Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0995  (Read 788 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0995
« on: October 13, 2015, 05:00:04 AM »
Robservations #995

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0995

Offline alwaysdavid

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0995
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2015, 02:23:59 AM »
Quentin finds nothing by the wall were Damian disappeared, but the usual bookshelf secret panel does not occur to him. Bruno and Trask reveal that they know Damian is dead.
Cyrus being mysterious reveals he is planning to go away. He sends her away telling lots of lies. He is really quite the liar for a supposed good guy. He drinks the potion and is in terrible pain flopping around for what seems like forever and then turns into this black haired guy.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0995
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2015, 02:21:52 PM »
Poor Amy! Why couldn't Dameon have appeared to, say, Daniel? He might have taken it better.

Trask makes a beeline for the cottage, but Bruno suspects that Quentin is paying him (T.) extra to tell him (B.) about Dameon to drive him (B.) out of the cottage.  Just as he insists there’s no ghost, the phone rings. Bruno ignores it, so Trask finally picks it up. Terrified, he tells Bruno that it's Dameon (the telephone seems to be a favorite instrument of parallel-time Collinwood ghosts too) saying, It's only a matter of time. Bruno grabs the phone but no one is at the other end. They argue, Trask panicking, Bruno angry. Someone is trying to break us, Bruno declares, so we’ll have to stay calm and sensible. The he grabs Trask by the collar and practically pushes him out the door. I hope you’ll find out I’m telling the truth, Trask says, and that it won’t be too late--for both of us.  After Trask leaves, the phone rings again. This time Bruno does answer it. Once again the mysterious caller announces, It’s only a matter of time, then hangs up. Now starting to sound desperate, Bruno yells into the phone but gets no reply.

Cyrus has finished preparing his new potion and has only to combine the two components--a red liquid and a white powder. He tells Sabrina he's going away, supposedly to hobnob with his fellow scientists. When Sabrina tidies up, she finds the IOU from John Yaeger. Cyrus has all he can do to hide his alarm. He says, John Yaeger is an old friend--the kind who only gets in touch when he needs money. He fiddles with his glasses, looking anywhere but at Sabrina, and thanks her for finding the paper.

More phone torture for Bruno. Angrily, he pulls the wire out of the wall (unaware that ghosts at Collinwood can speak through unplugged phones). Suddenly, his piano starts to play the Ode to Angelique, the keys moving as if depressed by invisible hands. Bruno backs away, so terrified that he can’t even scream at first. Finally he shrieks, No! It can’t be! Stop it! Dameon! Go back to where you came from, back to your grave! He slams the fallboard down, and the music stops. He is gasping by now and stops to catch his breath, but then he hears a noise and turns toward it. Dameon Edwards is standing there, not smiling, not looking even melancholy but rather angry. No, Dameon, no! Bruno screams. He backs away, then runs from the cottage in terror.

Did Dameon play four-handed piano duets with Angelique? Or were their duets exclusively of another kind altogether?

Cyrus tells Sabrina even more lies, then they peck on the cheek and she leaves. Bruno rushes to Cyrus's house. Cyrus doesn't want him there, not even upstairs, but Bruno practically freaks out. Cyrus lets him stay, as long as he doesn't come down to the lab. I must be alone to work on my experiment, Cyrus insists. Bruno is ready to agree to anything as long as he doesn’t have to return to the cottage. Cyrus escorts him upstairs.

After Bruno goes up, Cyrus shuts and locks the (unseen) upstairs door and comes down the spiral staircase. He pours some of the red liquid into the beaker with the white powder; the result is pink foam. While waiting for it to subside, Cyrus reminds himself of his noble intentions: To bring forward all that is good in man. To rid him of the impediments of evil. Yes... to fulfill all that is best in his divided nature. Then he drinks the potion (which now looks like Pepto Bismol) and instantly falls into convulsions, dropping the beaker to the floor. The pain seems nearly unbearable as he staggers about the room, clutching his stomach and stumbling into various pieces of furniture. He calls feebly for help, but he has made sure that no help is at hand. Eventually he collapses onto a low couch near the desk. The film gets highly solarized (remember this was 1970) and becomes so bright that his face is obliterated. When the light fades, he has been completely transformed and no longer looks remotely like Cyrus Longworth. His hair is stark black, as are his eyebrows and large mustache. (He looks rather like a very tall version of Edgar Allan Poe.) As the pain subsides, John Yaeger sits up and looks around him.....

Good, scary end to what must have been a Friday episode, judging from the number. The first time I saw this ep., I expected some sort of Jekyll/Hyde turn but it was still quite a jolt.       

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0995
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2015, 07:21:20 PM »
"Solarized", eh?  Tech term?  I thought they got away with that effect... I don't think they'd used it, not in that way anyway, and I guess it's a bit like what you hear about with LSD "trails"...

 [candle_in_skull_2] [candle_in_skull_2]

Lisa R VO, and she sells the mystery way too hard... Daemeon disappears, Amy turns around to face the camera to scream.  Later, she disappoints me by not realizing DE is a ghost, even after this, yet was terrified by his disappearance into a wall.  What kind of man is he, who call walk through walls?  I never want to see Dameon Edwards again!! she says.  Remind me to be nicer, if a friend of mine develops a superpower...

 [candle_in_skull] [candle_in_skull]

A nice moment thrown off by poor timing, when Cy places his beaker full of evil on a shelf in the extreme foreground, and urgent music swells.  Bruno is credibly, believably scared by all the increasingly more real Dameon stuff.  We see Cy's transformation into John Yaeger (significance of name, if any, never given) onscreen.  Welcome, Putty Nose!
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0995
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2015, 08:48:27 PM »
I always wondered about John Yaeger's name. I guess they just wanted something different from the meek and scholarly-sounding Cyrus.

Offline MagnusTrask

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0995
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2015, 10:42:18 PM »
Before I forget, I was thinking about Horace Gladstone, and I think that the man we see is a result of his own experimentation with a similar mixture to what Cyrus is using.  He may have started out much like Cyrus.  His intense interest in the experiments might come from a need to reverse his ruined life.

Or was this obvious to everyone else?
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0995
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2015, 12:19:16 AM »
Duh, it wasn't obvious to me, but it certainly explains so much about Horace!