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Discuss - Ep #0967
« on: September 02, 2015, 05:04:30 PM »
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2015, 08:59:49 PM »
Peter Bradford (yes, him) begins his plan for revenge by explaining things to Jeb. Originally, Vicki and Peter supposedly moved out West and lived happily ever after, but one supposes the writers couldn’t let anyone on Dark Shadows be happy. Or else Angelique’s curse destroyed them too. Mercifully, Barnabas never learns of their tragic fate.

Apparently the seemingly all-powerful Leviathan Supreme Being can be killed in a surprising variety of ways.

Jeb remembers Peter all too well (according to this revisionist history, at least) and reacts with horror to his sudden appearance. I kept you from killing Maggie Evans, Willie Loomis and Julia Hoffman, Peter gloats. I burned the Book and warned David about you. I put the noose around Bruno’s neck. I would have done the same to you--except that it takes a very special way to kill a Leviathan. In 1797 I knew what that way was--and was hanged for it. I was a living man in 1797, Jeb protests. You can’t kill me now. Then why are you so afraid? Peter says implacably. Can you feel my hatred for you? And truly, hatred emanates from Peter like steam from boiling water. It wasn’t my fault that Victoria Winters killed herself, Jeb argues. You sent her over the cliff at Widows Hill, Peter replies--and then I sent you over. I plan to make history repeat itself tonight. You can’t, Jeb protests. Peter continues as if Jeb hadn’t spoke: It may not be my hand, but someone will. When you go over the cliff, you will die the only way you can--by drowning! [So much for werewolves!] Terrified, Jeb tells him, You’ll never get me to Widows Hill. I did in 1797, Peter replies, just as you did Vicki. Turning sad and thoughtful for a moment, Peter says, I was in love with Vicki, and you ended it for us. Now I am going to end it for you and Carolyn. Jeb protests, horrified at the thought that Carolyn might get hurt. The implacable Peter says, I’ve waited a long, long time, and nothing will keep me from destroying you. Jeb says, If you do anything to Carolyn, I swear I’ll ki-- he realizes what he is saying and also realizes that Peter has vanished. Jeb picks up the phone and calls Carolyn (he dials a seven-digit number!). Desperately he warns her, Don’t leave the house, no matter what happens, even something strange and terrifying. I will come for you. Carolyn doesn’t understand but agrees. They check the time: it’s 1:30, and Jeb will arrive at 3:30.

Megan vamps Sky, then goes to the jail and vamps her husband. Can a vampire commit adultery by biting a man not her husband?

Philip is alone in his cell again when someone else comes to him and calls his name. He pulls up his collar to hide the bite marks. I won’t say anything to the doctor, he promises, thinking it’s Megan. But poor, half-mad Philip doesn’t even seem surprised when Peter Bradford materializes in the cell. I’m not going to tell you anything, Philip insists. Gently Peter replies, Mr. Todd, you don’t have to tell me anything. I know it all already. Philip is totally unfazed but comments, You aren’t real. I was, Peter says, and introduces himself. Throughout their conversation, his manner is gentle and sad. He says, Even though you’re living and I’m dead, and centuries separate us, we have one thing in common: We were both in love with women who were destroyed by the same man. Barnabas, Philip says promptly. Barnabas couldn’t help it, Peter says sorrowfully. I’ll get him! Philip rages, I’ll get them all! Even if you’re found innocent, Peter replies, they’ll still think you’re insane--unless you do exactly what I say. If you agree, I’ll unlock the door and you can get revenge on anybody you want. Philip seems pleased at this proposal.

Peter tricks Jeb into falling asleep and sets his clock back an hour.

Jeb abruptly wakes up and wonders what happened. He is about to phone Carolyn, but sees that the clock reads 2:00, so he thinks he has plenty of time. He gets his coat and opens the door--to find the ghost of Peter Bradford standing in the doorway. Carolyn isn’t home, Peter tells him. She is where Victoria Winters died. I won’t go to Widows Hill, Jeb replies. I warned Carolyn. She promised to stay at Collinwood. People break promises, don’t they? retorts the implacable Peter. You know all about that, Jabez Hawkes. Get out of the way, Jeb orders him. Peter sarcastically gestures for him to leave and smiles after Jeb is gone.

At 3:55, Carolyn phones the carriage house again, still remembering Jeb’s words: No matter what happens you must not leave the house. No matter what happens. No matter what happens. You must not. You must not. She opens the front doors, but remembers again: Something strange and frightening... strange and frightening, strange and frightening. Suddenly she decides to take the back path, and hurries through the servants’ door under the stairs. The next moment, thunder peals as Jeb rushes in and spots her blue suitcase. Carolyn! he screams but gets no reply.

Carolyn rushes into the carriage house, screaming for Jeb. She sees his suitcase but he is not there.

Jeb has searched upstairs and is running down to the foyer. Where is she? he wonders, then he hears Peter Bradford’s voice again: Where was Victoria Winters when she died? I don’t believe you! Jeb shouts back. Peter replies, I have waited a long time, Jabez Hawkes. A long, long time. I will do anything to destroy you. Anything! Anything!

Jeb runs to the windswept clearing atop Widows Hill. The waves break on the rocks far below. He is lit by flashes of lightning as he calls to Carolyn. She isn’t here! he decides. But I am here, says Philip Todd as he steps into the clearing. I was waiting for you, Philip says. _He_ told me you would be here when he let me out of jail. Jeb tries to make a break for it, but Philip says, It’s no use. Philip grabs Jeb and they struggle at the cliff’s edge. Finally they both fall to the ground. Philip kneels and starts to choke Jeb, whose head is actually off the edge of the cliff in midair. He screams with fear and horror as Philip shouts triumphantly, Tonight! Tonight you’re going to drown!....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2015, 09:12:25 PM »
Phillip VO.  WTF, PETER BRADFORD?!?  He should have said Stoddard was unavoidably detained, so he asked Bradford to step in.  One of the biggest, strangest questions hanging in the air of DS... What IS Jeb really, if he was born a few months earlier, yet was in 1796 making trouble for Collinwoodites?  The only thing that makes this revelation minimally acceptable is that we do know that the Leviathans' previous time and place was 1795 Collinsport.
A weird detail about that:  this confusing scenario with Jeb, Peter, and Victoria happened, of course, well after the moment when the Leviathans appeared to Barnabas.  So whatever they were up to in 1795, there was more to it than just sending Barnabas as a slave to 1969.  OR... after having botched up their plans in 1796, Oberhaza travelled back in time a few months to avert this, and rewrite their history, as Barnabas does.  YET... here's Bradford, telling us all about an erased set of events?  Maybe they weren't erased.  Nothing about the Barnabas encounter undoes Jeb at Widows Hill.

So Jeb can only die by drowning.  And werewolves.  He sounds fairly indestructible for a guy whom Nick said was just barely hanging onto existence.

Ooh, nice Megan vampire scene.  It looks good on her, I have to say.  We needed more of VampMeg.  Sky has an acceptable appearance.  Anybody looks good in a turtleneck.  Frankly, I think Sky is finally making some use of himself, as Megan's blood daddy.

Meg at cell with Phillip.  She doesn't seem to be pushing forward any sort of plan, as everybody else and his brother seem to be doing on DS.  She just remembered where there was some more easy blood.  Phillip has forgotten about the Leviathans too, but it doesn't help him.  Now he vaguely blames Barnabas for "everything", whatever it was.  It was affecting, hearing him try to grope in his memory for what went wrong.  He processes it as "too many outsiders".  This rings true somehow, it seems like something a person might think, in his spot.

Being bitten doesn't reduce Phillip's thirst for indiscriminate revenge.  Again, only on DS... moments after his vampire wife disappears (literally?  In front of him?), a ghost from the 18th century appears, in his cell: Peter!  Peter Bradford!! ... as Eve would have put it.  Is this Grand Central Station for spooks, Phillip doesn't think to say.  Bradford becomes P Todd's unsolicited revenge coach, and lets him wander off light-headedly into the night.

Jeb's words from their phone talk echo in Carolyn's head: STRANGE AND FRIGHTENING!!  Thunder and lightning!!  Mama mia, mama mia...

Bradford's revenge plans are as poorly thought out as his legal manoevers.  Phillip Todd, overpowering Jeb Hawkes?  End.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2015, 01:44:14 AM »
Due to the popular demand of, well, no one, we have the return of Peter Bradford.  It certainly seemed that it was Paul Stoddard who was haunting Jeb and company. Maybe the scripts had already been written and aired when it became apparent that Dennis Patrick would not be available to reprise the part. Roger Davis was probably in the area by now for the impending HODS shoot. The writers needed to come up with some kind of motivation for Peter to have a vendetta against a character that he never encountered in screen. The surprise reveal regarding [spoiler]Victoria Winters[/spoiler] was probably the best they could come up with. It may have been better to have Jeb bumped off by the werewolf or Angelique because this extremely odd twist poses far more problems than it resolved.

Carolyn remembers her dream in far more detail than is the norm for DS. I wonder why no one ever suggested having a seance to contact Paul and find out exactly what he wanted to tell her.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2015, 01:02:07 PM »
If Dennis Patrick was unavailable, they should have had Paul's ghost with his back to the camera instead or perhaps another actor playing the ghost, they have done this before.

I have tried to work it out that Peter Bradford's ghost is the work of Nicholas, to get even with Jeb by conjuring an image of Peter Bradford to scare him and appear to Phillip to kill Jeb.  The ghost somehow manages to make Jeb believe he once lived in 1796.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2015, 03:05:33 PM »
Interesting idea, Joey. I never thought that Nicholas might have brought Peter back, but it makes sense in a weird way.

Only on DS would the young girl who was supposed to be the heroine end up as a plot device. Even so, the whole 1796 thing makes no sense whatever.

I guess everyone was too busy being deprogrammed from Leviathanism to remember that they could have had a séance to ask Paul Stoddard what the heck was going on.

We should have had more of Megan as a vampire. She's nice and feral. Bernau is good in his scene with her and improves the scene with Peter, although even RD wasn't too bad here. Did he mess with his hair? I don't remember.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2015, 04:10:46 PM »
I have tried to work it out that Peter Bradford's ghost is the work of Nicholas, to get even with Jeb by conjuring an image of Peter Bradford to scare him and appear to Phillip to kill Jeb.  The ghost somehow manages to make Jeb believe he once lived in 1796.

If only!!

I guess everyone was too busy being deprogrammed from Leviathanism to remember that they could have had a séance to ask Paul Stoddard what the heck was going on.

But if Carolyn had learned the truth from her father via a seance and accepted it, then she never would have married Jeb - and apparently, God help us, their marriage was an essential part of the storyline. So, no seance meant no accepted truth, which meant that Carolyn could remain in her own enforced blissful ignorance, which was in turn vital for her to be able to marry Jeb...

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2015, 04:31:53 PM »
[spoiler]If the marriage had lasted more than a couple of weeks, I could see that.[/spoiler]I always thought that Carolyn and Jeb would have been the ideal candidates for a Rosemarys Baby storyline.[spoiler]As it is, the marriage of a major character has surprisingly little payoff.[/spoiler]
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2015, 04:43:53 PM »
[spoiler]As it is, the marriage of a major character has surprisingly little payoff.[/spoiler]

Though at least[spoiler]Carolyn gets some great grief scenes.[/spoiler]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2015, 12:05:13 AM »
The Jeb-Carolyn wedding was crucial to the Leviathans' plans, but because of that, I doubt that it was ever planned to happen.  This was the disaster that the good guys had to prevent.  A seance with P Stoddard could have been part of the culmination of the storyline, if Paul was originally meant to die, that is.

Last time around, Lydia had a good idea to make at least a bit of sense of Bradford's appearance.  The Leviathans first tried to use Vicki as their time traveler to get them to 1969, then she rebelled, was sent off the cliff.  Barnabas was their second choice (though again, they had to jump back a few weeks to get him when they did, without time travel help.)

It would be just like the writers to come up with a halfway plausible scenario for it all, then stubbornly refuse to lay it all out for us, with exposition.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2015, 12:08:37 AM »
Lydia's idea does make sense. Otherwise, why would Vicki voluntarily jump off the cliff?

Maybe we were supposed to infer all that, but I never did. I did think the Leviathans killed Vicki, directly or indirectly, but couldn't imagine why.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2015, 12:36:23 AM »
When I watched this on the original airing, I thought that the Leviathans had [spoiler]attempted their scheme earlier, with Vicki instead of Carolyn. Vicki had somehow figured out what they were up to, said "No way, Jose!" and offed herself to put an end to their plans.[/spoiler]
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2015, 01:49:15 PM »
That may make even more sense, UR.
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2015, 01:51:48 PM »
Except that, oops, Vicki and Peter were on the lam, and couldn't have stayed around Collinsport for any length of time, even if they'd wanted to.  Maybe the Leviathans provided a hideout?
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2015, 04:36:46 PM »
It wouldn't have been too difficult to come up with a plan to keep Peter and Vicki in Collinsport for a while. Maybe Joshua summoned them because of a situation with Daniel or Ben. Or perhaps[spoiler]they encountered the Leviathans somewhere else and returned to Collinsport as a last resort[/spoiler]
Fade Away and Radiate