in overreacting. She slowly backs away and tries to cover up her concern. Daniel remembers nothing after looking at the portrait of Barnabas Collins (which Hoffman has finally had Trask remove). After Hoffman takes Daniel upstairs, Quentin tells Angelique, Daniel’s episode had something to do with Barnabas Collins. The Barnabas that Hoffman was talking about in that strange empty room? Angelique says, then tells Quentin, I saw the room too, and Hoffman saying the one word _Barnabas_. Sheer relief overspreads Quentin’s face, even though he knows it doesn’t explain everything. Quentin decides that there's nothing else for it: The only person who knows all about it is--Barnabas Collins, he says. I will make sure that Daniel and Amy are asleep and Roger, Elizabeth and Trask are out of the house while you, Hoffman and I hold a séance. Angelique can barely hide her enthusiasm as Quentin promises, We will finally meet with Barnabas Collins tonight.

At 11:30 that night, Angelique, Quentin, and Hoffman assemble in the drawing room. The séance proceeds in the usual manner until spooky theremin music tells us that there is Another Presence in the room. This is too much for Hoffman, who breaks the circle and runs out. Quentin and Angelique quickly join hands while Quentin begs the presence to stay and make itself known. At first Quentin thinks he's failed, but suddenly Angelique tells him to turn around. There behind him they see the figure of a man enveloped in a very antique-looking, many-caped  greatcoat....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1008
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2015, 12:13:37 PM »
Barnabas's portrait is up!  Did Barnabas will Hoffman to do that?  The real life answer is probably that they wanted the old passing-the-portrait, hearing-the-heartbeat thing, and so whipped up Hoffman having hung it there for nbo reason...  The Old House drawing room has David's bedroom street lamps.  Ang sees the RT Room.  Seance! for Barnabas!  Hoffman flees, red coated figure arrives in silhouette.  End.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1008
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2015, 09:59:24 PM »
Nice scenes with Daniel and Angelique. The scenes are one of the few times that we ever see her as anything other than a cruel, calculating bitch. If Angelique loves anyone else, it's her son.
The PT room continues to unnerve Quentin. Hoffman thinks he's nuts but, remembering her station, doesn't come right out and say it. But finally Angelique sees something too. And, to find out who the mysterious Barnabas is, they decide to hold an impromptu seance. Yeah, like that's worked so well in the past. I'm a bit surprised that Angelique is willing to go along with it, since she was murdered at her last seance. Maybe she thinks lightning won't strike twice.
They're doing a pretty good job reminding the audience that Barnabas is nearby. He's sending out the heartbeat signal as he did with Sandor in 1897. It's not working as well here. Either Daniel is not a good receiver or, like WiFi, Barnabas' signal is not strong enough in parallel time.
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