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Discuss - Ep #0952
« on: July 22, 2015, 06:04:39 PM »
Robservations #952

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0952

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0952
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2015, 10:50:47 AM »
Barnabas seems to check Jeb's door to make sure he's hyperventilating enough to cover the sounds of his pyrotechnics.  Welcome back Megan!!  With gloves!  Julia's hair is getting longer.  Occurred to me to wonder when Barnabas actually decided Julia was a friend, as opposed to saying so to get what he wants (post 1795). 

In Collinwood's foyer, Jeb lurks invisibly by staying offscreen.  When Liz and Meg discover him, it's when the camera turns to reveal him.  "Then I changed to me."  Indication that he's now a traitor himself, he wants to be human.  Joan Stoddard has a difficult job.  She has to act thrilled at Jeb and enthusiastically subordinate, while still retaining Liz's personality.  It's strange seeing her do it-- I feel as if her acting bone's going to break.

Julia will guard Barnabas till they manage to wrench Willie out of whatever life he's made for himself... but what can she do to Jeb or even Bruno?

Ooh, nicely creepy and wrong kiss betwixt Jeb and almost-Mommy.  The weather turns angry.  Meg: "Who did you make angry?!"  End.
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0952
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2015, 07:08:06 PM »
I've always thought that when Barnabas says, "Get your coat, Julia, we're going" and he and Julia visit Dr. Lang, he (Barn) is on his way. But when he rescures her from Tom Vampire Jennings, we can see that he really has started to care in spite of himself--and only because Willie corners him.

How did you get out? Megan asks. I can move very fast when I have to, Jeb replies. I was out the [boarded-up!] window and away before anyone knew. When I was out in the country and alone, I changed back into Jeb and walked to Collinwood. [EVEN THOUGH he supposedly could change back to Jeb ONLY in the room!] Elizabeth goes to arrange some rooms (yes, rooms) for him at Collinwood.

JB does have to do some weird stuff to act loyal to Jeb and still be the Mistress of Collinwood.

Megan is getting jealous of anyone else Jeb pays attention to. But she tells him that she saw Barn in the crowd watching the fire.

Julia has just finished giving Barn his first injection when Jeb appears and says he knows Barn set the fire. Barn shouts defiance, then Julia returns after stowing her medical bag. She is just as shocked as Barn that Jeb appears hale and well. Still the master of his own house at least, Barnabas says pointedly that Mr. Hawkes is just leaving. But Jeb has the last laugh this night. Of course, he jeers, it’s almost dawn. He keeps laughing as he walks out.

Julia is almost overwhelmed with disappointment, but Barn notes with gentle concern that she's tired.

We haven't seen JK since Barn killed Carl Collins in 1897.

In the morning, Elizabeth meets Megan in the foyer as she prepares to visit Philip. Megan says, I’m worried about what people will say about my staying at Collinwood. We know the real circumstances, Elizabeth says firmly. Then she turns to practical matters. I want to show Jeb the carriage house as a new home, she says. I know Carolyn will like it--they seem to really care for each other, don’t they? she remarks dotingly. But Megan’s maternal obsession with Jeb has warped into quite another kind of obsession altogether. She has done a slow jealous burn. Yes, they seem to really care for each other! she spits and storms out of the house, leaving the oblivious Elizabeth puzzled at why her good friend and ally should not share in her daughter’s happiness.

Megan acts supportive with Philip, who tells her he confessed to protect her. He wants to move against Jeb, and Megan pretends to go along by saying that they have to pretend they're still loyal. If we’re loyal, Philip wonders, will Jeb confess to the murders? Jeb will find someone to take your place, Megan replies. Is that all I can hope for? Philip says, horrified. For some other innocent person to die in my place? I’m glad the shop burned down, he declares. I was beginning to hate it and everything it stood for. If I can get out of jail, we’ll go someplace new and start all over. Yes, darling, yes, Megan lies, looking right into his eyes. One good thing has come out of all this horror, Philip says. I have got you back again. He holds her tight, but as she turns her face away we can see her distaste at his touch.

Welcome, carriage house set! It does have a rustic charm and a free-standing fireplace. Elizabeth gushes that there's even a room where Jeb can change into his "higher" form. She wants to consult Barn, but Jeb rather sharply orders her not to. Jeb says flatly, Barnabas is no longer your leader. You are not to consult him on anything. Should I keep him out of Collinwood as well? Elizabeth asks, willing to go the extra mile for her leader. Not yet, Jeb answers. I want Barnabas to be an outsider, but not so far outside that he can’t see what’s happening.

At the Old House, Julia is asleep in one of the chairs by the fire when the sound of the basement door awakens her. She stands up to greet Barnabas with a smile. Though his face is still haggard, it is aglow with gratitude and even tenderness as he draws close. One more day safely past--thanks to you, he murmurs. I’m frightened, Julia says. Don’t be, he says still gently as he heads for the door. Don’t go out, she says. He tells her, No matter what happens, there is one more thing I must do.

Megan's weirdness continues: Megan returns to Collinwood. She observes to Elizabeth, How strange it must look that the woman whose husband was killed and the woman whose husband confessed to the killing are living under the same roof. Apparently in on the conspiracy, Elizabeth asks her, Will Philip stick to his confession? There’s no danger as long as Philip feels sorry for me, Megan replies scornfully. Are you feeling sorry for yourself? Elizabeth asks her. I have never been happier in my life, Megan declares. 

In his cell at the jail, Philip hears the squeaking sounds of a bat. The next moment, Barnabas is in the cell with him. Barnabas warns him to be quiet and offers no explanation of his arrival. No one knows I’m here, he says, and that’s how I want it to stay. Philip observes, There is something different about you, something strange. It frightens me. You mustn’t be frightened, Philip, Barnabas says, his face full of sadness. I’m here to help you. You’re accused of three murders you didn’t commit. And they are going to hang me for them, Philip says, but if I try to get out Megan will die. Jeb has made it clear that she is his hostage for my continuing good behavior. Megan is not his hostage, Barnabas says bluntly, she is his slave, his worshiper. At last Philip realizes the depth of his plight. I don’t know what to believe anymore, he says. I really thought I would be able to steal the box, and I almost did. Barnabas says, I understand that you had no more power over events than I did after Jeb changed me into a “vile creature of the night.” Philip backs away in fear. Don’t draw away from me, please, Barnabas almost pleads. I will not harm you. Philip tells him, I didn’t betray you to Jeb. He already knew all about you. Someone else betrayed you.

Megan is at the carriage house. She and Jeb are both laughing as she fills him in on her visit to her luckless husband. She declares, I wouldn’t go anywhere with that weak, spineless-- You loved him once, Jeb remarks. I thought I did, Megan replies--until my eyes were opened to the truth. I’m glad too that the shop burned down, because it kept reminding me of him. Here nothing does, and it’s perfect. She adds enthusiastically, I’ll consecrate the back room immediately so that you can change into your higher form. Jeb is strangely reluctant to let her consecrate the room. After some hemming and hawing, he finally says, I don’t want the room. I see no reason why I can’t remain in this form. You are what’s in that room, Megan reminds him. Jeb is only what the world sees. But the world seems to like it fine, Jeb smiles. You mean Carolyn Stoddard seems to like it fine, Megan says viciously. Jeb finally realizes what’s going on. What if she does? he asks with genuine male obtuseness. Megan rages, I didn’t give up everything in my life so that someone like Carolyn Stoddard could have another date to take her to dinner! Jeb turns away to hide his enjoyment of her jealousy. If you want Carolyn, it must be in the way the Book demands, the way the Leviathans demand, Megan finishes. Would you be jealous otherwise? Jeb asks. I’ve given up a lot for you, she says again. Jeb says, I’m tired of your thinking of me as Alexander or Michael, as someone you have a special hold over. Things have changed, things between us are different. That’s not true, Megan insists, mistaking his meaning. Jeb clears things up by grabbing her, pulling her close and kissing her hard. After an instant’s surprise, Megan wraps her arms around him and kisses him back even harder. He pushes her away and smiles, Aren’t they?

Now, we might suppose this is not technically incest, since Megan is only Jeb’s foster mother. But someone somewhere is quite displeased, as the two are startled by a loud thunderclap and lightning. The thunder continues to boom as all the lights go out, and they look around nervously. When the front door blows open, Megan rushes away from it. Jeb dashes to the door and stares outside, then steps back and grabs Megan’s arm as they hear slow footsteps approaching. Who is it? Megan demands, terrified. Jeb, who did you make angry?.....