Author Topic: Next 4 Episodes - #67-70  (Read 667 times)

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Next 4 Episodes - #67-70
« on: July 20, 2004, 07:48:12 AM »
I finally got around to watching 4 more episodes today. :)  Here are my thoughts about them...

#67 - This was the first appearance of Mrs. Johnson (Clarice Blackburn).  I found out in this episode that her first name was SARAH!!   ;)  She was dressed quite attractively, and looked younger than I remember.

#68 - The opening outdoor filmed scene of Roger walking and waving outside was shown before.  I enjoy watching outdoor scenes - they were nonexistent later on in the show.

Sheriff Patterson informed Roger about a FRACAS between Matthew and Burke.  Not a word that is used very often nowadays.  I must admit, I did not know how to spell this word until I looked it up in the dictionary just now!!  ::)

Another fun word used today was Carolyn's saying that Joe was a SQUARE!!  I used to use that word!!  It really dates the show, doesn't it??  8)

David hates Vicki during these early episodes, and was a spoiled brat.  >:(  I remember them being quite fond of each other later on in the show.  It is quite different now - interesting to watch how their relationship started.

Roger spoke in contradictory terms about David during this episode.  Roger told David he was a "big man".  Then a few minutes later, Roger said that David was "only a child" when he was six yrs. old - that was only 3 yrs. prior, and David was STILL a child at the age of nine!! :D

I loved how Roger actually was talking to David like a decent human being, even though Roger had an ulterior motive.  :P  Great scene at the end of the episode when Roger asked David who he would rather get rid of, himself or Vicki!!

#69 - I was disappointed!!  I wanted to hear David's answer!! :o

Carolyn sure was bored and spoiled.  She hated not getting her way.  ::)  She went from Joe to Burke without batting an eyelash!!  :- 

#70 - The first time we see the Old House!!  It sure was enlightening to see what it looked like before Barnabas lived there.  I was surprised to see the steps outside the front door - I don't remember them being used later on in the show.  Great outdoor scenes - even though it was dark - it made it seem more spooky that way. :o

This episode also was the first time we saw a ghost!!  It was GREAT to watch Josette walking out of the painting.  Pretty spooky to watch her dancing outside.  Did Kathyrn Leigh Scott play her in this episode??   ???

Well, that's it for this installment.  I will post again when I see the next few episodes!!  I hope you all are enjoying reading this as much as I enjoy writing this!!  :D

----- Sally -----  8)
----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]

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Re: Next 4 Episodes - #67-70
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2004, 07:52:47 PM »
I just am at the point when david and vicki are heading for the old i stopped at that point with some thoughts burning in my pea brain......

1/  I still see Rogers scar but its a different shape and close when he is sitting behind his can see it....a lot smaller but still visible....

2/  the clock behind his desk says 1032 when he first arrives for work.....wish i had such great hours......anyway....some 10 minutes later you can see the clock again..and the time hasnt changed......ha ha ha

3/  carolyn sure plays the hot again cold again girlfriend of  poor joe......although joe is used to her mood swings by now.....its still amazing he doesnt let her teasing get the best of him.....

4/  interesting that sheriff patterson hasnt put matthew morgan in the picture for the demise of malloy....[spoiler]after all it was morgan who "found" the body and pushed it back out to sea[/spoiler] a kid i remember how creepy thayer david seemed as morgan......and i really dispised his character......wish the blue whale scene woulda had burke take morgan and through him thru a window or something...

5/   david vs. vicki in the drawing a scene with david throwing furniture and knocking stuff off the table.....i remember thinking how david was so cool back when i first saw this....but now as an old person all i want to see is vicki take something and beat the crap out of him.......

6/   i know this is a bit over the top......but when you walk in to the blue whale, you see what looks to be a round toilet seat on the wall.....its supposed to be a life preserver from a boat......but it looks like a toilet seat to me.........ha ha ha

7/  mrs johnson and burkes scenes from burkes hotel room were magnificent.......

8/  vicki wore her hair up for the first time that i noticed....and she is very attractive that way....

Well.....i cannot remember the old house visit from my original viewing of this back in sept 66......i might of missed that ep because of softball practice or something....but i am looking forward to it.......i just love these old on with the show!!!!!!! ::)
" When I gave Davey Collins the crystal ball I hoped he would see that I was his real father, and not that abusive Roger Collins!

Only Laura knows the truth regarding Davids paternity, and i am sure she remembers the back seat of that car Roger crashed.

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Re: Next 4 Episodes - #67-70
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2004, 02:34:52 AM »
you guys are making me so nostalgic...these were(again)the eps. that hooked me.i remember vicki wearing her hair up in that scene where she walks into the drawing room,books in arms,to find david.wasn't he hiding behind the drapes?she was so "miss winters;governess" in those days.i think this was the first time david mentioned his mother specifically.foreshadowing of laura.i wonder if the writers knew then what laura was really going to be about? :-X
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