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Discuss - Ep #0976
« on: September 16, 2015, 02:18:24 AM »
Robservations #976

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0976

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2015, 02:53:20 AM »
Louis E VO.  Not the carriage house I guess, this place where some of the stuff is going on.  Apartment or house, in country, in town, on the estate, I have no idea.  I think we may see what happens looking toward the front of the room, and sometimes 180 degrees from that, toward the back.  Never mind, it's just some anonymous set where stuff happens. 

Good for Roger!  He takes action!  He wouldn't just walk in on Bruno if he knew what he is, probably.  We find out Bruno has that one vulnerability all creatures have, in his case, to be be hit over the head with a silver candlestick... Roger leaves his Kitten alone with Bruno to "keep an eye on this one".  Chris changes, breaks out.

After, we get a nice but short Roger-Liz scene, with a bit of reflection and taking-stock.  Bruno and Carolyn meet in the woods, then she stands there patiently for five minutes or so, nice polite young lady that she is, while Bruno explains in detail why and how he's about to try to kill her.  She then stands there letting Bruno strangle her.  So even in the woods, no locked doors, no walls, there is still no escaping the powerhouse threat that is Bruno.  The only thing that saves Carolyn from this fate is the werewolf, who in a humorous moment (for me) looks like he's "cutting in" while Bruno and Carolyn are "dancing", gently grabbing Bruno's shoulder and moving him out of the way.   Grrrr!!!!  May I cut in?  Thank you.  Grrrrr!!!!

Carolyn rushes into the Drawing Room to tell Liz and Roger that  Bruno's a werewolf victim.  Roger rushes out, to do what I wonder.  Maybe he intends to assist the werewolf.  What a relief, to find Bruno actually getting hurt, like he was screaming for a hundred times, as opposed to being safe from injury or retaliation, for no good logical reason, as usual.  Roger of course could have handled this so differently, had he chosen to.  "I'll call the groundskeeper to clean all this up, shall I?"  Farewell, Stupid.  ("Don't call me stupid!"-- Kevin Kline IS Bruno Hess...)

Our Roger sees PT Bruno mere minutes after seeing Bruno die!  Then he sees... himself.  PT puts on quite a show for Roger this time.  By Gordon Russell.  End.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2015, 02:38:33 PM »
First Sabrina becomes a more active character and now Roger becomes an action hero. Bring it on! Giving these characters things to do shows that it doesn't always have to be the Barnabas and Julia show. This is probably the most Roger centered episode in some time and Louis is certainly fun to watch here.

Carolyn shows exceptionally poor judgement by deciding to walk through the woods unprotected when the neighborhood psycho who just threatened her life is still out there. And who does she run into almost immediately? Guess who!  It doesn't make a lot of sense but it's necessary to move the plot along. It doesn't look good for Carolyn as Bruno seems intent on killing her. But her knight in shining armor is the werewolf. Which makes more sense than I initially thought that it did. The werewolf clearly remembers that Bruno tortured it and wants to hurt him back. I think that the wolf is consciously rescuing Carolyn. Maybe it just wants her out of the way. But the werewolf does have some memory of its human existence. Aside from this situation, the potential attack on Elizabeth many moons ago was curtailed by the sudden appearance of Amy.

Roger is understandably freaked out by seeing the Bruno doppelganger in the parallel time room but he seems even more freaked out by seeing his own counterpart.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2015, 04:05:46 PM »
I think that Bruno's place is somewhere on the edge of town--appropriate for his nefarious doings.

It's good to see somebody besides Barn and Julia actually taking action. I guess JF and GH were off filming HoDS. Like everyone else here, I suspect LE had a blast playing PT Roger for a change.

Go RT Roger! At last he directs his pompous rage at an appropriate object. I think this is the only time he knocks somebody out. Then he hustles Carolyn out of the house.

Chris changes, and the werewolf bursts through the now double-size window. Bruno revives to find himself home alone--or almost alone, because Sky and Sabrina are still locked in their respective closets. He tells the long-gone Carolyn, Your reprieve is only temporary.

Elizabeth and Roger have a nice but brief scene reflecting on various things. This reminded me of the very early days of the show when they had more interactions.

Carolyn walks through the woods to the carriage to see Jeb but runs into Bruno instead. Carolyn’s terrible night isn’t over yet. She is walking through a clearing in the woods when Bruno practically jumps out at her. I’m going to tell Jeb about what happened, Carolyn says indignantly. You aren’t going to see him, Bruno replies. She is shocked but probably not surprised when Bruno says, Nicholas and I are going to get even with Jeb through you. Without you, Jeb will have no reason to live. I don’t understand, Carolyn says. And you never will--because I am going to kill you! Carolyn is too stunned to run away. I don’t like doing this, Bruno lies, his eyes glittering with horrifying anticipation as he reaches out his hands toward her neck. Carolyn tries to get away, but suddenly the werewolf growls and springs seemingly out of nowhere. It casually pulls Carolyn out of Bruno’s grip, almost throwing her aside. Then it gets down to business with Bruno as Carolyn runs off screaming. Since Bruno in his arrogance has no silver on him, the werewolf swats him almost carelessly, throwing him against a tree, then grabs him again and throws him onto his back. Bruno screams, No, no, don’t come near me! But the werewolf repays Bruno with interest for his past cruelties, launching itself on top of him and raking him with its claws [and making its positively last appearance on the show, with Bruno as its last victim].

Carolyn runs back to Collinwood screaming to her mother and uncle about the werewolf. Roger rushes out, apparently unarmed, to do-- well, something.

The werewolf is long gone when Roger finds Bruno lying in the clearing. Blood is streaming from his mouth and from gashes on his face, and his torn shirt reveals (nothing to shout home about and) even worse gashes in vital spots. Roger kneels beside him and promises to get a doctor. It’s too late, Bruno gasps out, and continues brokenly, That animal... it’s not really an animal.... It’s really... really... But he dies before he can finish (though MS forgets to stop breathing!).

Despite what he's just seen, when Roger gets home he goes straight upstairs to the East Wing and opens the doors. He is astonished to find the room “brilliantly” furnished and brightly lit, just as Barnabas described it. Like Barnabas, he tries to enter, but is stopped by the invisible barrier. Bruno--wearing different but equally vulgar clothes--is looking at the portrait of Angelique as he lights a cigarette. Good Lord! Roger gasps, It is impossible. I just saw him die! He calls to Bruno. Bruno does not react to him but tells the portrait, You’re just as beautiful as ever. I remember you sitting for this portrait while listening to the music I composed for you. Parallel Elizabeth enters. What are you doing here? she asks coldly. I belong here, Bruno replies. You’re the only one who thinks so, Elizabeth says. _She_ thought so, Bruno says, indicating the portrait. Quentin is returning soon and will never let you stay, Elizabeth announces. I know he’s remarried, Bruno replies. _She_ will never let another woman come into the house. _She_ won’t--you know that as well as I do. Everyone talks of Angelique as though she’s still alive, Elizabeth remarks with disgust--it’s frightening. Nothing was ever frightening about her, Bruno says. You all envied her because she was the most intelligent and most beautiful creature that ever graced this earth. I think you should go, Elizabeth opines. I’m in no mood to argue, Bruno says, but I’ll be seeing you around. After he leaves, Elizabeth glares at Angelique’s portrait, her eyes full of hate.

Roger is amazed, but not too amazed to start walking away as he realizes that Barnabas was right. Suddenly he is thunderstruck to hear his own voice from the room behind him: Was that Bruno, the terrible-tempered boy wonder, I saw just now? parallel Roger drawls. Parallel Elizabeth says Bruno has come back. Parallel Roger says, Back to compose more of his morbid music and bore us with his tiresome memories of her? Well, it will be worth seeing the look on Quentin's face when he finds out. As parallel Roger enjoys a good laugh at this prospect, our Roger looks on in total disbelief.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0976
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2015, 02:38:44 AM »
Bruno ripped apart by the werewolf is a satisfying conclusion. Although the werewolf must have thought is this all there is, I need another.
Roger is the first person to see himself in PT
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times