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Discuss - Ep #0974
« on: September 13, 2015, 05:42:15 PM »
Robservations #974

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0974

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2015, 09:28:39 PM »
Don Briscoe reads what may be his last (?) voiceover--?

Sky Rumson barges in on Sabrina and Bruno. The one second in which she reacts costs her dearly. Sky grabs her, and Bruno grabs the gun. He orders Sky to take Sabrina to the back room and phones Nicholas. Sabrina asks Sky why they want to hurt Chris, but Sky says he doesn't know, he's just following orders.

Nicholas arrives and takes a quick look at Sabrina before he and Bruno confer in the main room. (Sky stays with Sabrina.) Bruno explains who Sabrina is and who her fiancé is. But Chris's name means nothing to Nicholas until Bruno starts to recite, "Even if a man is pure of heart and says his prayers at night...." Nicholas is delighted to learn that Chris is the werewolf. He says, I want to redeem [his word!] myself by putting Chris’s “talents” to good use. Jeb’s marriage to Carolyn is just about the only thing keeping him alive, so if anything happened to her, he would lose the will to live. My mission has failed, but if I can destroy Jeb, I will have salvaged something. If Angelique gets to Jeb first, it will be all over for me. Just tell me what you want me to do, Bruno says eagerly.

Jeb is in the darkened drawing room at Collinwood, wearing yet another green sweater. Chris Jennings stops by. He introduces himself but gives no sign that he recognizes Jeb--and of course Jeb has never seen Chris in human form. In a brief conversation, Jeb tells Chris that Carolyn and Elizabeth are out. Chris is getting anxious about Sabrina. I hope you find her, Jeb says politely. Chris thanks him and leaves.

Meanwhile, Sabrina hasn’t lost her wits along with her liberty. Nicholas must have forgotten about you, she taunts Sky. I don’t hear him and Bruno talking anymore. Sky doesn’t believe her until he checks outside. Neither Nicholas nor Bruno is there--but Angelique (wearing an attractive pale green dress) is sitting calmly in a chair, smiling at her husband’s reversal of fortune. From tycoon to lackey, she comments. My, how the mighty have fallen!

What are you doing here? Sky asks. I came to see you, Angelique replies, then picks up where Sabrina left off. Every one of your business ventures has suddenly failed, she comments. There is nothing you can do about it--because all you are now is Nicholas Blair’s slave. I’m important to Nicholas, Sky huffs. All you’re doing right now is guarding a helpless young girl, Angelique observes. You aren’t important to Nicholas. Nicholas doesn’t care anything about you. Angelique continues needling Sky, who loses his temper. Unperturbed, Angelique says, I’ll tell you how it will all end: Nicholas is going to find some ingenious way of doing himself in. He always does. And in the end, you are going to be alone--all alone--with no one to turn to. Then, someone is going to put you out of your misery. Who knows? she says with an anticipatory smile. It may even be me. Well, I had better not keep you any longer. I know you have an important job to do in the next room. Instead of disappearing, she simply walks out the door. Sky looks frightened, apparently realizing she has told him the truth.

Jeb is still alone in the drawing room when Nicholas steps in and turns on the lights. Jeb recoils in fear, but Nicholas says he's only there for a moment. I’ve come in answer to your message through Bruno. I thought it deserved a personal reply. You mean, Jeb asks hopefully, you are going to help me? Nicholas smiles with enjoyment as he replies, No, I don’t mean that at all. I advise you to accept the fact that you’re a doomed man. I can’t believe that Angelique will destroy me! Jeb says. I hope she doesn’t, Nicholas replies--because I want to reserve that particular pleasure for myself. He says goodnight and exits the drawing room. From the foyer, he watches Jeb for a moment through the almost-closed drawing room doors, then leaves.

At the cottage, Chris is now nearly frantic for Sabrina as he talks to Quentin. Even though the moon is full, he vows not to go to Windcliff until he knows Sabrina is safe. Suddenly Sky knocks at the door and introduces himself. He tells Chris that Bruno is holding Sabrina at a house on the edge of town. Just the mention of Bruno's name is enough to alarm Chris. That’s why I came, Sky replies, to help you and Sabrina. Chris is wary. You have to trust me, Sky insists. He shows Chris Sabrina’s compact (gone are the days!) as proof. I’ve been guarding Sabrina for Bruno and a man named Nicholas Blair, Sky says. I don’t know what they’re planning, but I’m tired of seeing them hurt people. If they knew I was here, they would kill me. I know they’re after you, but I don’t know how it involves me. You could just be luring me to the house, Chris says suspiciously. I could, Sky agrees, but you’ll have to trust me. He gives Chris the key to Bruno’s house. Come to the house at midnight, he instructs Chris. I’ll take care of Bruno, and then we can rescue Sabrina. What’s your angle? Chris asks suspiciously. I just don’t want to be involved with them anymore, Sky replies. All I want to do is get out from under them. Is Sky telling the truth? Wait and see.

Jeb finally turns on the drawing room lights--and there's the shadow, bigger than ever. He calls out to Angelique in terror.

Sky returns to Bruno’s house and goes to the back room. Did they treated you all right? he asks Sabrina. They left me alone, Sabrina replies. Did you see Chris? I did, Sky answers, and we made plans. If all goes well, you’ll be free by midnight. Sabrina is grateful, but Sky replies, Don’t thank me yet, baby. There’s no guarantee that we will succeed. Actually, there is even less than no guarantee, because Bruno is posted outside the door, listening to every word.

Bruno unlocks Sabrina’s prison and tells Sky, Come out--I want to talk to you. Outside, Bruno asks, Where did you go? I went into town to see a friend from New York, Sky answers. Bruno is skeptical: I worry about you, Jeb [should have been Sky]. You see, you no longer have any outside friends. All you’ve got is Nicholas and me. It is up to us to take care of you--and believe me, that's what we are going to do.

Jeb hears Angelique's voice: You can’t hide from it, Jeb--no matter how hard you try. Angelique suddenly materializes in the corner between the fireplace and the secret panel. You kept imploring me to appear. Well, here I am, she says, opening her arms as if taking a bow. Turn on the lights. When he hesitates, she says, As long as I’m in the room, the shadow won’t appear. Please, take this thing off me! he begs her. I’m a changed man, married to Carolyn now, and I love her very much. I loved Sky Rumson very much, Angelique answers. I wasn’t responsible for that, Jeb says desperately. I hardly even knew Sky. The whole so-called conspiracy revolved around you, Angelique replies implacably, so I hold you responsible--as well as Nicholas. I intend to settle with Nicholas as soon as I’m through with you. Don’t you have any feelings at all? Jeb asks. I had them once, she answers. They all died when I found out the truth about Sky. Jeb implores her, If you won’t do anything for my sake, please think of Carolyn. Angelique says, I thought of Carolyn... a lot. I feel and identify with Carolyn. I am sorry she is going to be unhappy. I know how that feels. [Her compassion seems quite uncharacteristic.] But you haven't much longer to wait. In only a short time now, the shadow will be full grown. That will be the end of you. I will be there to witness it, Jeb, she gloats. I wouldn't want to miss it. Angelique! Jeb calls frantically, but she has vanished again. Standing in the middle of the room, he shouts defiantly, I’m going to find a way to beat it!

Chris uses Sky’s key to open Bruno’s front door. He listens at the door to the back room but hears nothing. He opens another door--and finds Sky Rumson hanging by his wrists. Help me, Sky whispers. The next moment, Bruno has Sabrina’s revolver aimed at Chris’s back. Good evening, Mr. Jennings, he says. Sabrina and I have been waiting for you.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2015, 09:51:22 PM »
Don Briscoe VO, about "strange and frightening" events.  Did Jeb write this?  Map of South America on wall in carriage house, plus map of an island-- Martinique?  Jeb meets Chris Jennings, Jeb not knowing CJ was the werewolf, Chris apparently knowing Jeb's changed?  Or just casually bluffing it out...  Ang and Sky remeet!  Gloat gloat gloat!  Nice scene.  Ang then leaves by the wrong door though, exiting into Jeb's old "sanctified" room, not by the front door.

Lots of characters in this ep, lots of shifts between short scenes in different places.  Nick comes to C'wood drawing room where Jeb happens to be, and gloats too.  As he leaves, he turns out the light, so Jeb can go back to hiding in the dark. 

The end was a surprise to me.  I forgot and didn't expect that Sky would turn out to have really betrayed Nicholas, to help Chris free Sabrina.  Chris comes, Sky is incapacitated in a creepily unspecified way (I stand corrected DL-- hanging by tied wrists I guess), either by brute force (Bruno) or a painful spell (Nick).  Bruno is there, in control of the situation, despite being on his own (?) without zombie assistance anymore.  End.  By Gordon Russell.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2015, 10:44:44 PM »
Nice catch about the maps at the carriage house, MT--I don't remember that at all. I wonder if the island is Martinique. Maybe DS Wiki has a frame grab.

Yes, this was an action-packed episode for a Thursday (at least I'm guessing it was a Thursday ep.).

So Sky turns out to be okay after all--? I guess he wants to get on the non-Leviathan side in case they win.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2015, 12:13:02 AM »
Don Briscoe reads what may be his last (?) voiceover--?

Nope, not his last.  [ghost_nowink]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2015, 12:51:28 PM »
Thanks, MB!

MT, apparently the maps aren't at the carriage house because it isn't in this episode. Are they in Bruno's place? All the frame grabs I could find show a painting of a sailing ship. Oh well.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2015, 02:37:53 PM »
I am loving Sabrina here! She's being held captive by a psycopath and a lackey and she is keeping her cool. Vicki and Maggie were in similar situations and didn't handle themselves nearly as well. She's smart enough to pick up on the tension between Bruno and Sky and is savvy enough to play them off against each other.

If Sky wasn't already emasculated, Angelique drops in to really humiliate him further. Angelique has it in for several characters here (Sky, Nicholas and Jeb). Nothing really new about that, except that this time the audience is more on her side. Angelique has definitely evolved as a character, as I do believe that she harbors no ill will towards Carolyn. The writers definitely seem to be positioning her to be a part of the Collins circle.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2015, 03:44:42 PM »
I agree, Uncle R. But I have to say that during her captivity, Maggie did a bit better than Vicki. True, she pretty much lost her mind and identity and almost her life, but she had just enough shreds of personality and sanity left to escape, with Sarah's help.

Sabrina is being held captive by not only a psychopath and a lackey but also (though unknown to her) by the devil himself.  [6042]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0974
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2015, 01:05:31 AM »
Thanks, MB!

MT, apparently the maps aren't at the carriage house because it isn't in this episode. Are they in Bruno's place? All the frame grabs I could find show a painting of a sailing ship. Oh well.

Bruno has a place?  I think this might be a new apartment or house that they haven't bothered to identify.  If there's been any indication that Bruno lives there, I guess it's his place.
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