Author Topic: OT: Returned from the Deep Blue Sea!  (Read 2744 times)

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Offline Gerard

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Re: OT: Returned from the Deep Blue Sea!
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2004, 12:51:44 AM »
Thank you, Midnite!

Yup, Raineypark, none-other than PD James!  Of course, the book store on board had Murder Room for sale, along with many of her other books, just so people could buy them and have her autograph them during her book-signing session in the library.  If I would've known she was going to be on board, I would've brought my own copy of one of her books from home to have her John Hancock in it.  She was absolutely charming, the theater/lecture hall (which also served as the planetarium) overflowing.

Speaking of the library, Connie, it has over 8,000 volumes, along with periodicals, CD-Rom's, computers, etc., anything you would fine in a professional library.  It is situated at the front of the superstructure, with panoramic windows overlooking the bow and the seas ahead.  It is a warm, inviting place, with writing tables and comfortable chairs and sofas.  A desk located in the center (where several of the noted authors on board had their book signings) is where Queen Elizabeth II sat when she was the first person to sign the guest register when she christened the ship.

For the most part, the water was calm.  There were occasional heavy seas, but the stabilizers kept movement to a barely perceptible minimum.  I only felt anything substantial (I wear the transderm anti-seasickness patch, since I get seasick if I stir my coffee too fast) late one evening (actually early one morning) while in the night club called G32.  Since it was so late and most passengers had retired, the stabilizers were shut off to decrease drag and the QM2 began a gentle but somewhat substantial roll.  I and others sat at the bar and watched with fun glee as the level in the hootch bottles ran from one side to the other.  And then our fascination - along with that of the bartenders - was caught when a bottle of Jack Daniels would tip over and balance on its edge, return to center, and then tip to the other side, again balancing on its edge without falling completely over.  Of course, the amount of libations enjoyed by many in the night club, which would've put Roger Collins to shame, might have had something to do with that apparent phenomenon.  The one weather problem that was more frequent on the north Atlantic was fog.  At one point, one could only see a third-way down the promenade deck.  But it was rather romantic and mysterious, as we sailed away in that thick blanket, everything around us muted by its heaviness, even the sound of the water washing against the hull far below soft and distant, the mournful but assuring call of the foghorn echoing through the mist.


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Re: OT: Returned from the Deep Blue Sea!
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2004, 01:00:39 AM »
Hi Gerard welcome back.!
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Re: OT: Returned from the Deep Blue Sea!
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2004, 03:32:24 AM »
This all sounds too good to be true!  That library -- from the sound of it, I'd be happy to just stay there.  lol
How much time did you actually get to spend with your feet on land??  Did you spend any time in Scotland?
I was wondering if you got a lot of good pictures.  If so, do you think you might be able to post some?  (if this isn't the appropriate place, maybe on a webpage or something?)
(only if it's not too much trouble of course)

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Offline Gerard

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Re: OT: Returned from the Deep Blue Sea!
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2004, 03:16:58 PM »
You could literally spend all day in the library, Connie!  As a matter of fact, I jokingly said to one of the minor officers who was up there when I went up to do some quiet reading myself that I would love to work there (since one of my degrees is in library science).  She replied that they are looking for another person with experience to work there.  I actually thought about it for a moment.

In Scotland, we spent an entire day in Edinburgh (docking in South Queens Ferry and having to travel back and forth from ship to shore by tender).  I and my friend had been in Edinburgh before, so we just walked about, did window shopping, had lunch in a pub, and sat around in parks rather than doing tours of all the places we had seen once before.  However, the day before, as we cruised along the Scottish coast, the Royal Coast Guard treated us to a demonstration of life-saving practices as sea.  A helicopter came along side the ship and very cautiously and with incredible precision maneuvered itself over the bow, where scores of passengers had gathered (including myself) and - with both ship and helicopter moving - floated between the crane masts right above our heads with literally a few feet to spare between the whirling blades and davits, we all reaching up trying to touch the landing pads.  It then moved forward where it lowered a man onto the forecastle (very forward tip) of the bow.  It then momentarily flew away and returned, removing the "victim" who pretended to be injured and had to be lifted from a moving ship.  Then it swooped to the side where it dropped another man into the churning water and then "rescued" him.  We all applauded wildly at the end of the demonstration.

In Norway we went to three ports, spending four days there on dry land (at one port we stayed overnight).  I have one Norway story to tell and then I'll shut up.  We were warned about how expensive the nation was.  Of course, by that, we thought it would be New York expensive or even London expensive.  Were we in for a shock.  While I was at the purser's desk exchanging some American moola for Norwegian clankenhoorgenegers (or whatever they're called), another man came up and wanted to exchange 20 dollars.  The girl behind the counter said, tongue in cheek, "Only 20 dollars?  Are you planning on buying just a cup of coffee?"  Anyway, on shore, I and my friend decided to have lunch and went to a nice cafe.  As the usual northern climate constant rain had broken for awhile, we ate outside in the glorious sunshine.  Since we were in a wondrous foreign land, we decided to sample some local cuisine and we each ordered a cheeseburger platter.  It included a cheeseburger, french fries and an orange soda.  And then we got the bill.  Fifty dollars.  Yup, that's right, fifty dollars.  Needless to say, we didn't buy another thing in Norway.  One crewmember, while on shoreleave, decided to treat some of his fellow crewmates to a couple rounds of drinks.  There weren't many of them in their little party.  And then he got the bill...........five-hundred dollars.  He was stunned and had to use a credit card his parents (from Greece) had just sent him "for emergency use only."  He didn't know what was more traumatic:  the bill, or having to explain to his soon-to-be very angry parents about that upcoming charge.

My friend took pictures and is still transferring them from those teeny discs in his camera to large CD's on his computer.  It's going to take him awhile.  He took over 4,000 pictures.  Then he'll send copies of the CD's to me.  Then I'll post all of them on here.  I'm sure Midnite won't mind!


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Re: OT: Returned from the Deep Blue Sea!
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2004, 06:23:40 PM »
Wowie!!  A cruise has always been one thing that I've never been particularly interested in, but this has made me reconsider!!!  (Not that it's likely to make any difference, but I can add it to all the other things I'd like to do!)

Offline jennifer

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Re: OT: Returned from the Deep Blue Sea!
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2004, 02:20:24 PM »
welcome back Gerard funny i just finished The Murder Room and would crawl
across the floor with Rainey to see her! i see she is 84 i hope she can write
at least a few more! sounds like you had a nice time!!!


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Re: OT: Returned from the Deep Blue Sea!
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2004, 01:12:53 PM »
Welcome Back!  It seems like a few of us has done some interesting, some weird and some we haven't heard from yet, this summer.
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Re: OT: Returned from the Deep Blue Sea!
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2004, 02:53:07 AM »

Welcome back to the mainland!  Your accounts are fascinating.  Like Jennifer, I had never considered going on a cruise -- but my idea of one has never come anywhere near the grand, historic, and enriching voyage you experienced. 

You'll have to post pictures of the highlights, as well as of yourself before and after losing the 10 lbs.  8)
