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Discuss - Ep #0939
« on: June 12, 2015, 04:59:54 PM »
Robservations #939

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0939[/url]

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0939
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2015, 06:50:12 PM »
Welcome, zombie Sheriff Davenport! He is the first zombie since 1897, when Quentin and Sandor each did a stint.

I guess it's the evening of the day of Paul Stoddard's funeral. Carolyn and Maggie almost argue over the Todds. Carolyn apologizes and goes out for a breath of air. The sheriff reaches the terrace before she does but skulks in the shrubbery when she arrives, followed shortly afterward by Jeb. He actually succeeds in sweet-talking her. And she is the first person to disturb his boundless egotism. I don’t know what to make of you, she says. Do you find me repulsive? he asks (and he should know). How can I? she answers. I don’t even know you. [good one, Carolyn!] They talk about fate a bit--she doesn't believe, he does and promises her that tomorrow she'll see that he's right. What happens tomorrow? Carolyn asks. We are going to be married, he announces, his irritating cocksureness shining through. Carolyn is indignant and appalled. She turns to leave, and he grabs her arm, shouting, You wait a minute! I haven’t finished talking to you yet! Let go of my arm! Carolyn shouts back, shocked and insulted. Jeb says, Suppose I were to tell you that it was written somewhere that you and I were supposed to be together. This cuts no ice with Carolyn. I would say you were crazy, she replies promptly. Now Jeb loses it too and shouts back, Don't you ever say that to me! You don't know who you're talking to! Carolyn isn’t fazed. Let go of my arm, she warns him, or I’ll scream. Jeb looks at her for a moment as if he’s about to throw a tantrum, then lets go of her arm. Without another word, Carolyn runs back to the house. Jeb leaves the terrace, and a moment later, the sheriff follows him.

Maggie is still downstairs, turning off the lights and showing a great deal of hamstring. Carolyn rushes in, angry and upset, but hurries off upstairs with hardly a word. Barn arrives a moment later, and he and Maggie compare notes. Maggie reports her lack of success in getting Carolyn to stay away from the Todds. She asks why this is important, but Barnabas says he can't explain. He asks her to keep watching Carolyn. Maggie promises to do whatever he wants her to. I’m glad I can count on you, Barnabas says. Do you know why I will? she replies. Because I have never known anyone to be as concerned about someone else as you are about Carolyn. Taking his hand and smiling at him, she adds, I'm glad you came back to Collinwood. Barnabas replies warmly, And I am glad to be back--to reality, to friends, especially you. He strokes her hand with his own.

Now a latchkey Leviathan, Jeb lets himself back into the shop--with the sheriff at his heels. Poor Davenport recognizes his murderer and asks why Jeb has called him from the grave. Jeb explains that the sheriff is only the first of Jeb's zombie army and threatens to send him back to the grave if he disobeys.

The next morning, Carolyn (still in black) is in the drawing room, having received a dozen long-stemmed red roses with a card. It’s a very small card, but perhaps Leviathan script is tiny but still legible. She helpfully reads the card to herself: Dear Carolyn: First, I'm deeply sorry about last night. My heart and mind went separate ways. I followed my heart. Second, may we, by mutual agreement of course, meet tomorrow at eight? Love, Jeb. Carolyn smiles faintly as she gets a vase from the breakfront by the fireplace. Barnabas arrives and admires the flowers--until he finds out who sent them. Carefully hiding his reaction, he tells Carolyn that Maggie spoke to him about Jeb. Carolyn laughs off the incident and goes to get some water. Barnabas realizes that Jeb is even more dangerous than he thought and decides to kill him--tonight.

That afternoon, at the antique shop, Jeb is arguing with Philip over the phone. (He has dressed for his impending wedding by changing the red pullover for a slightly heavier pale gold nubbly one.) I have everything under control, he insists. You and Megan can stay out as long as you like. I don’t need you to watch over me. I hope you understand that--for your own good. A moment after he hangs up, Barnabas arrives. I realize that I can’t dissuade you from the course you’ve taken, Barnabas says. I want to reach an understanding for the sake of our mutual cause. I realize we’ve been at odds ever since you became fully grown. If we continue this way, we will jeopardize our mutual goal, so I suggest we become friends. I promise to obey and abide by your decisions. I knew you would come around, Jeb replies smugly, but I’m surprised it happened so quickly. So you accept my offer? Barnabas asks. Jeb replies, I will accept any offer--of obedience. Barnabas proposes a toast and offers to fetch the bottle that the Todds keep in the back room. After checking to make sure Jeb isn’t watching, he takes out a vial and pours its contents into one of the drinks. He hands Jeb a glass and proposes a toast to their success. (Actually he’s supposed to be trying to poison him but I think Jonathan gives him the wrong glass!) Jeb raises the glass to his lips, then says he wants to propose the toast himself: To Carolyn Stoddard, and her future with me. Say it like you really it, he orders. Barnabas complies, pausing only a moment before saying the “future” part. They drink. Barnabas watches Jeb carefully.........

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0939
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2015, 11:54:06 AM »
Lara VO?  (In her own undimpled voice?)  I give great credit to anyone willing to submerge under dirt with no eye protection.  Thank you, forget actor's name though.  So it's not very good credit after all.  No caskets in Collinsport?

What's the world look and feel like, to zombie Davenport?  He pauses long enough for us to try to read it on his face.  Good scene.

After seeing Jeb try to make time with Carolyn, I think zombie Davenport has more of a chance with her...

Barnabas tries to poison Jeb, end.

DL-- Showing a lot of hamstring-- suddenly unsure exactly where the hamstring is.  Will Google because this is probably funny.  Latchkey Leviathan, funny...

It's just so sad, isn't it, that Davenport has to choose this existence because going back to the grave is even worse.  He's the most affecting part of the storyline right now. 
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0939
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2015, 05:49:40 PM »
The hamstrings (there are three of them) are the long muscles on the backs of the thighs. Don't know how they got that name, though.

According to DS Wiki, KLS read the voiceover for this episode. The practice seemed to be that whatever actress was actually in the episode read the VO, and Lara wasn't in this one.

Yes, nice scene as Davenport begins his new zombified existence. The actor--Ed Riley--takes a moment, allowing us the chance to wonder what, if anything, is going through Davenport's mind, or what passes for one when you're a zombie. I guess he has enough of a mind that he doesn't want to return to his grave, poor guy.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0939
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2015, 06:43:36 PM »
That was the practice about the opening narration alright, though it wasn't always the case. Once DC was informed that Alexandra Moltke had to be paid for delivering the opening narration even if she was not otherwise in the episode, the task was given to other cast members. Usually, it was someone who was not in the opening scene but not always.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0939
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2015, 06:22:27 AM »
Thanks.  I did realize that, practically speaking, they're going to have the VO done by someone who was actually at work that day, after AM was no longer our official spokesman for the show, to theviewers.  I write these notes as I see things, and forgot to rethink that note about Lara after seeing she wasn't in it.
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